Page 358 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 358

GRANDES CULTURE8-PIELD CROPS                      341

                   8-CULTURES SPf:CIALE5                  a-SPECIAL CROPS
            Pour les années antérieures à 1940, on trou-  Prior to Hl40, statiatico.1 data. on the pro-
          vera. des statistiqutJS sur la production du lin  duction or fibre tl!\.X are given in the w,blea
          dans le8 tableaux concernant les "grandes  oonceroing "field crops".  From 1940, fibre
          oultures". A partir oe 1940. la culture du lin  f1!\.X crop is considere<! as a "specioJ crap."
          est considéroo co1Jll.De "cu1ture spéciale".

          25-Superficle, production et valeur de. produit. de lin à filane dan. la Province,
            25-Arel!l, Production and Value of Fibre Flax Product. in the Province, 1946-51.

             ANNÉES        Suporfioio       Ornino      Lin teillé oll\S8é  1Etoupe teilléo 01,,8860
              YEARS          Aroll          800d      GrlLdod Soutebed FI&x Omdcd Seulohed 1'0..


                             nef $        bo!a.-busb.    tonnos--toc9  tonno_too.
          [94G.....•..•..•.  10,7[)5        63,800          3[B            208
          1947 .....•.......  [,.708        20.000          218            273
          1948...........•.  10,93:1        39,000          780            663
          1941J ...........•.  4,840        21,800          303            425
          19bO .....•.       3,26fi         10,.100         173            213
          H!51. ........•...  5.480         22,000          250            OOQ

                            Tot..1           $              g              $
          1946.............  , 581,000      230,600        22a ,000       89,000
          1047.............  412,000        209,000        174,000        82,000
          1048.............  1.0.17,000     214.000        624,000       l~lJ ,OOU
          1049......•......  302,000        100,000        HJ8.00u        8:; ,DOC
          1050......•......  244.000         78.000        110,000        5(J.000
          19:31 ........... ..  477,UOU     110,000        20.S.000      102.000

                  26-Production et valeur de. principaux frulta dana la Province.
               26-Production and Value of Chief Commercial Fruits ,n the Province.

                            Pommell        FrftiBc>e    Framboioea       Bleuet.
                            Appl..       BLrawherrloe   R..pberrle.    .Blueborrloa
                                Velour  Pinte.        PinLeR  Vt\~ur         Value
                        Boi~..ux  1"
                        Bu."el.  Value  Quarto              1  Value
                                         '000           '000   s      '000    s
          MoY,-Ave. 1035·39.  509,100  &4.5.9ao  7,012  684.300  2,442  288,lBO  .
          1042         1.170,000  1••02, .~OO  ~.H2  444,000  1,732  277,100  6,2aB  570.000
          1043          911.000  1,211,600  &,5~2  94.1 ,800  8BO  250 ,000  20,121  2, B73, 600
          1044.............  000,000  1,197.000  2,()'13  -129,'lOO  806  207.800  B,UaO  1,296, BOO
          194&..............  SO.OOO  120,000  3, IillO  605.000  700  168,000  21.045  4.373,042
          10,10.............  1,000,000 1,200.000  2,COO  650.000  4110  172,000  I~. (110  2.150,700
          11117.. .. .. .. .. .. ... 1,230,000 2,160,000  B,OUO  1,020.000  200  IlS,OOO  11.'I:J7  1.2/l8,UOU
          1918..............  1,200,000 2,700,000  5,20U  8.12.000  221)  7:j,000  9,2 Il  1.394.IlO!l
          1114\1       2,000,000 2.500. UOO  7,.~OO  1,500.000  300  108.UOO  20.138  2,012,348
          1950         1,01:3.000 2,678,000  3,7.:;0  1,012.000  300  132.000  (1)  (L)
          1051         J.loo.OOO 3,627,000  7,II!lO  1.3:30.000  3U,  165.000  17.971  1.97fl,aoO
          1952         1.100.000 3 .OBO. 000  7.2:JO  1,378,UOO  275  11/1.000  10,171:)  2.205,01:3
           (1) P". dlspuolble.                  (1) Not ,w"ll"blo.
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