Page 20 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 20


         2-Superficie dea terre. agricoles, boisée. ou Im.productivea du Canada, par province••
           2-Area of Agriculturet.. Foreated, or Unproductive Land in Canada, by Province••
                                  (en milles oarrés - in square miles),
           NOTII':--Comme il s'agit d'elrtin:lI1,tioDS. ilaers. préféra-  NOTE:-Wben thlffio eBtil1l8tee are Quot.ed. thllY 8hould
         ble, !otlqu'on utilisera loe obiffrea ci-dessous, d'arrondir  be further roundOO. otr to tbe nealest bundred square
         \611 deux derniers.                  miles.

                     DSfloription         MD.riti-  Québec  Ontario  Prairiea  -  Canada
                                           Dies                       Re     (1)

            (2):            LAND (2),
          OCDlf~i:hê~8'~i 'fin' p~  Occupied . •...•......  13,983  28,223  34.981  187,703  6.302  267,361
                            Improved and past-
             tur8Me ••.•. , ••••  ure ....• , ..•....  6,792  18,905  28,942  177,042  4,718  234,673
            Boisées..........••  F orested..• , .......  7,191  9,317  6,039  10,661  1,584  32,688
          l'''ot:cupileR •••• , •• , •••  U,,"ccupkd ..........  17,3Tl  38.393  67,8$  124,607  14,398  280,777
            Herbes. browlI", etc.  Gr8lls, brusb, eto ...  4,797  1,500  .5,899  40,607  2,948  69,864
            Boisées ......•.....  Forested...........  12,580  36,893  61,990  84,000  11,450  210,913
               TOTAL ...... ..........................  31,860  66,61S  102,870  3U,l1a  20,700  ----
          Non bClieélll ..•..•....  Non-torested., •. , .•• ,  11.589  20.405  34,841  217,649  7,666  304.417
          Bois"ea. ............  Forested.•••... , ..• "  19.771  46,210  68,029  94,661  13,034  243,507
         TERRES Bülf3tE8:  FOREBTED LAND:
          Bois tendrll:     Softwood:
            Vendable., ..• " .. ,  MercbBDtable.•.•.  9,690  202.080  36,900  11,030  36,400  299,300
            Jllune bois...•...•.  Young growth ...•  6,395  46,270  29,300  39,600  50.490  194,856
          roÎfl tllLxt.e:   Mixe<! wood:
            Vendable ......... ,  MerohBDtable...•.  7.970  24 ,880  24,100  12,460  (3l  70,410
            Jeune boie...... ,.,  H ~~~~~owth., ...  5,610  20,S4Cl  67.400  45,940  (3  144,790
          BoÎfl dur:
            Vendable.. , . _•• , ••  Merchantab!e, •• , .  2,635  2,880  5,900  8,160  (3)  22,375
            Jeunebois ..... " ••  Young growtb.....  1,860  5,750  10,200  52,370  (3)  81,380
          Proc!u()tiVl':l!.,., .....•  Productive .........  34,160  302,700  173,800  169.560  85.800  813,110
          Improductives .... , , •  Unproductive...••.•  240  69.690  63,400  140,060  128,560  477,850
          Tenure:           Tenure:
            Propriét.é rarivée•. , •  Privately owned..•  19,828  26,630  14,240  32,001  7.386  100,175
            Tarres dl' a Couron-
             ne, .....• , .• , '"  Crownland,., •• ,.  14,572  345,660  222,960  277,529  207,064 1,190,785
                                           54,400  372.290  217.200  309,620  2:IA,450  10306,960
              TO'[AL (6) ., ........ , .. ,., •• , , ..•. " •..           -
         Terres produotives (4) ...  Productive land (f)., •.  45,989  392,695  272,041  527,269  222,116 1,595,377
         Incultes et autrœ (6) •. , .  Waste and otb!ll' (6) ..•  4,411  131,165  91,241  179,229  137,163 1,866,726
              GBA.Jfn 'l'O'l'AJ. (6) •• , ••••••••••••••••• , ••  50..&00  523,860  363,282  706,498  359,.279  .J,499,UG
          (1) Y OOnlpl'lB le Yukon et 1. Territoires du Nord-  (1) Yukon and North West TettitorleB Included.
          (.2) ActuelleB et potentielle••      (2) Pre&tlnt and potential,
          (3) Très pet.ite ou néglia:esble.     (3) Very 'lInaU or negligible.
          (4) Total dea tl'E'T'eII agricolea et boWee moÎna lei terres  (f) Total agrieultural and forf!sted land less forested
         q:rioo1erJ boisél'B.                 agriculturalland.
          (5) Comprend DIWep, pierl'fllJ.. tracée de routes,  (5) IncLudell open mwkea:. rock. road allowances,
         terres urb.ines, l'te.               urbaD land, etc.
          (6) Le rotaJ pour le ClIonada compTl:lnd Terre-Neuve  (6) Total for Canarla inc1udes Newfound1and but not
         mais non le 4brador, dont la 5Uperfime tntale en t!ll'I'e et  the COa.Bt of Labrador tbat haB a totaJ area of 112,000
         en eau douce ~t de I12,OOO MiUes carrée.  square mile!! of land lUld freBh water,
          Source: Ann'UGir, du Canadll. Ig50.  Source: CarnJàa Year Boole, 1950.
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