Page 196 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 196

           L'école primaire élémentaire comprend trois  The elementary primary sohool is composed
         cours réguliers de deux: B.nnéElS chacun: infé-  of tmee l'egular courses of two yea,rs each, viz:
         rieur, moyen, supérieur. Une section prépara-  10",'er, intermediate and Buperior.  A prepar-
         toil:e, appelée 1ère année chez les catholiques,  atory section designated as let year in catholio
         prépare au programme élémentaire les enfants  oohools, for children who have not yet attend-
         qui n'ont pas encore fréquenté 1'0001e.  Doms  ed school, prepB,res them for the elementary
         la section préparatoire et dans le cours infé-  course.  In the prepa,ra.tory section and in the
         rieur, l'enseignement est puremtmt oral. En  lower grade, tea.ching is pure!y oral.  In
         1945-46, il y avait 7,699 écoles élémentaires  1945-46, there were 7,699 elementary achools
         avec un personnel enseignant de 11,394 lllsti-  with a male and fernale teaehing sM,if of
         tuteurs et institutrices.  On comptait a.lors un  11,394. The number of pupils enroUed at
         tcta.1 de 266,856 élèves inserits.   tbat date wa,s 266,855.
                       3- Statistiques des écoles primaires élémentaires.
                          3-Statistics of Elementary Primary Schools.
                              Nombre de.':!        ]1;lèveB iD.Bcrit~  Présllllce moyenne
                                 -                     -                 -
                              Number of            Pupils EJlrolled  Aver~e Attendance
               -                      Iustitu-                              Pour·
             YEARS      ]1;ooles  1 1"'''tU-1  trices  GarçofUl  Filllls   ClInt,age
                         -              -      -       -     Total  N"":b,, 1  -
                        Schools  Male  Female  Boy.!!  Girl~        Number  Per-
                               Teachers  Tea<:>  1    1 1             centagi3
                            l':COLES CATHOUQUES-CATIIOLIC SCHOOLS
         1932-33.        6,661    525   9,685  148.D13  149,441  291, 514 1  243,183  81.74
         1933-34. .....  6,80.3   548   9,640  1  145,421  149,781  2!i!i.2OZ  242,490  82.14
         1934-35, ....   6,950    563   9,676  146,095  145,710  202,405 1 238,932  81.71
         1935-.16. ...   6,997    483   9,724  142,540  143.512  286,052  232,242  81.19
         1936-37.        7,224    464  10,105  145,962  147,313  29~,275 ,  237,781  81.08
         1931-38..       7,328    482  10,2·53  145,190  146,976  292,106 i 238,609  81.67
         1938-39.. ...   7,376    485   9,9!i.'i  140,972  13O,677  280, 649  231,881  82.62
         1939-40 ..      7,477    512  10,131  138,788  137,358  276,146  1  230,636  83.52
         1940-4.1. .....  ..  1  7,474  529  9,971  136,176  133,747  269,923 .  222,301  82.36
         1941-4.2 ..     7,418    511   g,879  131,450  127,825  259,275  213,566  82.37
         1942-43  ...    7.459    403   9,890  128,136  125.460  253,596  207,963  82.00
         1943-4.4 ~1) ...  7,489  50'   9,!)28  125.364  122.444  247,808  (2)  (2)
         1944-45 1).     7.378    493   9,760  119,210  Il5,9G2  235,172  (2)  (2)
         Hl45-46 (1) ..  1.310    520   9.520  119,307 1 112,120  231,427  (2)  (2)
                  '"  '
         1932-33. .... .... "  532      1,539  26,721  25.372  52,093  41,890  80041
         1933-34. ....     53.    11°1  1,552  27.325  25,827  53,152  42,633  BO.21
         1934-35. ... .. ......  53,5  129  1,530  26,041  25.121  51,762  41,341  79.87
         1935-36. .. ... .....  525  11.  1,4Q6  25,458  23,666  49,134  1  39,033  79.44
         1936-37. ... ..... ,  522  117  1,461  24,792  23,105  47,B97  38,388  80.15
         1937-38.. .... ....  526  132  1,442  24,197  22,638  46,835  38,035  81.21
         1938-39.. ..... .....  531  144  1,452  23,871  22,142  46,013  37,289  81.04
         1939-40.. ..... .....  527  151  1,431  23,028  21,457  44,485  36.258  81.51
         1910-41. . .....  50Z    142   1,405  22,451  20,926  43,377  34,202  78.85
         1941-42.. ..... ...  479  137  1,388  21,357  20,162  41, 5HI  32,870  79.17
         1942-43.........  455          1,395  20,164  19,310  39,474  32,329  81.90
         1943-44 (1) ....  430    ~ill  1,399  19,555  18,548  38,103  (2)   (2i
         1944-45(1) ...    403    110   1,300  18.125  17,185  35,310  (2)   (2)
         1945-46 {lJ .     389    117   1,237 1  18,121  17 .308  35,429  (2)  (2)
         1932-33.. ... ...  7193  53.3  11 ,224  174,794  174,813  349,607  285,073  81.54
         HI33~34. .... .. . ...  7,344  674  11,192  172,146  175,608  348,354-  285,123  81.85
         1934-35..    1  7,485    692  11 ,206  173,336  170,831  1  344,167  280,273  81.44
         }035-36.        7,522    002  11,190  168,008  167,178  1  335,186  271,275  1  80.93
         1936-37.. .... .....  7,746  1  581  11,5ûG  170,754  170,418  341,172  276,169  80.95
         ID37~38..       1,854    614  Il,695  169,387  H19,614  330,001  275,644  81. 61
         1938-39... ....  7,907   629  11 ,447  154,843  161,819  326,662  269,170  82.40
         1939-40, .   1  8.004    66.1  1  11,562  161,816  1.J8,815  320,631  266,894  83.24
         1940-41. , ,    7,976    671  11 ,376  15.':1,627  154,673  313.300  256,503  81.87
         1941-4~..       7,897    648  11 ,267  132.807  147,897  300,794  246,436  81.03
         lOi2-43....  ...  7,ÇJ15  604        148,300  144,770  293,070  240,291  81.99
         1943--44 tU. .. .. ..  7,910  620  !J.285 1  144,919  140,992  285,911  (2)  (2)
                                       11 ,::l27
         1944-45 1). .....  7.781  603  11 ,060  137,335  133,147  270,482  (2)  (2)
         1945-46 (1).    7,69ÇJ   637 ,  10,757  137,428  129,428  266,856  (2)  (2)
          (1) Inscription d'après let! hullotiIDl d'inspection.  (1) Enrolment bBlllld upon the bulletins of iIDlpectioll
          (2) Pas de ra.PPOrt.                  (2) No .report.
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