Page 88 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 88

72                            ['(Jr'u J.A r 10."-'

                     7-~TAT CIVIL                    7-CONJUGAL CONDITION
           Les différent~ termes usiLés BUUS cette rubri-  'l'he varjollS terms used lIndElr this headiDg
         que désignent l'état matrimonial de la populo.·  r.,,",'!, [0 UIl' 1I'IIttrimOllj,,! ~ta.l.Wi or the popula-
         tian ~ la date du recenseme,nt. DaI), 111 province  tion nt th  tiJon of Ih censllS.  On the t!rst
         de Québec, ilU 1er juin 1941, les célibntllirœ  , l' JUDt·. ln'll, nf the persons ra 'iding in the
         étaient au nombre dt! 2,009,052 ou OO.31J% dl's  Provi.lle" of Qlwl;cc, ·2,009.0:i3 or 60.3% were
         personnes recenRées; jl convient de rPlnurquer  ~in!·k. Jt lllusL  tl(j Laken iuto af~(,Ount, how-
         cependant que la population de mojn~ de l5llOS  velo, thM the population und r 15 YfoJ<tl'S of age
         s'élevait il. 1,062,813, Boit 3UIO% dû la popu-  was 1,002,81:1, Lhat i. 31.9% of the t.oW popu-
         lation totale Ilt 62,90% des pCI1:lonncs non  I!Ll.ion and .i2.0% of the unmarried population.
         mariées.  Ce groupe se composilit nt! 636,085  This group corn plised .saü,08G boys and .526,728
         garcous ot 526,728 tiUes,            girl~.
                32-État civil de la population du Canada, paf provinces, en 1941.
             32-Conjulral Condition of the Population of Canada, by Pfovinc6a, in 1941.
                                        Mn,ié.  En v~vllge 1 Div~cM  'éparés  1
              PROVINCES                                                    Tot.l
                                       Marriod  Widowed  Divo.".d  SelJnrated  (J)
                                              1                l
                            POPULATION TOTALE  TOTAl.• POPULATION

         Il...du-P ..rt.... P. E. I.. ......  64,576  35,008  4,050  41  380  05.047
         NOUV.-~I'(J;';HI•. Novu Scot)ll ...  321,080  220,045  80,903  516  8,886  577,962
         N....Brlln ...wir.k................  264,'1!l2  100.368  20,735  380  2.303  467.401
         8~e~~·.......:::::::::::::::::  2.000.052  1,173,102  202,041  1.140  16.623  3,331,882
         IiItLUituba.......•...........  386.397  300.262  30,8113  1.127  6.036  72ll.744
         Ba.III(.t.r.ho~Dn................  604.854  366.108  30,348  849  4,765  8011.992
         Alb.rt.o......................  420.881  330,422  28.567  1.618  ,~.7-l1  700.160
         Colomble-BrH.. Drlt. C.,lumbill.  380.200  381.059  48.21-1  3.265  0.001  817.861
         Yukoo ......     ...    2.802    1.707     20·1     20       61      4.0\4
         Tarr. du N.·O  ·.·N.·-w:i'~".:....  6.725  4.064  566  6     18     12.028
                 CAN AU" •.••. ...  6,210,568  4,656,006  625,121  14,032  80,137  U,506,lIJIi
                             POPULATION RURALE -  RUnA L POPULATION
         Il.·.Iu·p -p. ... .. P. E. 1.... ,  .  40.835  26.003  3.0:14  24  210  70.707
         NOli'V ...I!:I'(l.~Me .. Novn Scotll)  .  114,845  110.0%  17.3'15  217  1.010  310.422
         N.-llrunklvlck     .   186,188  113,030  13.267     215    1,263   313,078
         8~~,~·.·'-:::::::::::::::::::  790.807  380.871  38.94ll  962  2,202  1.222.198
         Manit.oba. . ..  . ..  231.490  160.206  14,250     257    1,573   407,871
         Bukatohewan       .    363.143  227.474  17.502     357    2.294   600.8411
         Albertn            .   280.0H   IOU87    14.780     B25    2.731   480,688
         ColombIe· BriL.. Bri!. Columbi•.  183.320  170,244  16.537  003  3,349  374.467
                                 1.896    1.034     132      14       41      8.117
         ~~r~~d~'N:.0.' '. N.~w. T ...·... : .  6,725  4.65-1  500  o  18    12.028
                               2,994,812  2,028,089  204,OlG  J,B63  21,135  1,2114.211
                            POPULATION URIlAINE -  UR[);\N POPUl.ATION
         Il.-du-P.-ll: .... P. E. l. .......  13.741  0.00l!  1.316  17  170  2'.840
         NouV.-1t:C<lHI'tL . Novl\ SCOt.ill ...  147.136  104,550  13.558  208  1,075  2G7,UO
         N.-8run.wiol;.................  78,304  56.338  7,468  174  1.130  143,42J
         8~~:i~·.·..:::~:'.:::~::::'. ::~ :  1.2IR.2H  1,040.6111  135,052  4.104  24.000  2.109.684
         Manit.oba .................  In'I,007  14ô.llm  1l1.043  8iO  3.463  321,871
         8u1<atoLewnn ................  151.711  127.034  12.786  ·W2  2.471  295.1411
         ~ot:-U~;~-l:lrit.: B~ii.'C~I~~b'i~:  110.837  211,715  13,777  2.272  5,742  aOO.68~
         Yukon ..                 900      733      72        6       20      \,797
         Torr. du N::Ü...·.·N:.W: T.:·. '.: ::  ............
                 CJ.NJ.OA .••••••.  3,236,738  2.627.117  S21,U1  10,189  17,002  1.212,oUl
          (1') Y oomprlo leo pOrlonne. dont l'état civil n·..t  (J) Incluclinll penon. with oonJ uliai oOl'ldHion not
         pas Mchtré.                          "tut.d.
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93