Page 78 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 78
12-Population rurale et urbaine du Canada, par provinces, 1901-1951.
12-Rural and Urban Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1901-195l.
NOTIll: Pour Ics ,'ec Illlcmcnt unlérieurt!, voir Annuaire NOT": For provioua oen"uses, 800 Ycar Book, 195[-52
105l-62, p. 53. p. 53.
Terre-Neu'·o....... Nowfollndlnnd........ ......... ~ 257.030
LI<>-<lu·P.-É........ P. E. J.............. B8,3()01 ..'iB:76R ...... i;Ù22 ....67:65:i 70,707 70.807
Nouvcllo-Ecoeso.... NovI, Seolin.......... 330,101 300.210 2QO,790 281, l\l~ 310,422 344 ,865
Nouv.-Brunawiok... N. Brunawiek ...... 253.835 252,342 26:1,132 270.27\1 313,978 3'18.18.'>
001,R:l3 1.038,U:I~ 1.0:17,941 1,061.056 1,222,198 1.326.88.'i
8~t~;i~·.........'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.246.0UIJ 1.198,80:~ 1. 221.030 1.335.691 1,449.022 1.844.316
Mnnit·ohn.............................. 184,775 201,02U 308,~02 384,170 401.87J 302,112
8DSltut.ebowsD ..••...•..••••••..• ~ ....•. 77,013 361,037 1j3!l, 6.52 030,880 000,846 401,047
AlbertoQ................................ 61 ,'IHII 236.6013 305,650 463.007 489.583 451.:113
ColoOlbie·Brit.. , ... Drit. Colu.muin...... 88,0178 188, tUn 277,020 290.524 314.407 650.158
yukon.......•••...................... 18,077 4,647 2.851 2,870 3.117 5.478
Torr. du N,-O...... N.-West Terr......... 20,12\1 6,501 8,143 9.310 12.028 10.004
C ...N ... O.......................... J,U7,09S 3,913,696 (2) 4,436,827 4,104,721 6,254,231 6,068,207
Terre.Nouve Newfoundlnnd . ]04,371
n<l-rlu-p.-J!:•....•.. P. E. 1. . .... i·i;966 ....14:970 .. ·.. ïil;ciù:i ....2o;~~i, ....24;3.401 27.622
Nouvell -Ecoaso NO"n Seolil\ . 129.383 180, 128 2~7,U:I1i 231,054 267,MO 297,719
NU\lv.-Brunawick N. Brt!llSwiok. . 77,286 99,5'17 1~4.·I.JoI 12.R.940 143,42:1 167.612
Québeo........•.........• , ••......... 651,0(15 966,842 I,B~~.:JO!l J.l.'i1:I.BUti 2,loo,!;HI 2.728.708
OUto..r' 10 ..•. " ••...•.•••••••..••••••.••• O!l.~. 810 1,328,489 l ,700, t1:i~ 2, !~)11, 0\12 2, 33R, C,:l:~ 2.153,226
Manitoba -••...•......... 70,436 200..!!66 261 ,tllU :ll~.ijllii :l'zl,8n 384.4.29
Bnskl\t.chowl\n . 14.266 J31,~96 218,1):.8 ~90.90!i 29;>,1441 370.081
Alberta. . 111,633 137,662 222,ij04 2711,601:\ 300,611tl 488.188
Colombie-Bri! BriL. Columbin . 00.110203,684 247,662394,739443,304 616,Oli2
yukon.......................•........ Q, I.e! 3,86& 1,306 1.360 1,797 3,618
l'crr, du. N.-O N.-West Torr .
C...,I-\D 2,014,222 3,272,947 4,152,122 5,572,051 6,252,4161 7,941,222
Il Comprl.e dans loa Terrltolroa du Nord-Ouest. (1) Ineludod ln NorLbwest Territorle•.
2 Marino noyrJe Canadlonne comprise dan.s le Lolal (2) RoyrJ Canadlan N..vy locluded ln rural tot..l.
d. ~8 populll.LIOD rurale. •
13-Superficie et densité de la population de. cités de la province de Québec.
13-Area and Density of Population of Citie. in the Provinc.. of Quebec.
Population, 1051 Populntion Augm. ou diminution
BuporB.olo [ncrealt! or DecreBJJe
ou mille9
CITÉS oarrée Par mille
- - Totale eDrré
CITIES Aren in - - 1041 1031 10H-51 1931·41
8Q116ro 1'0....1 Pern':a~Qro
--- -----
Arvida.................. 12.73 11.078 870.23 4,581 1,790 6,491 2.791
Beauh..rnoi~............. I.MI 1 6.004 3.721.57 3,550 3.729 2,144 ---·170
C"p-de-la.Mudeleine...... 6.1\8 18.M7 2,7Ilo1.46 11,061 8.718 6,706 a,213
Cblcoutîlni.............. 8.20 n.2ttl 7,255.00 16.04U 11.877 7,176 4,163
Drummolldville.......... 4.Hi 14,341 3,1>17.36 10, uilt. 6.600 3,786 3.0t6
Grnnbr,............ , ..... 2.01 21,tla9 7.55(;'3'6 14.101 10,687 7,702 3.610
GrBnù M.~re........ , . , .. 3.48 11,0811 1 3,11S6.tO 8,G08 0.40J 2,481 2,147
Hull .................... 0.25 4a,~811 0,057.28 32.0'17 20.433 10,636 3.514{> ................. 2.72 16,004 5.005.88 12,749 10,765 3.315 1.084
]..îJ.cldne..• , . , •..•.••.... 4.flQ :!7,77:1 6,021,76 20,01il 18.630 7,722 1,421
J.6vis................. , . 3.6:3 13, 1f12 3.nB.61 11 ,09\ Il,724 1,171 207
l.ongueull.......•.•..... J .1·1 Il,103 0,730.47 7,087 5,407 4,016 1.080
Magog..........•...... 4.lJ2 12.423 3,090.aO 0,0:14 6.302 3.380 2.732
Montréal. ............... 50.40 1,021,620 20.268.20 003.007 818.571 1I8.51B 84 ,430
Norandn................ 14.2'1 0,612 679.21 4.5713 2.24(\ 5,006 2.330
Outremont.............. 1. 63 aO.057 19,6<15.10 30.761 28.641 -004 2.110
Québec.................. S.OO IM,016 J~,2H .27 150,71i1 130.604 13,259 20.163
Rivière-du-Loup ......... 7.fl6 9,425 1,2:lO.·12 8.713 8.400 712 214
Rou~n.................. 00 14.M3 3,120.[)4 8,808 3.225 5,825 5,583
Bt-l yneintbo........ : ... " 2.42 20,236 8,:Hil.08 17,798 13,448 2.438 4,350
ISt-Jcnn................. 3.20 19.305 0.032.8l la ,6~6 J l.266 5,659 2.300
8t-Ur6mo............... B.flO 11.685 l ,20:!. 88 11 ,32() 8.967 O.35il 2,:Hj~
fit-Lambert.............. 3.31 8,015 2,002.72 6.417 0.075 2.108 342
Salilberry·de-V..Ueyfi.old... 3.48 22,414 6.440.80 17,052 11.411 6,362 5,041
Shawinigan 1<'alla......... 2.1i2 26,1103 10.071i.70 20.325 15.34& 0,li78 4,980
Bliorbrooko..••.......... 10.53 60.643 4,70n.91 36,96.5 Z8.QU3 14,678 7.032
Sillery.................. 2.75 10.:170 1 3,773.09 4.21'l 2.790\ 0.102 1.420
Sortitl .• ~ ~ ....•..... , •.... 3.aS 14.\ltll 4,1126.33 12.20'1 10.320 2,710 1,931
Thelford Mines.......... 4.05 Ir..ont. 3.0111 .40 12,710 10,701 2,370 2,015
Trnilf,.,FHvièree....•....•.. ü.BU 40.07cl 7.1HU.0r, 42,007 al} ,450 4,061 6,6u7
Verdun ................. 2.2!1 77.301 81,704.48 67.340 !.i1J.74::, 10,042 0,604
Wealmount.............. 1. ü3 25.222 16,484.97 20.047 2t,235 -825 1,812