Page 256 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 256


       2-Etat de la dette consolidée et des emprunts temporaires de la  province  de
                           Québec, chaque année, depuis 1896.

        2-Statement of the Funded Debt Qnd Temporary Loans of the Province of
                           Quebee, each year, ainee 1896.

                                                           Pett.e     Emprunt.:
                         DeLto   Fonds d'nmor~  Palùments  eon~olid6e  ternporair
                       OOlll<olid6e  tissoment  dlfT6"6s    netL<,    ·t d6pôt.a
       ANNi!:gS-YEAnB                            0)
                        Fundod      Sinking    Oc("rred     Net      ~:~O~~~~a
                         Pobt        Fund     Pllymenta    Fllndod
                                                            Debt      Deposil..
                          li          $          $           •          li
      18ll0-07. . . . . . . . • . . . . .  34. lOG. 05<1. 08  0,1l9·1,000.00  24,202,051.08  1,357,213. 2
      1897-98         31,23.S'II.fI3  10,004,677.78      24,279,163.75  1,166,706"16
      1898-00... . .. .  35.128,8017.72  10,025,717.05   25.103,009.77
      1800-1000... . . .•... ..  35,072,027. i I3  10,0-10,646.38  ..  25,022,3 1.05  l ,(H8,:100.05
      1900-01... .. . . ...... .  35.007.811S.1a  10.071,153.87  .  24.933,414.20  1,12 .974.74
       1001-02..............  34,034. 71.00  10,100,112.95  .  2'1.834,728.95  1,140,787.84
      1IlO2-03..............  3'1,857,741.16  10.126,634.77  ..  24,731,100.39  1,008.984.95
      1003-0-1.    ,..  3'1,771,400.49  10.IM,009.S5  ..  2'1,617.399.04  1,108,838.15
      10<H-05.. . . . . • . . . . . . .  8'1 ,68'1,6 5. -18  10.182,212.35  24.502,473.13  1,120,470.20
       1005·06...     2 ,700,978.S1  3.675.6'17.25       25.05,331.56  441,3n.30
       1006-07        2 ,68S,512.14  3,705,580,35     ..  z,1.OO~.031.70  -167, 3711. 23
       1907-0S.....   28,564,02'1.15  3.720,01 .17  ..   2,1. 833 ,105.98  404,021. '1
       l\)08·00....   25.766,404.15  1,070,188.07    ..  530,093.00
       \909-10.       25,0<1I ,284.15    .  2'1.55 .365.95  683,820.72
       1\)10-11....   2.>.5<15,002.15  1.130,637.61    .  24,409, 3lH. 5-1  707.970.37
       \\)11-12... . .  25,341.157.48  1.171,376.20      201,169,7 1.28  ij()O.879.01
       1912-13........  24,7,-0,708.82  1.207,164.75 .......•....  2:3.552.034.07  578.243.58
       1913-1-1..............  25 ,S·17 ,085..10  1,268.810.00  24,570,100.49  l ,\l30,830. 77
       1014-15..............  34,488.016.22  1.305,635.22  .  33.123,281.00  0'12.316.84.
       1915-11l..............  38,346,128.22  1.47.347,46  ..  30.858.780.70  ~12. 22'1. 8
       1016-17..............  39,462.006.22  1,I.\o15.05S.03  ,  .  37,SI7,938.10  031 ,(i2'. 74
       Hll7-18..............  311.827.769.55  1,812,115.07  .  38,015,054.1  712.4·17.07
       1918-19....    30,7011,(\13.55  1.990,326.58   ..  37,716.286.97  1,741,582.42
       1010-20.....   40,70 .113.55  2,170,:102.25     .  38,531, 7iH. 30  5,778.001. 33
       1920-21... . ..•.... ..  .51,<152.113.55  2,37'1,518.70  .  40,277,594.85  3,007,792.29
       1921·22. .. . . . . . . . . • . .  51;.604.926,27  2,879,67'1.33  ..  52.72:1.251.04  1.200,S45.75
       1022-23. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  GO. 005.226.27  a ,'IOS, 9.15. 60  57,190,20,07  1.53i',013.ll0
       1923-24. . . . . . • . . . . . .  75,605.226.27  3.006,424,90 . ïi;:üüü;üoo:oo'  1;0.6:)8, 01.37  0.611 ,324.(H
       1924-25. .. . .. .  81, iN4 .026.27  4,700, 21.0(1  14,875,000.00  62,363,101.61  0.393,802.98
       1921>-26...... _.. .. .. .  78,004 .026.27  5,834,618.-12  15,743,750.00  56,426,557.85  12.268,008.20
       102Q..27..............  70,212,226.27  5, ((la, 737 .15  15,292,537.67  58,812.951.'15  9.342,762.10
       1927·28..............  '0.731,877.2-1  0.172.671.60  15.731,673.01  58.827.531. 61  7.767,662.53
       1928-29....    80.33'1,701.58  7,330,551.00  1(},253,099.30  50.751,141.27  5,207,154 .87
       \920-30....    70.73 ,201.58  8,570,154.30  14.142,010.28  1>1,022.520.84  0.107,796.26
       1930-31. .. . .. . .. .. .. .  84.. n5, ZiH. 58  0,843,84.2.23  13,973,190.80  60.418,240.51;  fi. 700 ,322.17
       1931-32.. .. . .. •.. .. ..  91. 0 7.601. 58  11,331,551. 35  13,795,318.60  60.860,821. 54  10,201,017.92
       1932-33.............  1l0,237, R01.5S  1.3,0-16,234.77  13,008.514.53  83.583,142.28  19,530,208.28
       19:13-301      120.51S.006.91  1.5,OS5,352.92  13,112,390. IR  08.020,21>1.83  lil,850, 120.61
       1934-35. . . . . . . • . . . . ..  149.748.006.01  17,005,505.02  13,200,752.00  Il•• 935,740· l)  21.137,714.:13
       193/1-36. . . . . . . • .  lM. 747 .006.91  21.075.600.32  12,991,867.00  130.643.014.94  29,002,351.86
       III 6-37       105,170,100.:17  21 ,.~20,004.73  12.705,227.47  160,87 ,007.17  27,3;14,a90.25
       1987-38        257.576,000.37  25,351,171 ,32  12 ..527.231\.85  2HI,097.689.20  1·1. ,'101.570. 2r,
       1038-30  , .•.......  201,673,000.37  20,070,534.91  12.277,282.:10  252,71\),282.16  29,760.808.1
       1939-40.....   383.840.099.37  32.026,6-11.17  12,014,776.56  339.804,081. 34  5,245 1 :{89. OB
       1940-41..... ..  .  :l\)7.440,0ll0.37  36.402,7 9.S3  11,739 ,OOS. 55  ;\10,301 ,3nO .(JO  18,132.250.2
       1941-42        386.601,090.37  42,226,681.75  Il,'1<10,674.73  332.924.7-12. 0  31,035,621.80
       1942-43 (2).. .. . . . . . .  390. 07l, 0Il9.. :17  50,281,592.12  11,145.857.10  334. M3. 650,15  29.322,823.00
       liH3-44.......  386, 78l ,0Il9.37  5 ,483,530.S5  (3)  32 .292,568.52  -10.728,488.84.
       1944-45......  380.566,090.37  78,4.18,530.36  ,  .  328.302,500.01  38.078,559.76
       1945-10.........  395,590,099.37  72.09 ,000.30  .  340,713,093.07  1'1.797,710.01
       1940-47    , . .. 30 l ,096 ,090.:17  84,077,282,20  .  323.033,817.0  14,8-11,075.25
       1947-48   ,    373,050,782.87  79,102,000.83   ..  811,172,722.04  16,696,248.1\4
       1948-40.........•.... 421,284,782.87  86,450,370.32  .  351,443,412.55  14,830,089.24
       1949-50. " . .. • ...  403,534,782.87  91,555,003.26 ...:  ..  327,894.779.61  28,218.698.12
      19);()..51. .. , .. , • ..  'I.'!J5, 084.782.87  01.2.35,120.14  ..  329.'264.61l2.73  10,502,723.32
       1.951-.52      420,884.782.87  105,881,670.50   .  330.418.112.37  0.006,772.87
        (1) DébonturOll émises 11 100 Bo.nque d'Beehclo.go.,  (1) Debentures lssued to the Bnnk of Roobola!';a.
        (2) Sont oomprises les rubriquDs transféréos du pn.sit  (2) It.ems transferred frOID indireot to direot lio.bilitiea
      Indirect au p~""if direct.           o.rO iooluded.
        (S) Le 31 d6oembro 1\)43, ln Bnnque a versé !1,467-  (3) On Peccmber 31, 1943. the Bnnk 51,467,-
      08(;.87, repré.enlo.nt tous le. versements futurs.  686.87 representing nli ruLure
   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261