Page 326 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 326
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GAn""_ _ • 211,403,050 36,316.~7 26,711,416 32,523,742 126,094-.808 39.17R.832 75,550,843 80,047,585 21, fl30, 343 22.411,159 105,.5û9.9.'iQ 80,643,000 158.1.&7,565 63,308.020 11.509,200 10,901,21.0 72.271.350 28,194.380 31,30[,.520 9,0~9,130 31,018,590 39.DMl. 3fiO 1.022,100 7,045,310 83.8Hi,810 3!1
COlc!rit'l' D.C. • 932.282 1.239.124 1,419,570 6,618,242 6,696.770 3,229.296 2,915,280 83ti,mm 803.911 330.518 3.346,490 5,254.570 33,&22.142 ',619,450 576,850 399.320 1,179.490 701,150 86.700 696,550 1,254,450 14,560 541.210 5.384,040 830,380 1,228,100 18,811.360 &aId. pelta
1 18,014,53011.233,510 and on" sllan, baaL..
AJberla • 69.06ij.l00 1,301,840 2,206,111 662.360 1,994,420 2,327,786 12.490,096 15.923.155 4.229.039 249,648 12,977,MO 9,571,720 UI,9OG,125 4,727,4301 288,920 1.353,180 5.011.420 10,354,090 2,317,420 1,993.160 89,650 753,610 14.220.040 9.954,510 3.553.470 85,195,360 anillllÙ!l o'Wner. t
1940. 1940. 8WIkat· ehl'lwan ---'-__-'----__---L.-_---'--__----l__-'-__--'-- 1 • 108.311.700 6,228,660 212.047 272,38S 6,629.500 2,649,661 1.685.879 8,321.380 2,634.909 412,684 16,976.300 8.763.630 169,098.195 4-,028,870 214.,520 1,636.340 24,511.130 4,169,090 11,862.160 2.621.660 10.3!)$.370 8,372,710 102.7
provinces. Pro'Yinces, Manitobal 1 s 28.246,104 5,377,510 836,754 442.774 7,537.980 2.815.147 6,074,358 6,042,619 1,978.827 625,704 8.406,210 4,364,180 72,741.327 3.298,870 163.290 856,000 1,481,300 2.352.590 3.104,990 1,298.350 4.&41,460 3.5-14.900 44.180 380.480 7.071,210 4.433,980 1.888.380 1 40,495,9
par by Ontario REVENUES • 4.876.098 10,089,030 13,036,598 16,603,739 ,52,OÛ8,570 19.Ü;J8,214 33.914.496 :l1.S26,2:;f1 .5,90,5,617 4,391,510 25,329,020 238,450,5'1 19.817,050 1.,1.12,OSO 3,711.840 14,358.890 9,102.7Hl 7.974.130 1.709,600 5.081.120 12,789.790 510.320 2.660.450 28,68S.010 6,912,320 10,326,300
Canada, Canada. Québee 1 1 • 11,919 4,595.5,58 5.193.849 5,068,896 :16,610,180 6,324,622 9.100,091 1[.142.533 3.464,967 11,161,160 26,fl95,190 18,066,43°121,311,460 138,635,395 EXPENBES 21,452.270 2,845.580 2.054,630 5.195,200 5,477.590 2,462.240 731,040 1,1333,330 5,205,900 1 1-13,830 1,537,540 9 •.'>59,
au in 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
fermes Ellpenses N Eroœ;;"iok FEnMI·~8___GROSBFARM s 6,1961 842.000 1,662,890 48.'S,200 3,498,750 W6,786 1,136.723 938.57b 944,386 2,.588.890 5.222,490 5.688,410 24,011,296 FERMI!:&--FARM 2,299.160 1,215.000 362,580 656.190 588,600 419.260 70.950 248,010 1.020.430 17 ,510 306,340 2,115,770 106.150 888.99
de. and N.-E'UMUI &otia 1 S 861 395,466 1 501,647 2,31],~56 4,125.908 1,IM,677 1,561,645 638,336 140,724 1.943.889 4,937'640j 6,507,340 24.820.088 DES 2,668,860 906,730 342,050 483,490 576.340 327.380 44,220 308,000 1,161,680 30 •.')90 511.lIO 2,401.090 1I5,130 864.800 10,741.470 vendue. de baee
dépenses Re'Yenues N. DES BRUTS 11,790 58,190 DEPENSES ~.230 113.1901 9.290 43,860 pelleteries WlfI .l!ur
et l P.F"Ù. I IlHlu-r.E.[ , S 301.590 1,63B,D60 9;~2.730 (';45.043 672.275 778,642 927,903 113.156 1.618.760 1.0..<;5.260 1,7SC,ze9 3n6.060 185,300 3:n.090 276,tj50 144.120 HlO.9\10 165.610 125.740 822,820 456,100 4,106,950 ct. s.utomobiletl. ou
bruta Farm REVENUS prod- .... ,., , .... .......... , ....... ....•. (1) ~2~ .. .. 3 '" faTIn 1l00da••••• farm of equipment..... , .... 9upplies ..... board) .. A fourrure pour propriétaire. e.pèoes 811
17-Revenus 17-Gross grlÛlll'I and hay............ nur6en' fruits, uets.........•............... producte.......... eggs................ _ and woo.l and animalll productll forelltry on IlOlilIumoo outaide 1I0urces.. from garden and JUlie!! repairB II.Dd and machinery work.............. , .... (4) ................. oil
foin ............ Other Blé.•.•.•.•...........•...••... Wheat.....•.•..•.....•....•... tabal'., racines, fibreu...-•....•••...••.......Polatoee, mots. toha.cco, fibre fiax. Vegetablefl, pé- .. DlI.iry œuIa..•............. . Cattle........... , , •........ ,Bwiue..•...••••••.• , (1) (2) .... Honey and ...... Ot.her
de ....
et terTf!, produits plDlère..........•• ,.,... ProrluHlIlaitiers........ _........ Poultry Volailles oornea..•••.......••.. Porœ..•...•......•. leJne et animaux produits ~oduitllcolll'lOmwéll.l!ur ferme de grandes deiardinage..................Field réparatioIll'! et outillage MatériauJ: forfait ............. ,.
Autl'l8lllP"8illl'l de Pommes lin U~es,fruitll, et Bt! à. Autrea et Miel &~[)ua provenant de Grainee AchatB et nea à Ficelle CombllBt.ibte et TaxelI! de Plants