Page 171 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 171
Le ~1\1.Jleau l montre III dévelo1>P('J.I1 Int Table 1 shows the oducationaJ develo[}-
scolaire dane la province de Québoo depui~ ment in Lhe Province of Quebee since 1877.
1877. On comptait, en 1950, JO,315 écoles; In 19.-)0, there wel'ü lO,3l5 schools; ~lS,290
:18,290 professeu rB et &'34,2:15 élèves in serits. teachors :Lud B;H,235 pupils fJllrollfld.
I-Développernent de l'instruction dans la province de Québec.
I-Development of Education ln the Province of Quebec.
Nombre dce-Numb.r of Pr68enoe mOYOll.De
A. N ,.I~S 61àveo i A_v_e_r-:.8Ile AUondance
éooles 1000tituteur. illsarita
YEARb rjombre'e
SoboolB Toncber. PlIpil. (1)
Rnrolled Numbcr Pcrccntaa8
1877-78.. 4,701 6,178 237.009
1887-88 . (;,322 8.172 259,1:j\
1007·08 " 5,863 10,4113 314,727 230.480 71;.]à
1\107-08. .. .. . . O,/HO 13,139 372,599 285.418 76.70
1917-18. ... 7,451 1 . ,103 493.033 380,770 79.06
1\118-10.. 7,589 18.W4 516.0(;1 388.617 75.11
11I19-20 . 7,700 10.118 53:1.3 1 401,013 7.5.19
lfl20-21. . 7,733 19,704 5018,251 424. :)02 77.41
1921-22 . 7.895 211,'11'1 570.430 4·10.603 79.22
1022-23 . 7.94'1 21,008 577 .404 H7.350 78 10
HI23-24 .. 8,014 21,682 58:\, 905 454.:117 79,53
1024·2r•.... 8.086 22.282 5~J;I.414 463.523 7!J.!l0
192,;-20 .' 8.IIB 22,868 597,364 469.170 80.20
1926·27.. 8,125 2:1,399 605,4!J1 176,102 80.30
11127-28.... 8,115 2,1,743 61l,783 484.740 80.01
1928-20, . , . 8.200 24.168- 624,601 4!)2,709 80.70
1020-30 . 8,279 24,783 0:1,1,757 502,613 81.45
1930-31 . 8,118 25.703 6'>3,351 632.747 82.88
1031~12 . 8,60Z 26.'.:)2J 672.861 553.155 83.40
1932·33 . 8,u70 2U.821, 077.250 51l1, 227 84.00
1033-34......•.•. , •. , 8,R15 27,11'5 681,670 577,008 85,5:i
1934-35. .. . .. . . 8,Oll8 27,610 @1,044 572.473 84.17
1935-36 . 9,112 27,990 700,259 576,134 8:1.30
1031\-37, . !J. 33Z 28,567 710,000 570.752 83.58
1937-38.. .. . . 9,400 ~ll, 245 718,084 590,161 84.07
1038-30 , 'o .. 9,700 30.136 731. tisa WO.003 84.83
10311-40 . Il.813 30.000 719,I:lli 594,723 8S.70
1940-41 .. O.S,j[j 30,971 720, !-l.JO 582,275 81.12
1941-42 , .. 0,8:)[ 31, 105 n2"uW 573,067 1l4.02
1942-43.......• o' 0,1170 31,B08 71 !l, 7:15 ~71. 198 83.0,1
1943-44 . . .. , ..... LD,0.5t1 32,676 724,513 (2) (2)
IOH-·15. , .. 10,073 33,650' 71!l,44'1 (2) (2)
1045-11.1, . 10,015 34,:N6 7:38,705 (2) (2)
19·16-47 , 10.0(,3 ;l5,il07 7:15,l}Cil ?) (2)
1047-48. 10,O.~3 36.850 75:,1,172
1048-011).. 10,213 :17,2:1:1 (~l ~~~
104i1-(;O. 10.315 38,290 (2)
(1) OMuotlon falto dOl Ill.IoriptiQll.I au. uni.enlt6- (1) IrrOlpentivo of "llJ'olment in!t[.. MDd
el au. éool•• qui ne fournl•••ot pu de pré.enoe m"yenno. f.oLouJe wbiob do oot fUfni.b averllae attendaaoe.
(2) PnB d. rappnrt. (2) No report.