Page 86 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 86
Le tableau 8uivlUlt montre [a répartitioo nu- The nUlllerioal and POl' oont distribuHon of
mérique et proportionnelle, suivant les princi- tbe popullition in oities of 5,000 and over,
pa:les religlonB, de la population des cités de acoording to religious denomim!.tions, i8 given
15,000 Ames et plus. DIUlB trois cités seul6ment, in the table below. In only three cities did
168 catholiques ne r6présentent paa la moitié the numbcr of RollU1n Catholi08 equal le88
de la popula.tion et, dans l'Une d'eIl6s, une autre than one ho.lI of the population !l,nd in only
one did tho adherent.s of llnothar denom.ination
dénomination compte plus d'adoptes que la re-
outnumber them. The peroantaga of Roman
ligion catholique. Darull'erulemblo de~ cités, le
Catholics in the aggregate population of the
pourcentage des catholiques est de 80.29 il. rap- cities wal! 80.29 while it wa.a 86.87 for the
procher de 86.87 dans la Province. Province as a whole.
31-Relllllon. principale. do la population do. cité. do la Province, on 1941.
3I-Prlnclpal Rolill'Ion. of tho Population of the ClUe. In the Provlnco, In.1941,
Population Calboli· lÎ:tfll.••· Aut.rM
totale que:. An(lle"n. ni' Jule. l6ri(,nl roll(lo",
CIT~S - CITlES (1) - - - -- - - (2)
Talai Rornlln Anllican. {lnlte<! J..... P.reoby· O~ber
Populal ion CUI holi •• Churcb lerlauil R()li~oo.
Cap.d I M adel6lno . Il,I)~1 II ,838 tH 21 ,. 20 ~
Chicoutimi , , ..•. IR.O~O 16,983 ID 16 .. 6 17
Drulllmondvllle , .. , ...•. 10,6M D,790 380 220 26 67 73
Granby..•... , ......•. , .••..... 14,11)7 12,829 667 895 26 30 OflQ
Grand Mère ..........••....... S,GOS 8,202 187 130 1 24 64
Hùll ...........••....•..•..•.. 32,1147 31,021 377 III 10 3"0 172
Joliett •..............•.......• 12,740 12.521 27 30 1i8 14 00
r/lchine 1 ••••••••••••••• 20.061 H.2Uü 2.634 1,561 15J 815 738
I.évi!!.........•............... II,g(lI 11.900 43 1 1 16 24
r..,lI').ni'u~uil .•......•..•..•....•. 1,OB7 6.876 035 242 22 191 122
Mon1l6al ...................•. 003.007 699.885 M,708 33,717 60.772 26,OH 2~.8Ba
Outromont. ...........•....... 30,nl 1 .180 1.097 1.200 10,3(16 1.3U1 ~6R
Québ•...............•....... lliù.7[)7 110.312 2,100 681 360 48ü 751
I\lvlèro-du-Loup . ~,71!1 8.042 3~ 18 Il 2 i
St·!fYMinlhc . 17,708 17.024 26 20 12 1ï ~O
81-J",,"·St...loh", ...•......... 13.646 12,907 326 210 48 I~ :18
St-Lambert. . .....•......... 6.417 2.-160 1,060 1,180 ,. S:il 2rl2
Shawini o Falla . 20,32ô 1U.300 34R 306 35 133 47
Sherhrooka ..........•........ 36.965 30.157 2,607 1,421 200 031 58D
Borel . 12.261 12.076 66 28 21 40 31
1h.tro~ Mio . 12.716 12.283 278 60 14 37 J6
1 ru",-RiVlMOil . ......•. .12.U07 40,4113 IMO 42Y 62 213 191
Yall,'yfiold. "I"horry do . 17,052 15,1168 421 3M 1) 230 167
Verdun . 07.349 37,2~G 11.05~ 6.649 442 :1,1>47 3,130
W~tmIJUnt. . . 20,U47 7.M4 7.06D 4,953 1,678 2,B~6 1.437
1·(Y1'AL .•.... , ..••••• 1.510,917 1,213,199 102,218 SA.064 64,173 4.1,251 J8,010
Cal'-d II..-Madcl"ine , . 100 118.07 0.64 O.I~ 0.24 0.07
(,.'1J,lflouf-imi ............••••..•• 100 III1.M 0.12 0.09 ."oj·4' " 0.04 0.11
DruUlI1)lJ.fHhiltc , .•.•.•. 100 92.76 a.60 2.0~ o.oa 0.69
O..nhr,.: . 100 90.37 8.92 2.78 O.IS 0.21 2.54
G"llId Moro . 100 0~.21l 2.17 J.51 0.01 0.28 O.H
l''ull . 100 \lB.a9 1.1,1 0.34 o.on l.UO 0.52
labo:' •...................... 100 08.21 0.21 0.31 a 45 0.11 0.71
La...:J,inf! ......•....•......... 100 71.12 12.iJ.1 7. '" 0.76 ~ 06 .1.68
r.évi•........................ 100 99.29 0.36 a UI O.Ul 0.13 o 20
r.OSlJ,lUl:IJÎ1 ....•••.••.•..•.•.. 100 82.1!0 8 \H) 3 ; 1 0.31 ~.70 1 72
Monlréal ............•...... 100 77.lil 7 18 3 73 5.0~ 2 08 2 98
Outremon~............•..... 100 49 37 G 5û 4.21 33.61 4 2·\ 2.17
Qu~bao.... .. . , .. , 10U 1!7.0il I.H 0.4.~ 0.24 0.:12 a 60
Rivh:~ro··du~l.(lIlp ......•... 100 IIU III O.~I o 21 0.00 O.Ü~ 0.08
~l-Hyu.l.:iOOI~. .. . ......•....•. 100 0~.02 0.11i a 10 0.07 o 10 a.f,I!
, I-Jtall-$t. .Ioho......... . . 100 05 25 2.:38 J 60 0.35 o 14 0.2b
~!.Lnmb.rt, .. 100 38 34 aD .-,3 18 311 0.08 8 27 4.30
~'howini~o.n Fa1lol ,. . . .. . ..• IOIl Hô 30 1 70 1 94 0.17 066 0,23
31: prbrooke. .. .. . . ... . . 100 83.85 41 3.95 o 60 2,:)'fj 1.0·1
~aI6) ............•. , . 100 9S.5G a 40 0.23 Û 17 o :1:1 0.25
'l'ho!ford MI" , . . . . . lOf) \l6.5~ 2 II! O.M 0.11 o 1~ o 28
Trt)iA·Rivlèr.~ .•..... Itl{J 1)6 3(1 1,-57 1.02 O. III O.ol 0.46
\'&lIoyf1cld•.• Iailf'rry do " .... 'ill) 11306 2.49 2.08 0.05 l'Ill 0.112
verdun .... , ... , ..... II~' 55 27 20 87 9.72 0,66 8.~a 4.65
W..tmount .. .. 1011 28.90 20 41 III 02 606 11 IKl ~ .52
100 80.29 /l.71 J.58 '.26 2.73 2.11
(l) Dl' 5.000 lime. et pl"o. (Il or 5,000 vopulalion und ol'M.
(2) Comprend 1.. qui n'onl D"" d4claré laur (il Includ.. p...o.... wHb rol\jrioD not .tatod.