Page 85 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 85
h'Jj,'L ra IONS
28-Principales religions de la population du Canada, par provinces, 1941.
28 Principal Religions of the Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1941.
tot..l' C..tholiquo Angliconc ERI i"e-Unie Juive Pr suyt.(,· Autre!i
l'HQVINGES riennQ relhdoHtt
(1) (~)
Total Unil."rl Pre~by~ 0lhl'r
POI,uJaUou C81holio Anllliéun Churol. .Jcwifih terian religions
lIe-du·I'.I<:....... T'.KI.. ....... 95.047 42.740 [).7::.IO 24.005 18 14,n'l 7,818
N.-EO'J;lSo....... N.Seoti~...... ,~77 ,1)02 188.0H In:l.aU:\ 124.301 2,1(17 47 .416 111,742
N.-BrunRwiuK ........ oI,j7,401 220.4M .5,1! 0:1.26~ 1.19tl Il;' ~S2 101, 940
a. 031, il8~ 2 .8901.6~Ô 162,056 100.IUU 65,G8:~ 56,086 53,240
8~~~i~·.·.·.',"~ ::::":::::::::::. 3. 7117 ,6M 882.30. !lIa .413 1,073 .·12r. 69.217 '13:3.70S 613,523
Monit,ooa ............. , ...... 729.744 203.2h9 1"5.07(j 1\)4.001 111,7\5 ,13.070 Hô.GZO
SIL.klLtohe",,,n, .. ............. S95.902 213,734 117,074 2:\0,.lOil 4,070 5,1,$56 245,157
Alberto ...... 700. HlH 191.343 113,270 10:1 ,B6 1 4.052 OR,910 224,HZI
CoL·nrit..... '.: :Brii.· ~oL ...... 817. 61 113,282 ~4; .5:11 200,817 :l,235 04,:300 100,606
yuKon ....... 4,914 7·12 2 "j4fi -lO4 2 422 799
TI'r, du N.-O . ... N.O. T;,r;. 12.028 5.001 .~ ,3l7 290 (l 271 1,064
CAN-\O ......... .11,506,655 4,986,552 1,751,188 2,204,875 168,367 829,147 1,5640,526
(1) y compris) • uniates. (1) Inelurl"" Ore k Cnl,hollo.
(2) Comprend les p rsonnes qllÎ Il'ont pa.'J cJ{oulurê 16\1T (2) ln lu,l". (.ona ~'jtb 1"!,lillion nol .\~Led.
2'l--Population de la province de Québec clauifi". aelon la religion, 1871-1941.
29-Population of the Province of Quebec c1a8llified according to Religion, 1871-1941.
REJ.JGIONS 1871 1881 ISOI 1901 1911 11121 11l:11 1041
Advl;!,!8 •.. ..... 3,150 '1,210 3.304 3,079 2,435 1,020 I,IN 902
AngliclLofl ......... 62,'HO fi ,707 75.,172 81,G30 103,812 I~I ,753 149,843 162,056
Arllléo du Salut. .... 1i,173 4,665 207 '292 IHO M8 1,135 l,on
l3apri.I"", ... ~..... 8,688 ,1l.~3 7,001 8,483 9,268 9,2M 10,970 12,80a
Cat.boliqueA, ....... 1,010,850 1,170.718 1,291,709 1,420.200 1,724,003 2,023,983 2,463.160 2,894,621
C0l1gr~gat.i(11IBliat Cft •. 5 1 :HO 6,2oJ.1 . ' .. . . . . . . ... ..... 6,197 4,715 (1) ...
nT ('8 01'1 hOtlUX06 ... .... .. .. ..... .... ..... .. . ..... 8,992 liô~o
~I\lioo Vllio ........ '. .,. , . .... .... ... .. . . ( 1)88,258 IIlO,l~O
Jlltf" .. , . , ......... ü-\ç, .. "'980 2,70:1 7,4U8 '3'0,208 '47 ,7eO' 51',73(1 0(1.683
I.u Lh~ripns ..... ~06 1.,00,1 1,386 1,IH2 2,619 2,209 b,261 7,~81
Métbodistl·O ..... ::. 3-1,100 30,221 aU,M4 42,014 42,041) 41,672 (1) ...
Pr..bylérious .. ..... 46,10' 50,287 52,G73 58.013 IJ4,132 73,747 (1)6\;,532 '6ft',OSe
Prot eftt fil nta ........ 4,lllü 2,432 2,342 6.211 8,03-1 14.1,17 Il,27\1 4,228
A.utres 800ttS .. .... 2 :1,01,1 01,8(11 8,075 12,M·1 IO,Oh8 13,131
Non "péoiMos. .... 1,461 ""ÙliJS' 2,846 1,142 3,497 6,595 2,432 2,397
TOT~L ... 1,191,5i8 1,359,027 11,488,515 1,648,898 2,005,n6 2,160,865 2.174,662 3,131,112
(l) I.e,:, m~t.h(I(Ji9tQ8 cl. les oongr!-Kationnlistœ IlYet' un (1) MethodisUl .lId ConIlTogotloonll.t. nlLd a lurgo
'1rund n()Il1hrr df'l prusb"téricn • ont formé l'Eglise 1110 J)umh~r of ProsbylcrÎLLn8 forlncd the Untted 'hllfCh of
du Cüu.du. on 19n, Cauada, ln 11125.
JO-Proportion de. pri ncipales religions, province de Québec, 1871-1941.
30-Proportion of the Prin ciplll Religions, Province of Quebec, 1871-1941.
RELIGIONS 1871 1881 18\11 1901 1011 11121 1931 1041
Cat boliqlLe. 8,',7 863 868 868 800 857 857 860
~n~lican.: .... 52 ,',1 51 ~8 52 62 62 49
I.glure Unie ......•. 31 30
PreftbyléricuEt ....... .:iù ."' "':17 '3fj' 35 32 .ilï 21 17
Méthodiste•....... 29 ~O 27 26 21 18
Ju.r•.............. 1 2 5 15 20 21 20
Autrœ re);g;ÎoD8 .... 23 lU J6 18 20 22 18 1.5
TOTAL... 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000
Muree: li l,.il.1·lrn.e rt:cenaemC'f1 t d ù CU]fada. Volume 11. h()Urce: E1'0hth Cffl$1(.~ 01 Cflf'wda, VOll1lUe Il.