Page 64 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 64

48                            POPULATION

            13-Superfici.e et den.ité de la population de. cités de la province de Québec.
               13-Area and Deneity of Population of Citie8 in the Province of Quebec.
                                                                    Augm. ou diminution
                           Superficie  PopulM-ion, 1941  Population  Increase Ol' Decre8Be
               CITli:s      clU"réa        Pll.rmille
                 -           -      Tot,aJe  carré
               CITIES      AreIL iD  -       -      1931     1921   1931--41  1921-31
                    Totw.  Pet square
                            Dl.i;ce          lnile
          Arvida ..•..........•••  9.a8  4,581  488.38  1,790         2,7Ql   1,790
          Cap-de-lll..Madeleine, ...  6.68  11,961  1,790.57  8,748  .. "6,738'  3,213  2,010
          ChIcoutimi....•.....•..  2.66  16,040  6,030.01  11,817  8,937  4.,163  2,940
          DrUDlmondville.. _, ... , .  2.11  10,555  5,002.31  6,609  2.H52  a.W6  3,167
          Grlltuby....•••..••••.••  2.13  14,197  6,ti(j5,;m  10,687  6,785  3,510  3,802
          Grand'Mère .•.•...•.•..  , ,0<  8,608  2,831.57  6,461  7,631  2,147  1,170
          Hull......... ,., , ......  6.25  32,947  5.271.52  29,433  24,117  3,514  5,316
          Joliette.. ,." .• , .......  2.01  12,749  6,342.79  10,705  9,039  1,98!  1.726
          Lachine................  4.68  20,051  4,284,40  18,630  15,404  1,421  3,226
          Uvi~..................  3.47  11,991  <l,455.62  11.724  10,470  207  1.204
          Longut.\uil.. , ....•......  .  1.30  7,081  5,451.54  5,407  4.682  1,1)80  125
          Montréal ....•.... , .••.  50.39  903,007  17,920.36  818,577  618.506  84,430  200,071
          Outremont. ...•........  1. 62  30,751  20,230.92  28,641  13,249  2,110  15,392
          Québec .........•.•....  ',,",  lliO,757  16,76fJ.41  130,(i94  95,193  20,163  35,401
          Riviére-du~Loup......•.  7.66  8,713  1,137,47  8,499  7,703  214    796
          St-H}'lI.ciIlthe.... , ... , ..  1. 70  ]7,798  10,460.41  13,448  10,859  4,350  2,5~Y
          St·Jean.. "... , , .' .•...•  2.08  13,646  6,500.58  Il,256  7,734  2.390  3.522
          St-Lambert ........ , ...  1.86  6,417  3,450.00  0.075  3,890  842  2,185
          Shawinigan Fo.UL'I........  2.52  20,325  8,065.48  15,345  10.625  4.980  4,720
          Sherbrooke.•...........  4.86  35,966  7,U5.46  28,933  23.515  7,032  5,418
          SoreL .................  3,13  12,251  "3.914.06  10,320  S,lH  1,931  2,lUI
          Thetford Mines .........  3.25  12;716  3,IU2.51  10,701  8,272  2,015  2,.421)
          Troil:l~aivièr€8 ..........  '.69  42,007  8,956.12  35,460  22,361  6,557  13,083
          Valleyfield, Salaberryde..  1.81  11,052  9.420.91  11,411  9,216  5,541  2,lg6
          Verdun.....••....•.•••  2,23  67,349  30,201.35  60.7f6  25,001  6,604  35.744
          Weatmount .. , .........  l.6'  26,047  17.024.18  24,235  11.Ml3  1.812  fi, 642
               14·-Popu]atÎon de8 villes d. la province de Qu.6bec, en 1921,1931 et 1941.
              14-Population of Town8 in the Province of Quebec, in 1921,1931 and 1941.
             VILLE&-TOWNS    19H   1931  1921    VILLES-l'OWNS    Ul41  1931  1921
          -:--'=:::::::':""::"::""':'::-1"'--:::'::"- --'::..0=:-1-==:-11-:--:===-:-:-:"';':':''--'1-=:':''- ----
          Acton Vll]r,................  2,36~  1,753  1,549  13  .... ··9·
          Amos.....................  2,862  2,153  1,488  Lac·Serj!ent..............  141  .... '60'
          Arthabll6ka..... ..•..  I.~83  1.608  1,234  .LlLprainc..... .•••...•.•..  2.9311  2,174  2,1f1S
          AfI~BtoS.....      .'1.711  4,39~  2.1S9  La."ll.llt'. ..••• •••• •••. ••••  4.651  2.362  126
          Aylmer......       3.11.'i  2,835  2,970  L'.'\l:ISomption  "  1,829  1,576  1,320
          Bagotville.................  11,248  2,W-.Q.  2,201  I..aTuque.................  7,919  7,8i1  5,608
          Baie-dTrf,:l. .••...•..... ,..  2~6  211  17"l  'Laurentid.e9...... . ..  ..  1.342  1.264-  1,150
          BaieComeau.•••.......•••  1,54,'0'  ,',  lauzon .•...•. :  7.871  7,0.>.4  6.42S
          ~:~~:~6eei(I::.·.;::::::::::  106  ~41 ····518· t:~:t~;:~l~~~::::::::  3,~g  2,116  1,989
          Beauceville................  899  707  1,448  Lnnuoxville... ...... .....  2,150  1,927  1 ,554:
          Beauceville-Est-Bast... ,...  1,251  975  Louiseville........ .....•  3,542  2,3ti!l  1.112
          Bea.unat"nois...............  3.550  3.729 "2;2.50'  l\oJagog  ,...  9.034  6.302  5,159
          Beauport           3,725  3,242  <1.240  Malart,jr:     2.RQ5
          BedfQrd       ;.....  1,697  l,a7Q  1,611~  ,Maple Grove.............  378  .. "396'  ""286'
          RelœiL..  ....•....•...  2,008  1,434  l,41f1  ~"1arieville..  ..••...  2,304  1,986  1,748
          Bertbier..................  2,634  2,431  2,193  Matane  ,...  4.633  4,757  3,050
          Black Lake......... ....•..  2,276  2,161  2,656  Mégantic.....  4,560  3,911  3,140
          Boudamaquo........ ..•...  1,1>45 .•.......•.....  l'o:lcorcier....•....•...•............
          Bromptooville  " . . .  1,672  1,521  2, ,608  ~1QntDlll.!!ny..... . . . . .. . . .  4,585  3,~~ "4:245'
          Buekinglul.w ......•• ,.. •.•  4,6111  4,538  3,835  Montr4al·Bst-East........  2,355  2,242  1,7'16
          Ch!tE'.au-d'Eau.     2~9   11i0      Montréal-Nord-North.....  6,152  4,5111  1,.'it\0
          CMteauguay.....     1,.1.:::5  1,06'1" ... 'sai'  Montréal·Ouest-Weet.....  3,474  3.190  1,882
          Coatioook.................  4.414  4,044  3.554  Montréal-Bud-8outh......  1,.\41'o..  1,030
          Cook"<hire       '   871   946   950  Mont-Ro)·a!..............  4,8SR  2,]74  160
          Courville          2.011  1,678  1,293  Nico1 t..................  3,151  2,86'!  2,a42
          CowausviUe.....     3,486  1,850  1,004  Noranda.............  4,516  2.246 .....•••
          DeLéry               816   661   .540  Plagt>-Laval.  , ..•..  542  220
          Dolbeau........ .•. .••...•  2,847  2,082..  .,  Pointe-lI,U:!-Tremblll(l.. .••.  4,314  2,970  "2;350'
          Donnaconll.. ... .. .. .... ....  3,064  2,831 i:2,25  Poin.te-ClRire.. , .. •• .. . • . .  4,536  4,058  2.611
          Dorion.. ... .•. .••.••...•.  1,292  1,155  833  Port-Alfred..... ....••••..  3,243  2,342  1.213
          DorvaL, .....•.......... _.  2.048  2,052  1.166 ....  3.619  1.SU  130
          J)uparquet................  1,384..  Racine...................  112  105  "2;400'
          EF.~'nthAngu$.m",',',',', ,",',',', ,", 0. ',',',  3.501  3,566  3.802  Richmond.... .  .. .  3,D82  2.596  .3.
                              4.055  4,205  3.343  Rigaud.. ,...............  1,222  1,099
          Groenfielâ Park............  l,SIg  1.610  1.112  Rimou~ki............... 7,OOQ  !l,5S9  3,612
          Ha-IDpstE'ad................  1.974  594  53  Riverbend ...... ,. _......  275  1""
          Huntinltrlon...............  1.052  1,6HI  1,401  Hoboou'Vw.................  3,220  2,170  "2:Ô6S'
          IherviUe.           3.4:i4  2.1i8  2,41)-1.  Rouyn......  8,808  3,22.~  ... "23'
          Ilo-CadieuJ:...............  fi  17  .... ',',"  H.ol:boro.................  2a  25
          I1e-Dol"vsl................  19      Ste-Agathe-des-Monh.....  3,308  2,949  2,812
          llt'-)  455  449........  Ste_Anne-de-Bellevuc......  3,006  2,411  2.212
          lle~·Ln.vaJ.......  .•.•..  358 .. ,. ,4'4','  ".".  St.-Jérf,me  "  11.329  &.96'1  .5.4.91
          Jonquiêrc..•.....•••..••.•  13,709  4,8.51'  8t.-Jooeph-d'Ahna.........  6,449  3,970  .'0
          Kénogamie   ,.      8,579  4,500  2,557  St-Joseph-de-Granthll,m....  5.556  2,812
          L4chutll..................  5,310  3,90e  2,592  St-Laurent...............  fI.242  5.3i8
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69