Page 94 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 94

78                           POPU LAT ION

                     MATERNELLE                          MOTHER TONGUE
           Ilne personne peut posst!ider quelque connais-  A person may have BOme knowledge of an
         ~lI.nce d'une langue ol'fidc'lIe comme, par exem-  official language, for instance he m&~' he able
         ple, l'éorire ou la compffndre et, cependant,  to understand and even write it  without,
         êtrE'· inc8,pablù de la pa.rler.  Dans les tableaux  however, heing able to speak it. In the l.ahles
         df' Ill. présente sect.ion, la population est claSo!:i-  of thia section, the population is cl&6aified ac-
         fiée selon la langue officielle parlée et selon la  cord ing to the official language ~poker, and the
         langu('. Il'lAf.tIrnelle,  Par lanR'Ue nmternelle on  mother tongu('..  The expression "mothElr ton-
         entend la prem.i('·re langue qu'un individu a  gue" na used here signifies the firet language
         8,pprioo durllnt BOn enfance et qu'il comprend  learncd iu childhood, ir il is still understood
         l'ncore.                             by the individual.
          J8-Lanllue officielle parlée et )anlue maternelle de la population du Canada, lll'ée
                           de 10 an. et plu., par province., en 1941.
           J8-0ffieial Lanlluale Spoken and Mother Tonwue of the Population of Canada,
                         10 VeaTa of Awe and over, by Province., ln 1941.
                                              Lanl[u. parl6.
                              Pnpule! ion    Lllllauaae Spol<Iln   Mother Tonau.
              PROVINCES         (1)                     Analala et
                                       Anslal.           rrBD.cai~        Fr~nçlll.
                                       Engli.h          EnJlILoh and       Frenoh
                                                       1  Frenoh
                            POPUUTION TOTALI~ -  TOTAL POPULATION
         lIe-du· P.-J1:  P. El. ... , .  06,0~7  89,8U  056  10,262  83,242  10,67H
         N.· EOOlloe  N. Sootill  ..  677,062  1'>30,467  6,BOO  40,263  614,043  41,360
         N.-Bruna ick       .  41'>7.401  201,023  82.J81  83,660  203,330  167,862
         g~~~:i~' '.'.::::::::::::::::::  3,~31,882  3,426,200  2,0Ifl,ORO  802,084  3,073,320  2,717,287
         MAnitoba           .  720,744  647,OJO   6,060   M,036   408,644   61,646
         RBlIkalcbe,,&c,..  .  ,  80b,092  822,809  4,030  411,\lO6  400,026  43,728
         Alberta.  .        .  706.100  738,b82   3.322   37,Ob7  ôDO,0211  81,461
         Colombl Brlt  B. C  .  817,861  777,860   264    23,626  641,,110  11,068
         f~:'o~u N.-O  N.\V T'::::  12,028  4.446  301 3   1,212    2,608    213
                CANADA ......•••• U,50&,655  7,735,4.'  2,111,74'  1,474,009  1,"1,190  3,354,753
                                      HOMMES -  MALE
                                40,228  43,484     460     6,281   4·3,124  6,478
                               2911,044  271,570  8,140   21,118  262,001   21,287
                               23,1,0<J7  )<18,730  30,032  46,107  140,723  80,030
                              I,072,Y82  190,618  040,580  627,083  23B,fl51'>  1,360,122
                              1,021,201  1,7:13,0[,8  l'  28,186  161,432  1,637,217  148,107
                               S78,07Y  337.821   2,718   28,641  210,156   20,3111
                               471,flf!3  441,622  1.743  26,370  264,612   28.102
                               42n,4.~.g  307.602  l,fiSI  20,181  203,611  10,n87
                               435,031  412,012    Il·;   12,1118  1  328,407  {l.OM
                                J,153    2,854      3       236     1,000    166
                                0,700    2,300     136      701     1,324    268
                              5,900,536  3,991,592  1,V17,IU  839,010  3,295,581  1,888,469
                                     FEMMES -  FE~1ALE
         lie-du· P.-~ ...... P. E. I.  ..  40,330  605             40,118   5,200
         N.-Ec088f'....  N. Rc.onlin.  .  25 ,8fJI  :l,OOO        2.':;1,940  20,113
         N .~Brunawicl\  .              1'12,284  43,3-10         143,610   77,223
         (Iuélloo  .                    211,103  1,07;),[,00      231'>,441  1,3M,80f!
         Ontario    ,     .            1,691,308  'l3347         1.536,103  140,049
         MaoilobIL  .                   309,189   Ù51             108,389   26,227
         SnskR.tcbowall..... ..  .  .   381.271   2.206           2:15,313  20,626
         Alb rtIL         .             3'Iü,OMO  1,791           237.:\1.':;  14.864
         Colombie-Bri 1  B C:.          365,8,18   1-10           312,052   5.003
         Yukon ....                      1,501  .     .              ll02     48
         l'MI'. <.lu N.-P, .. N. \l'. l' .  1,003  105               51-1    160
                                       3,143,894  1,164,113      3,192,609  1,866,214
          (l) ,. compris le8 fl4\rsonllCft Qui ue parien ni l'anglais  (1) rllcludlna poreoll. 8pcI1klog nchh.r Engli.}, nor
         {lU 10 rrani"'tii OT rel10a dont 11\ IRog1le Inu.tcruellc cet une  f'runch enel tbo.e wüh ft [oreiao lallguage 1\  meoth.r
         Ia.ngue Hrnn",6rf'                   l.on"uo.
          :)ulJrce: Nutf;t'tn8 "fetCTIM1'11ItHli du Canada, Vul. Ir.  &urcc: E1'{Jhlh Cen."U3 of Ç ' llladll. V(IJ. Il.
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99