Page 417 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 417

392                              MINES

         ......Production des Jnin~raux industriels, par principales substances, province
                                        de Québec.
          g-.Production of Industriel Minerais! by Leading Substancea, ProviJ'lce of Quebec.

                      Cbaux            CB1e:fLire  Quartr.
           ANmEB     industrieile      industriel  industriel  Tourbe     Feldspath
              -        -      Dolomite   -        -        -      Pyrite    -
            YEAR8    Industrial        Industrio.!  Industrial  Peat      Feldspll.f
                       lime            limeatone  qUBJ"ts

                      0'000    0'000    $'000    $'000    $'000   0'000    0'000
            1935-39....  700     682     163      336      14      180       74
          940.•. ', ..•.••.  1,287  979  215      322      81      212       89
          941 ••.•.•.•..••  l.833  l,DOl  296     389      174     575      137
          942.•••...•....  2,168  1,151  409      644      198     <76      165
          943.•••........  2,489  1,260  510      .06      303     "5       17'
         1944............  2,310  1,139  456      639     063      454      177
         1945.••..••....•  1,949  l ,27\1  773    626     0"       446      247
         1046, •.•.••. ,.,.  1,863  1,226  887    612     601      376      331
         1947.••. , ... , ...  2,354  1,187  1,017  63.   393      187      321
                      tonnes            tonnes   tonnœ   tonnes   tonneB   tonnes'
                       -                 -        -       -        -        -
                       10",             10'"     10",     ta'"     tao'     tons
            1935-39 ....  126,440 ......... ...  135,390  89,.:150  409  62,827  7,735
                      212,709 ............
         1940•••••.... ".  284,.509 ............  167,585  109,090  3,232  123,400  8.548
         1941. .•••.•... ,.  332,880 ............  212,494  147,318  7,265  298,761  14,218
         1942....•••..•.•  397,002 ............  266.640  203,219  12.982  351,570  16,802
         194.." ...........             403,396  214,g59  14,921  277,6g0   17,199
         1944•••... , ••••.  320,433  ............  344,912  236,091  19,477  240,371  17,842
         1945••••..•..•..  285,352 ............  400,231  195,857  18,551  218.638  26,389
         1946...........  251,015 .. ' ... ......  412,944  214,076  20,382  194,292  29,758
         1947.....• _....  295,985  .....  ...  394,021  220,050  21,292  105,271  29,146
           ANNtE8     St6atittl  0""  Eau minérale                Marne
              -        -        -        -       MiCtl.  Kaolin    -      Pbosphat.e
            YEARS    Soapstone  Gohre  Mineral water               MaJ'l
                       "000    1'000    $'000    1'000    $'000   $'000    "000
           Mo~:.-Aye.                                  ... .........
            1935-39...  36       74       18       92               16        2
         1940...•.•.•....  7'   108       18      203  ... .......  16        4
         1941.          156     139       58      284  ......       16       33
         1942.. ::::::: :::  137  147     60      285       6        6       13
         1943.••••.... _..  13.  131      62      246       2        8       14
         1944............  204  126       78      179       •        •        7
         1945.......•....  164  124      120      121       4        3        4
         1946........ ....  11)0  140    122      109       6            ...........
         1947........   123     258      117      121   ...         19 "      .....
                      tonnes   tOIUles                   tonnes   tonnes   tonnes
                        -       -       g/l.lloM  000 lb.  -       -        -
                       taM      tons                      tOM               toM
           :htloy.-AvE'.                                           """
            1935-39.... ... ........  5,473  144,129  737 ....... .....  39,1<;16  221
         1940, ....•.•..•. ............  9,073  109.025  .......... .. .... .. ....  40,451  358
         1941 .•••..... _..     9,770   144,441 .......... .. .. ..  41,136  2.487
         1942.•••••••....  ... ï.i:369"  8,866  129.062  ....  ..  408  15,879  930
         194.3•........•..  14,204  7,996  125.605  3:087    93    18.903   1,050
         1944............  19,013  8.117  148,965  2,275    424    11,872     482
         1945..• , ••••.. ,.  14.225  9,407  236,476  2,857  44.    7,713     291
         1946..........  14,914  12.208  211.842  2.398     821    12.470     57
         1947._ ..........  13,279  13,360  195,252  3,2i2  ......  ...  19,291  ...........
   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421   422