Page 107 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 107

OCCUPATIONS                              91

              47-Population active, ârée de 14 ans et plus, par industries, fl~xe et
                                    provinces, en 1941.
         47-Gainfully Occupled, 14 Yeare of Age and over, by Indu.triel, Sex and Prov-
                                       inces in 1941
                                       PêClhe et                   ,..
                                       MlI&le,                   ~leetfjcltê.
                                      abat·age du  Minea et  Manu!zw-    Construction
                                        bois    carrières  tUfllll  et eau  -
              PROVINCES      Agrioulture  -      -        -        -     Building and
                                       Fisbing,  Mining and  ManufaCl.  Eleotrldty,
                                      HUo.tiDlJlIIDd  QUlI.nying  turing  Gll.~.  Conetruotion
                                      Tro.ppmg,                 and Water
                                       HOMMEB -  MALE
        Ile-du-P.•t ...... P. E. L .....  10,300  1,771  Il  1,421   51       1,20 8
         NoUv.•~C05Se .... Nova Scotia,  36,944  17,335  16.758  25, (}64  1  1,038  12,47 7
         N._Bruns\!,iok.•.•• , .•.... , , ..  41,153  17.048  1  1,7-}2  18.405  501  0.77 o
         Qu6bl.''O ...••.. , ...•••..• _....  250.921  42,825  13,631  252,998  6,293  72.80 9
        Ontario ...... , ..............  204,115  21,800  31,902  36.3,270  11,097  76,93 o
        Mll.nLtQba ........ , ....... ,' .  90,697  6,770  3,377  20,100  1. 226  12,26 9
        Baskatohewll.n ........... .....  184,207  3,654-  1,049  14,038  6D8  6,52  6
        Albertll. ....... , ....... , .....  138,779  4,126  1),900  20,4i2  915  10,291
        Colombie-Brit.... Britillb Col., .  39,752  27,907  14,086  61,976  1, n6  19,44 o
               C.t.N.t.DA ..•.......  1,062,928  143,646  92,456  787,350  23,595  218,73 2
                                     FEMMES -  FEMALE
        I1e-du-PA~ ...... P. E. 1. .....  31'  3  ...... ,'ââ"  212   2
         NQuv.-l!:COB8(l ...• Non Sootill..  M3  52       3,587      7,         72
         N.~BruDll\riek...•...•...•....  646  46    11    3,016      37         Ba
         QUtlbll<'l...•.........•...... ,.  3,469  149  94  77,748   494       <16
        Ont-ario ....... , ......•......  ô,462  234  222  83,567  l,Ua        653
        Mll.nitobll. ....•......••......  1,533  37  '0   3,211      90         86
        SB:skatlloowan ..•.• , , ....•....  3,196  01  4  1,204      30         "
        Alberta .....................  2,417  28    01    2,295      71         "
        Colombie-Brit....Britillb Col...  1,473  ... .    5,230      99        115
               CA.!f.t.D.t. ..•......  19,160            182,090   2,041     1,487
                                .t            1
                             llQOlmUrnlla-      Finance,           Non
                               tioIl8  Commerce  a!l8uxanoe      délllarées
              PROVINCES         (1)      -        -      Bervioo   -       Total
                              Tran8por-  Trade  Finance,           Not      (2)
                             tatlon and        IIlBw1ulee         8tated
                                       HOMMES -  MALE
        II~du.P.•ll ...... P. E. 1. ......  1  1,170  1,786  174  1.412  718  26,0&5
         Nouv.-tc08!le .•.. Nov.. Bcoha.  13,877  14.542  1,665  10,804  2,837  153,941
         N._BrullBwi<lk .•.••..•...•.•.•  11,788  9,843  1,092  7.980  2,419  119,341
        8~~k;:~:::::::::::::::::::  62,851  132,150  17,705  124,460  14,700  1,140,105
                                                                   11 ,485
        Manitoba ..•.•..•......•....  20,394  25.193  4,235  20,305  2,133  215,705
        Suotchew..n ... , .... , . , .. , ..  17,nl)  20,229  2,601  19,558  2,713  273,122
        Alberta" .......•..•........  17,121  20,722  2,796  20,822  1,612  247,622
         Colombie-Brit.•.. Briti.eb Col...  24,379  30,749  5,557  30,709  2,446  258,723
               CAN.t.D.t., •...•....  246,835  352,179  61,311  U2,81O  41,069  3,163,111
                                     FEMMES -  FEMALE
         ne-du~~~:a..,.• , ,P. E. 1."",1  96  672  1  8'  a,685      43      .5,113
        Nouv.-  cOlI.!Ie •••• Nova Bcotia.  905  0,760  761  24,942  187     37,032
         N.-Brull.l'Iwi<lk .•.....•........  .94  4,188  527  18,131  149    27,414
        8~~i~':::::::::::::::::::::  3,178  26,125  13,3740  137,580  1.689  314,950
        Manitoba ..•.•..............  1,436  9,111  1,998  30,075    195     49,832
        8ukatohewan.......... , •....  1,006  4,933  907  31,1HI     211     42,724
         AJberta .....................  '06  5,502  1,174  27.661    153     40,393
        Colombie-Brit.. , , Briti.eb Col ..  2,401  10,408  2,308  32,402  328  M,131
               C.t.N.t.D.t.., ..... ".  19,764  UZ,931  n,Sil  ~60,622  4,917  .12.8~
          (1) y eowpril employée li. l'entrepoeq6 et emmqa.ei-  (1) Inlliudes warehouse B.nd Rtoralle employeeu.
          (2) Semee actif non llompri!:\,      (2) Not includinM: Aetive Bervic-e.
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112