Page 80 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 80

68                            POPULATION
              14-Population des villes de la province de Québec, 194] et ]951.
             14-Population of Towns in the Province of Quebec, ]94] and 1951.

            VILLEB-TOWNB        10il  1051       VILLES-TOWNS       1041  1961
       Act,on Val•. " .. ,',  .  2.8611  3,367  1...vnl-sur·le-Lac  .  312  180
       Amos ..........•..... ,  ,  .  2,002  4,2û!")  Le Moyno..............•.. ,  .  4,078
       Artbnh".ka.....•....•.. ,  .  1.883  2 1 H21  Lenuoxvi.11e...•.....•...•..•.•. , .. "2: i60  2,805
       Asbestos.................•...•.....  ~. 711  g, !!ln  Lorottovillo..................•....  2.6()1  4.382
       Aylm r           ,     .  J, 11~  4,375  1louisovllIe........•...............  3,0'12  4.088
       Ba~otvillo ...........•.. ,  .  Il,248  {, tar.  Moe\<,,~'viJle..................•....  6.494
       ~!lie-~~ftt'  ,        .  2&\  3,\172  Mnll\rtLo.....................•.... "2;00.5'  5,083
        ;l~~ro:              ,.  l,tJ4H  no  Mapl. Grovo.........•.. ,  .  378  1117
       Barl<Joerc  ,   ,      .   4(J   001  Marieville ..............•.. , .. ,  .  2, ~O.j  3,117
       Beaoonsfield  , ........• ,  .  700  1.~8  Matano.•. ,  , .•... ,  .  4,633  6,3'15
       Beo.ucovHle     , ,    .  899  I.HU  M6Ilnnlic       ,     .  4,5i10  6, lM
       Bealll,cvillo-E.t.-EnsL ........•.. ' .  1,231  1. ,,73  Miotaosin.i  , ....• , . ,  .  1,2\)4  2,2U8
       BOr>upo,·t..................•.. , ....  3,726  0.390  Mont-Joli.  , .. , , .....•.... ,  .  3,533  4,038
       BeMord              , .•..  1,007  2,07~  Mont-Launer  , .....•...  2,061  1,701
       Bell tarro   ,      , .•..     1,011  MontmagDY...................•. , .  4.5x5  5.844
       llclœil.            , .•.. '2:008'  2,1192  Montnlol'oney  ,  .  5,303  6,817
       BerUliorville.............•..•.. , ....  2,634  3,325  Montré"I.Est-.E,,"~  ,  .  2.3M  1.1)13
       B1aok Lake..•........... , , •.. , . , ..  2,270  2,800  Mootréal-Nord-Norl,h  , ..•...  0,152  H,ORI
       Uaurlamaque  ,  , ,  ,  .  1,010  2.460  lI"lon~réol-Ouest.-We~t  .  8.474  3,721
       BromptoDville.........•....•.. ,  .  1.072  '2.02ti  Montréol-Bud-Soutb  .  1,441  4,21'!
       Buckingham       "   ".  ,U16  6.129  Mont-Royal. ..................•...  4.B81l  Il,352
       Codillao..............•.... ,  .  ~ ,7sn  1.5H  Nieol t.,  .  3,701  1,081
       8?~~":~-d~If~~.·::::::::::::::::::::  280  5,734  Olea-our-le·Lae,  .', , , ..•...... ·',di.  8:21i'
       Ch~·lA.ll\uguay    ,   .  1,4~0  2,2<10  Pointe-Clairc     .  4,5~O  8,7&3
       Ch~toallgll"Y Heighta  , ....•.... ,  627  Pont-Viou  ,    .  1,342  5,120
       Conticook          ,  "  4.414  6,341  Port-....lfred ................•.. ,  .  3,2~3  3,9:\1
       Cook.hire.. ,  ,  , .. , ,  .  877  1,200  PrMille         .         104
                                2.011  3,138  Québec-Ouest.-West  . 'ùio  7.20C,
        ~~~;niJ~:üiG.·. '. ::::::::::::::::::::: . 8,480  4,4:11  Il.iehmoud  ,  .  a,n8~  3,471
       DoUry                  '  816  1 ,1111                       1,222  1.IHO
       Dolbonu.......••.....• , , .. , .•.....  2,847  4,307  Ri~~udo'ù '. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : :  7,000  11,565
       Dononcooa ........• , ........•.....  3,OÔ4  3,G63  Riverbend  ,  , .•.. ,  .  276  278
       DorioD        , .•.. ,  1  1,292  2.'113  Robervol.    ,   .  3,220  4.H97
       Dorval        ,   ,    .  2,048  li ,203  Roxboro   ,    ,  .  23    'IC,!)
       Duparquet...................•... "  1,384  1,485  Salluonay  .
       Ell8t Angus..........• , .•..........  3.501  3,714  Ste-Agathe-deo-Monl.~  . .'8:308 ..n; 1G9
       Forobarp...............•. , .. , ... '  4,O....1i  4,926  StiJ-Anno-de-Bellovue  , ..• ,  .  9.00&  3,342
      &ilt~irrJ~::::"::::::::::::::::~:::  2,!l22  5,771  St-F.ustfLehe...........• ,  ,  . .  1,[064  2,.GIIJ
       Groonfield Purl<. ..................•. ï:liiù  3,370  Sta-Foy  ,  .  2.G82  6.236
       Hamllstood    , . ,  ,  .  1,074  3,200  St-Oeorgea-Est.-F:, t  .  1,0'15  2,667
       Hnutoili'l>.................•........  283  Bt-Georg o·Ouc~t-We'lt  ,  .  2,601
       ~on...........•...•.......• " i:062'  2.806  St-Joseph....................•.... .[,:556  O,li76
      lberville.............•....•........  3,404  6,186  Bt-Jo.eph-d'A1Jl1fL  .  Il.440  7,1)75
       I1e·Codioux  , . , •....•........  6  12  fOWoscph·d&oSorcl. ....•...........  .,  ~07  3,~H9
      Ile-D rva]. ...............•...... ··  17  St-LfLurent      . 6:212  20,'120
       Ile-Maligne..........•.. , .•...... ' .  455  482  St-UoDard·de-Port-Mil\,lrien  .  61B  7~2
      ILeo·Lnv"I. ..... , ...•... , ........•..  35!l  ·140  St-Michel. .•......... , •...... , ,  .  2,05&  10,530
       JlIeques-Cartior  ,    .      22,160  St-Ours  ,           .   600   703
                               13,700  21,618  St-Pierro  ,  "  ,  .  4,001  4,076
       rt6n~~:~r::::::::::::::::::::::::: Il,onl  0,895  Bt-Romi  ,  , ,  , •.. '"  1,4:H  1,1)'15
       L'Aberd-à-Plnuffo      .  1.'113  4,604  Sto-R08e........•....•..•........•  2~·2n2  3,(1110
       Laohuto         , .. ,  .  Il,3tO  6,179  Sto·Tltérèse..... , ..•..............  4,61)0  7,038
       Lao St-Jooopit...........•..........  13  16  St-Tito.........•..•.. , .....•.....  2,BR5  2,856
       Lao-Serlton t, , ....•.....•.. , , ..•..•.  i4}  128  Seotstown .........•. , ,  , .•.  1,273  I,SuO
       LILprnino..•.....•....•..•..•.•..  2,O:.1~  4,058  Sept-n  ,  ,  .  l,tW6
       Lo.snllo., .............•....... ,  .  4,MI  11,633  Tômiacnming  ,  , , , ••..... , .  "2',i08'  2,71i7
       La Barro               .  2.. lü7  2,744  'l"errebonoe..........•............  2,200  3,200
       L'Assomption  ,      ,  .  1,820  2,688  Trois-Pisloles .....•...............  2,170  8,537
       La Tuque  , ..............•...  7,1l19  0,638  Vol·d'Or... , ...............•......  4,385  8,685
       Laurentides..............•..• , . , ...  1.3·12  1,466  Va1-St-Miobel.  , ..  a16  680
       Lauzon..................•.........  7.877  9,5013  VletorinviUe  ,  .  8,616  13,124
       Lavnl.des·Uopideo  ,  ,  .  8,242  4.008  Waterloo...•... '" ......•.•......  3.173  4,051
       Lnval-Oueot-Wost   , .. ,  .   1,935  Wlndoor."      " .•......  3,308  4,714
        NOT>" Un  cité pouvait OtTO ville on 1941; une \'iJ.Jo,  NOTl" A city n1l'Y bave bcen l\ l.o\Vn iD 1041 IInd ..
       \~lIngc; n6llnmoiu., les cbiffres ODt 6t6 inscrit. eux  tOWII only l\ villuge; howev r... Ibo populatioD figures,
       tabl  \IX 13  t 14 pour fOUMÙ" [0 renscigoement.  for 10'11, nI' Iliveu in taùles I~ ,\Od 14 to eomploto the
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85