Page 282 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 282

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                 1D41J-.47  8,40S  9.4J7  5.880  4,234-  7.914  2,465  2,633  S.301  2.,'';.'i8  835  5,n6  4.327  4.003  82  .'i,729  lWS  3,444  3,~f',~  1,654-  2,480  1,381  4,441  3,R74  210,558  1,43t  1,202  4,S50  33,325  5,484  2,231  1,:,,:H  5,02!)  13,07-1.  4,6.58  3,925  lû,500  7, 34ft  rS2~, 1O~
                 19-15-46  6,011  u,731j  -1,452  5,091  fI.07B  1, 818  1,541  7,727  2,048  DOO  5,338  4,01:10  3,-135  JOJ  5,862  661  2,921  2.fl75  1,563  1,579  1.294-  3,010  2.(Kl:J  203,763  1,55,0;  1,685  4,310  30,391  7,338  1,820  1.2><'7  3,flOt  11.279  4,145  3.478  11,1'.16  6,448,  16,87G.283

                 j                176  53  613          48:1
          licencel!.,  1\J44-45  7,176  S  6.210  3,975  7,025  ti,911  I.OH  1,908  5.942  1.455  .'6  ;:;,443  3,213  5,01>5  1,827  2,368  1,-197  1,300  1.144  2.014  1.810  196,271  1,664  1,588  4.182  28,01lO  6,M3  1.709  3.458  10,617  4,123  2.484  12,595  .1,947  13~ ~~,103  Q1AtlJec.

          des    1 1943-4·1  7,.114  5,669  4,Oü l  0.1:l46  6,110  1,1<1!!  l,Ii83  6,123  1,311  fj~R  5,,';,']5  3·.43Ô·  42  5,11.'i  513  1,824  2.210  1,47~  l,mS  l, le»  3,165  1,0~J  19,';,639  1,66:1  1,3ll3  4•.1'70  27,217  5,762  1.55:2  689  3.ail9  Il,778  3,17fJ  2,5134-  1~,174  5,Sb9  of

          et  LicenseA.  j  s  1  1  ..  ..                        !~,0fi!'l,600!
          alcooliqueA  and  Act  1942-43  7,376  s  5,6:31  ·1,661  ü,845  6,lMO  l,20il  1'3781  5.841:1  1,431  156  0521  !l.528  ..........  3,4~9  43  4,616  634  1,640  2,535  1,481  1.238  1.130  3.W8  1,<:175  1\J4,ü54  1.811  1.421  4.822  27,.'i36  6,lü9  1,778  1.109  3,432  10,,~lO2  3,971  2,900  12.324  6,1:l~0  3.315,.':i,Q,4  Qf t

          liqueurs  Liquor  1941-42  (1~  [l,216  :s  5,205  ,l,065  6,420  6,243  1,147  1,594  5,4n6  1,598  5,899  4,051  45  60  5,196  863  2,286  2.54D  1,52ü  1,023  1,226  3.305  2,383  195,8V7  2,206  1,622  5,6'19  27,8G2  5.663  2,277  1,372  83  3,448  10,881  3,719  2,866  1I,SM  6,383  only.  Pllhlic  frOID

          deI!.  Alcoholic  11940-41  3,303  2,760  1,715  829  1,722  208  1,179  2,1';43  or ... ':!  100  2,520  '1.526  .  2,2'<18  441  314  462  640  467  536  1,636  1.221)  74,651  t,253  473  1.704  7.7'1,f;  1,456  639  1,68,~  3,t67  ],331  959  2.911'0  1,834  montw  9  EdrBCt
          Loi        l'           ...                    230                 (1)

          la     193940  9,017  ti,380  4,304  4,511  5,960  1,269  1,277  4,149  1,136  520  5,213  ... ,'3',482·  144  5,407  692  2,426  2,1347  018  1,038  1,225  2.421  1,363  211,264-  1,005  1,168  6.875  28,14-!  5,212  1,240  3•.'>05  10,234  3.544-  2.298  11.807  4,098
          de  the    :s
          vertu  under  l'î.f38-39  6,152  4,750  6.569  5,134-  4,802  1,208  1,164  3.980  1,163  561  0,662 .  3,488  201  6,W'l  337  2,188  2,S12  J,.'ila  1,079  1,2:j8  2,549  1,9.17  214,455  2,225  1.421  5,047  29,47!l  4,809  96ô  107  3,0fI9  8,021  .3,780  2.373  10,003  0,981  1.915.971  2,132.635  s.3M  2.IU,270

          en         :s           .
          perçus  Duties  1937-38  4-,900  •  4.,617  3,033  4,193  4,200  1,040  l,50S  3,612  898  327  .5,090  2,822  115  3.754  7S5  2,463  2.665  1,008  904  1,123  2,096  1,071  219,698  633  1,164  4,996  25,038  4.018  905  237  2,841  7,M2  2,804  1,802  8,960  4,600  1,968,40ô  2,3'0$,0163  1,689  -----  2.304.,774

          droit.  from  1006--37  2,203  2.926  2,305  3,115  3,796  653  443  4,14-2  579  311  4,222  . ..  2,811  20  4.0!'.8  32  2,125  2,754  484  706  Mi5  1,916  l,W3  213,304  361  1,439  3,Ml  17,100  3,132  9015  9  1,758  6,841.  2,386  1,381  8,237  4.080  1,814,934  2,122,421  218  2,122,203

          des  Derived  •  2,5M  4S4.  562  2,680  309  408  .•. , •• .  •  2,969  4-0  3,005  144  1,611  2,372  400  546  590  1,273  1,~8  247  1,102  2.602  3,978  455  87  2.038  6,231  2,642  2,131  8.071}  4,357  1,012
          provenant  &-Revenue  10~~O  2,640  8  .  ..  2.271  .  ••  4,494  3,491  .. ,.  1  5,251  • . ' . . ,  ..  . . •.  ..  We-t>t...  .  ..  108,053  .•.• . . ..  Il  15.700  "1  . . . ..  1  '11  . • .•  .•  .  ..  un-  Liquor  1,773,886  2,062,486  ,  . . .  2,DG1,394  ,  prQt!i7l<le fi.. Québec.

                                                       . . ..
          &--Revenu  ..  .. ..  ..  ..  ..  •.  ..  •.  ••  .•  .•  ,..............  .•  ••..  .,  ..  ..  ..  . .  '  '  "  ,.  ..  '  .•  ..  .•. '  '  l':ll.llt..  John  John  ..  ..  '  ' .••.•..•••.•••.•••••.••• [  ..  ••  .•  ..  ..  ,..  ,.....  ,....  "  ..  '  •. .......• , ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ,  ..•...... '  ..  " .••..•..•.••.•  .. ..

                 DISTRICTS  ..  ..  .•  .•  •.  .•  ..  .• Beauce................................ Redford............................... Bonaventure........•.......... ,....... • , ••••.. ,  , G88pé-Ellt-Enst....................... Huntîngdon-Chllteaugua,y.......•....... . Dcs-de-la.MBrleleine-Magdalen hlands., •. Kamourl2lllu\...................

                     ..  ..  ••    '      Lae-St-Jean-Est- Lake St.  '  .  . .. SlIawiniian................•  ..  ~rtu  liqueurs cooliquca ...•.... ,.  TOTAL  des
                     . ..      GB5pê-Oucst-Weet  _"  LabeHe-Sud- So\ltt...  Montmagny ,.,..... •• , ,. Pontiae-E~t-East PontlIl.C_Ouest._West.  ...  r;t-F)'Q,nçoÎll...........  St-Hyacinthe .•.• T~nuSllOllata .. . .. de  en  9  Extrait,
                     A.bitibi..  \rt.haballkl\...  Bcs.uharnoill  Ch1\.rlev<'î1  Chicoutimi  Hull  Iberville  Joliette  T.,,~-St-J  Tuque  La  Matane.  Montréal  Nlcolet  Québec  RichelIeu  Rimouski  Saguenay  Terrebonne.  Trois-Riviiires  Droits des  Loi  .  (1)
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