Page 195 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 195

180                    INSTRUCTION-EDUCATION
                           2-Résumé des stati,tiques scolaires.·
                           2-Summary of Educational Statiatic•.
                            teoles  teoles caPl- tcoles 8upé_ Collèges
                           6lémcn. plémentaires  rieurea et  eJlWIi~  Autres  Éeoles  Uni\ler-
              ANNtE8        taires  et intl'nnéd. High Schools  Ques  écoles  norma.les  eités
                -            -      -        -      -      -    -     (3)   Total
               YEARS       Element- Complement_  Superior  C188lJi~al Other  NormaL  UDiver_
                             ~y  aryo,ndInter-  ond  CoUegœ. Schools  SChOOJ3  .Ilit.ies
                           8choole med. Schools High Scbools
                           NOMBRE D':f1:CQLES -  NUMBER OF SCHOQLS
        1927-28....•... ..........  1  7,209  69  fl3/)  23  184  20     4   8,145
        1928-29..••. .. ... ......  7.223  66  682  1  24  181    20     ,   8,200
        }929-30. " •.... ..... ... ....  7.2[OÛ  70  694  25  20'  20        .,279
        }930-31. .... .... ........ ...  7.347  73  742  28  234  20     ,   _,448
        1931·32..... ' .. ............  7,383  (I)  036  (3)  212  29  307  3l  8,602
        1932-33. " .. ....... ........  7,193  791  238  29  289  32     4   8,576
        1933-34........ ....... .....  7,344  827  271  29  30S   32     4   8,815
        1934-35.......  .........  7,485  .0.  279    2.   325    32     4   8.998
        1935-36. .. '"  ... .........  7,522   279    29   336    33     4 4 .....
        1936·37. .... ... ... .... .....  7,746  850  300  29  362  35   ,
        1937-38.. ... .... "' .... ....  7,854  851  322  30  386  43    ,   9,490
        1938--39. ...  ......,..  7,g07  '15   368    3l   433    51     ,   9,709
        1939-40. .... .. .. .. .... ....  8,004  93.  346  (4) 47  410  63   9,BU
        1940-41. .....  ... .... ..  7,976  907  366  .,   420    69     4   9,855
        1941-42. .... .... .... ......  7,897  1,032  357  441    72     4   9,851
        }942-43 .. ... ... ..... ...  7,915  1,046  288  48  .'500  75   4   9,976
        1943-44. ....... ... .......  7,910  1,058  395  50  55'  75     4  10,055
        11)..(4-45 (.5) .• .. , . ........  7,781  1, 101  438  (6) 43  028  78  ,  10,073
        1945-46. ........ ...........  7,69Q  1. 158  454 i (6) 44  574  82  10.....
        1927-28 .. .. ..... .. .... .... .367,591  5,M8  192, B06  10,136  27,641  1,950  6,211  611,781
        1028-29.. ....... .... " ... .364,612  5,194  207,567  10.30.'1  27,888  1,921  7, III  GU,'"
        1929-39. ..... .. .... ......  366,519  6,148  211,017  10,451  31.672  1.988  6.962  614,757
        1930-3l. .......... ..... ..371,116  6,082  222,744  10,710  3.1.538  2.029  7.132  653,JS1.
        1931-32.. ... ... ....... ... 376.288  (1) 160, t90  (2) 76,386  10,899  i!9.569  2.675  6,854  672,.8U
        1932-33. ... ..  .....  .. 349.007  188.210  83,706  tO,734  ,'35,441  2,849  6.703  5T1,250
        193.1-34. ...  ... ...... ... .148,354  189,436  91,290  ]0,752  35, ID2  2,724  7,293 .......
        1934-35. .. ... ....  .344,167  201,386  89,273  10.601  36,343  2,581
        1935-36...  .... ... .... . 335,186  212,145  91,121  ID, 564  40,103  2,602  8,5.18  700,259
        1936-37..  .... .....  341.172  203.407  99.596  ID. 785  43.6f.o8  3, lOG  8,872  710,600
        1937-38. . ." ....... ....... 339,001  202,502  104.886  11,134  47,192  3,483  9,886  na,084
        1938-39. .. .  ..... ... 326,662  210,355  117,720  11. 105  52,180  3,0,')2  10.612 m,'"
        1\l39-40. .....  ..320,631  212,328  112.876  12,642  47,051  3.082  10.528  n9,:D8
        1940-41. ... .... ... ... , ..313,300  215,4!il  11O,lj41  12,976  .'14,557  3,598  1O •.5I7  720,150
        1941-42. ... .. .... ... ., .. 300,704  218,725  108.062  13.492  66.779  3 •.'i49  II.505  722,906
        IM'2-43. ... " .. ..... ..  ..293,070  213:751  113,285  14,040  (}9,513  3.975  11.911  n9,735
        1943~44.... ..... .... .... ... 285.911  210,M13  112,875  15.668  71,679  4,471  12,482  724,513
        1944-45 (5) ... .. .....  .. 270.41l2  201,997  128,963  16,012  72,526  5.0-28  12.982  719,444
        Ig·i5-46..... .... .... .... .. 266,8.')6  208.313  135,521  16,643  76,405  5,561  19,456  728,755
        1927-28.... ... .." ......  12,4\10  215  7,541  921  1.332  277  967  23, ,U
        1928-20. ..  ......  12,3~2   200     7,931  991  1,364  281  1,019  2', 1..
        1920-30.  ....     12.527     235     8,209  1,019  1,471  288  1,034  78> ..,
        1930-31.  .. .... ...  12,676  2i!7   8,788  1 1.075  1,622  314  1.081  25, 793
        19;H-32.  .. ..... .. .... ..  12,8:J7  (1)  5.975  (2)  3,435  1.085  2,066  423  1.100  26, 921
        1932-33. ....  ......  11,859  (J.747  3,790  1.lIO  1.792  4,'56  1,067  26, 821
        1933-34.. ... .......  Il.866  6.742  4,104  1.147  1.727  '68  1.061  2' ,us
        1934~35.... ..... ... ...  Il,8\18  7,066  4. W8  1.127  1.775  477  1,099  Xl, ...
        193!ï-36..  ......  Il,792   7,4f17   4; 278  1.120  1,820  480  1,006  Xl,
        1936-37.. ... ,  ....... ...  12,147  7,254  4,644  1, 148  1,832  51I  1,031  28, .67
        19.17-38. .. .... ...  ........  12,30~  7.183  4,8S9  1,152  2,066  1)52  1,094  29, 2"
        1938-3g......  .....  12,076  7,384   5,5ll  1,126  2.273  618  1,148  30, n6
        1939---40......... .. .. .. ,. ...  12 225  7,625  5,399  1,386  2,084  67'  1, .207  '0,  6••
        1940-41. ...... .... .... ....  12:047  7,835  5,427  1,385  2,300  729  1,248  .o, .71
        1041-42 ...... ......... .. ...  II,915  8,153  5,5:JO  1,441  2,5139  749  1,108  n, "5
        1fI42-43..... ..  .........  II ,889  8.131  5.752  1,489  2,468  777  1,302  n,
        1143-44.......•... _, , ......  11,947  8,272  5,850  1,557  2,788  774  1,488  '2, 676
        1144-45 (5) .......... ..... ..  11,663  8,104  6,580  1,433  3,413  841  1,616  !!, 6"
        1945-46......... .... .. ...  11,394  8.336  6.853  1,410  3.483  887  1,883  "6 ..,
         (I) Seulement Les écoles intermédiaires l'rotestll.ntes  (1) Only Protesbnt intermooill.te llehoole before 1931-
        !lovant 1931·1932.                   32.
         (2) AV9,llt 1931-32, lel!! écoles complémentlLires catholi-  (2) Before 1931-32, Catholio compLemento.:r:r scbools
        ques sont incluses.                  arp iocluded.
         (3) Les f1l11.tiatiques des écolel!! !\ffiliées aux universitéB  (3) StatL<>t,iœ of f'llhools affiliated to universities are
        sont comprise:> f,OUf; la rubrique "autres écoles".  inc1udoo undel' the heading "Other schools".
         (4) Y com{lris colll>ges classiques pour jeunes 611ee et  (4) Including classicai colleges for girls and religiow
        nstir.uts religieux pour jeunet! geIlll.  i.D~t.itution'"for young men.
         (5) Chiffre~ revisés.                 (5) RM'i~en figurffi.
         (6) A l'exchl~ion de 8 collège!! fém.ininiJ dfjA wmpris  (6) Exduding-  8 eolle.ges for  :Jo'OUDIt girlf! a{ready
        dans le prinmire.                    eomputed in the primary delUee.
           Extrait de 8tatiBlÎquer de l'Snseio?I6mfnl, Québeo,  Ext.ract from Ed~wCion(l1 8:aIÎ81in. Quebea.
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