Page 340 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 340

RECEN8EMENT-CEN8U8                          319

                       DE 1941                                1941
          On trouvera dans les pages suivantes les  Final results of the 1941 agricultural cenaus,
         résultats définitifs du recensement agricole de  ~;hich was canied out at the ,<;.BIDe time 80S the
         1941 effectué en même temps que lu dénom-  census of the population, will be fOlllld in the
         brement décennal de la population.   following pages.

                    lo-f.tat des terres agricoles occupéell, par provinces.
                    IO-Condition of occupied farrn land, by provinceIJ.

                                Année~  1  Ile-du-P.-É.  N.-Itcosse
              lhat.-Conditioll   -       -    1        IN.B,un'Wid<  Québec  Ontario
                                Years  P.E.I.  Il,"~t~
                                         oc.      oc.     oc.      aC'.     oc.
         So;;l'llRFICIE TOTALE-ToTAL .....RE"-.  1941  I,UI,8S8  3.816,646  3,964,109  18.0&2,564  22,311,981
                                 1931  l,Ul,2D2  4,302.011  4,151,596  17,304.164  22.840,898
         DéfTirhé_[mprQ~ed•.  .. ....  194-1  737,400  812,409  1,$%,431  9,062,671  13,3(J9,561
                                 18.51  76S,77B  81;4,632  1,330,232  8,994,1!i8  13.27~,98(J
          En Clllture--Lllder crops. ... ...  1941  470,004  535,059  &31,844  6.0.79,191  9,087,082
                                 1931   494,692  574,729  958,189  6,079,793  9,359,763
 ...... .......  1941  237,062  175,236  296.776  2,519,354  3,237,865
                                 1931   242,190  168,303  292,6il7  2,600,757  2,943,5&7
          En jachêre-Summer fallow ... ..  1~41  3,943  3,748  8,472  6,776  320,765
                                 1931     8,n3    9,229    16,292  28,151   344,634
          Autre terre dMlichée-
           Other improved land. .....  1941  26,044  57.485  64,269  399,020  543,105
                                 1931    17,740   43.386  52.914   224,951  394,050
         En /rùhe-Unimpl'()('f'li.•.. , .. ..  194-/  491.468  8,004,2..p  1,728,618  8.(}99,81J3  9,024,fJJ!O
                                 1991   ...25 ....30  3,457,39,'1  2,821.364  8,310,00a  EI,567,MB
          Boisée--Woodland .... , ... ......  1941  315.780  2.075,245  2,210,412  5,962,906  3,864,869
                                 1931   339,076  2.!m2,773  2,432,-?70  6,005.594  4,702,459
          Praide ou pâturage natul"cl-
          Prairie or Ilatural pasture .......  1941  80,604  731,801  364,493  2,090,8.23  3,879.182
                                 1931    35,264  744,971  238,855  1.430,974  3,4&0.398
          l\.:Iarécage--Mansh or WB.8t.e land  1941  35,084  197.197  153,773  946,164  1,280.569
                                 1931    51,090  209,655  149.939  843,438  1,405,055
                               1     1
              Êtat----('oDditton  A":"ffi 1 Manitoba ISaskatchewan  Alberta  -  Total
                                Yea.:rB                           B.e.
                                         '" .    oc.      ac.      ".       ac.
        S["PERl'ICIETOTAI.E-To'l'AL AREA.  1941  16,891,122  59.560,527  43,2n,295  1  4,033,570  In.563,282
                                 1931  15,131,685  55,m,460  38,Sn.457  3,541,s.u.  163,U4,OS4
        Défrid~_[mp1'()verI,..... .......  1841  9,8!i!.9,174  36,577,320  20,1~5,220  893,U85  91,636,roli
                                 18S1  8.621.930  38,548,!i88  17,748,518  7'N,·9/JIJ  85,13it,172
          En culture--'Cnder crops. .......  1941  6,323.037  19,765,543  12,278,873  537,998  55,938,63&
                                 1931  5,842,3&8  22.1213,329  12,037,394  452,226  57.925,483
          PAt.urage-Pasture ........ ... ...  19-11  45-'l,487  783,901  625.578  171. 614  8.502,873
                                 1931   411. 924  712,371  524,586  1l5,li26  8,011,71&
          F~ :·aohère--Summer fallow ... ..  1941  2,767,li35  13,803,088  6.545,931  75,048  23,535,106
                                 1931  2,069,914  9,941.357  4,547,187  41,761  17,007,278
          Autre terre défrichée-
           Ot.her impcoved land .... ...  1041  278,385  1,222,990  609,588  57,290  3,818,176
                                 1931   194,032  766,308  &37,435  42,414  2,373,230
                       .               7,Gt?2,148  2.r" 885, 607  $3,15/;,075  3.141),485  81.927,157
        En friche~UtlimptOl'r.rI .••.... . '"  IBl,.l
                                 1931  6,  22,124,47:2  :;J •228, a59  2,fi36,586  ?7.!J81,Bo';2
          Boisée-Wood!a.nd ......... .....  1941  1.529.648  2,566,115  2,727,375  1,013,732  22.266,082
                                 1931  2,018, .520  3,508,480  3,893,680  1,212,129  26,645,281
          Prairie ou pii,turage natnrel-
          Prairie or Datura] paBture ...... "  1941  4,823,515  19,815,940  18,745.520  1.846.358  52,371':,236
                                 1931  3,601,644  15,755,179  15,960,335  1.347,377  42,574,997
          Marlicage-Marsh or waBte land.  1941  708,985  2,001,5.52  1,679,180  280,395  7,282,890
                                1931    989,591  2.BûO,813  1,374.924  277,079  8,161,584
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