Page 288 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 288

270                             FINANCES

                          2-Etat de la dette con8olidée et des emprunta temporaire8 de la province de
                                               Québec, chaque année, depuis 1896.

                           2-Statement of the Funded Debt and Temporary Loana of the Province of
                                               Quebec, each year, ainee 1896.

                                                                                 De~Le    Emprunt<!
                                                   DetLe  Fond. d'amol'-  Paiemenh  oonoolidée  ,  ~emporairel!l
                                                  conoolidée  t.i"ement  diJf6ré.  II  nette  .t d6pÔt<!
                               ANNl1:E8-YEARB                           (Il
                                                  Funded     Siuking  Deferred    Net     TempOrMY
                                                   Debt      Fund     Payment.   fouudell  Loan. and
                                                                                  Debt     Depooib
                                                    $          S         S         S         S
                          194,;-46.................•...... ~fJ5,59ü,O!JO.37 72,DnA,006.30 .............. 340,7].3.003 .07  14,7IJ7,7](l.04
                          1944-45...• _......... , ..•..•... 3S1I,566,OOO.37  78,4IR,530.36 .............. 328,362,569.01  38,078,5.;9.76
                          194~·44...........•.....•...•.. 3Rü,7Hl,O\l9.:17  ';~,188.n:lO .85  (3)  a28.292,!i6H.52  40, 728,4~8.84
                          1942-43 (2) ....... , ............. 396,O7l,090.37  1[)O,281,592.12  1L,145,~57.1O 334.,643,650. ][,  29,322,823.56
                          1941-42........................ 386,GU I,091l. 37  -42,226.681.75  11,H9,674.73 332,9Z4,ï42.8\1  31 ,035,62 J .89
                          1940-41. ......... _............. 397,446,099.37  36,402,789.83  11,739,008.55 349,304,300.99  18,132,250.28
                          1939-40..•............ _, ....... 383,846,090.37  32,026,641 A7  12,014,776.56 339,804 ,681.34  ii,245,389.66
                          193~39........................ 294,673,009.37  29.676,5a4.91  12,277,282.30 252,719.282.15  29.769.808.18
                          1937-38........................ 21i7,576,099.37  25,351,171. 3:.1  12,.;27,238.85 219,697,689.20  14,461,576.25
                          ]931h37 ........................ 195,170,199.37 . 21,526,964.73  12,765,227.47 16U,878,007.17  27,3-14,r.96.25
                          1931hî6.........•..•.••........ 164,747,606.91  21,075,609.32  12,991,867.00 130,643,61-t.94  29,002.351.86
                          1934-35........................ 149,748.006. !lI  17,605,505.02  13,206,7&2.00 118,935,749.89  21,137.714. S3
                          1933-34 ... " ....•. " ....•....•. 126,518.006.01  10.085,352.92  13,412,399. 16 1 98,020,254.83  19,856,120.51
                          1932-33........................ llO,237,891.58  13,046.234. 77  13,608,514. 53  83,583,142.28  19,539,298'.28
                          1931~'32.................. , .. , .. ' 91,987.691. 58  Il,331,551.36  13,795,3IS.69  65,860,821 . 54  lc\,20I,OI7.92
                          1930-31. ............. : ........ _ 84,236,291.68  9.843,842.23  13,973,199.80  60,118,249.55  5,709.322.17
                          1929-30........................  76,735.2111. 58  1  8,570,154.36  14,142,610.28  114,022,626.84  9,107.796.26
                          192&-29........................ 80,334,791. 58  7,330,551.09  16,263,099.30  56,751,141.27  5,297,154.R7
                          1927-28........................  80,731,'877.24  0,172,671.69  15,731,073.94  1ia,827,5.1 1. 01  7.i!l7,662.53
                          1926-27........................  79.212,226.27  5,100,737.15  15.292,537.67  58,812,961.45  9,342,7112.10
                          1925·26........................  78,004,926.27  5,834,618.42  15,743,759.00  66,426,557.86  12,268.09R.20
                          1924·25............ _...........  81 ,944,9l6. 27  4,706,821.66  14,875,000.00  62.303,104.61  6,393,893.98
                          1923-24 ....... , ............. , •.  75,606,226.27  3,960,424.90  10,000,000.00  56,638,B01.37  6,611,324.04
                          1922-23........................ 60,605.226.27  3,408,946.60 ..............  57,196,280.67  1,t>.'l8,043.00
                          1921-22 ........................  55.604,926.27  2,879,674.33 · .............  62,725.251.94  1,206,&5.75
                          1920-21. ................. , .....  51,652,113.55  2,314,518.70 · .. .. .. .. • . ...  111,277,594 .8S  3,007,792.20
                          1919-20........................ 49,708,1l3.55  2,176,362.25  · ............. ! 38,631.751. 30  5,778,661.33
                          1918-19....................... , 39,706,613.55  1,990,326.58 .............. 37,716,286.97  1,741,582 42
                          1917-18........................ 39,827.769.55  1,812,115.07 ..............  3R,015,6114 .48  712,\47 !l7
                          1910-17 ....... , ................ 39,4.82,096.22  I,M5,OS8.03 .............. 37,817,938.19  631,628.74
                          1916-16........................ 38,346,128.22  1,487,347.46 .............. 36,858.780.76  612.224 .88
                          1914·15........................ 34,l!;8,91B.22  1,365.635.2:! ......... , .... 33,123,281.00  642,aI6.84
                           1913-14........................ 25'!147,985.40  1,268,819.00 .............. 24,1\79,166.49  1,936,830.77
                          1912-13........................ 2'1.759,798.82  1,207,164.75 .............. 23,552,034.07  578,243.58
                           1911·12................ " ...... 25,:l<  l, ~71,376.20 .............. 24,169,781.28  660.879.9]
                           1010-11. ................ , ...... 25,545,992. 15  1,136.637.61 .............. 24,409,354.54  707,970.37
                           1909-10...•..• , .....•.. , ..•.••. 25,661,284 .15  1,102,918.20 .............. 24,558,365.95  683,&20.72
                           190~00........ , ............... 26,760,404. 15  ],070,188.07 .............. 24,696,216.08  530.093.00
                           1907-{18 ..........•..... ,. _.... , 28,.151,021.15  3,720,918.17 .............. 24,833,105.98  494,021.81
                           1906-{17 ....... , ................ 28,688,512.14  3,700,580.35 ............ ,. 24 .962,931 .79  467,370.23
                           1905-{l0........................ 28,760,978.81  3,07';,647.25 _.............. 25,085,331 . 56  441,375.:19
                           1901--05........................ 34,684,685.48  1 10.1~2,212. 35 .............. 24.r.oZ.473.13  1,120,476.20
                           1U03-{14 ................••...... 34,771.409.49  10,11>4,000 .85 .............. 24,617,399.6'1  1,103,8.18.15
                           1902-{)3........................ 31,8,;7,74'1.16  10,126,634 .77 .............. 24,731,109.39  1,06R.9114 .96
                           1901-{12 ...•..•. _.••... , .......  3-1.934,871. 90  10,100, 142 .96  ., ............ 24.&34,728.91;  1,140,787.!14
                           19()').{)1 ........••.......•...... 35,007.89R.13  1 10,01'l.453.87 ....... , ...... 24,933.444.26  i 1,128,974.74
                           1800·1900...................... , 35,U72.027.43  1 10,010,646.38 .............. 25.022,381 .05  1,04R,366.05
                           1898-'J9•.............•••.. ..•..  35,12f(,.~17.72  10,025,747.95  ............ 26,103.099.77  1,063.018.15
                           1897-98.........•.. , ........... :34.283,1141. 63  10,004.r.77 .78  ...........  24,:.170,103.7;;  ],166,706.46
                           1896-m .............. ......... Î 34,196,054.08  9,9D4 ,000.00 ..............  2'1,202,064 .O~  1,357,213.82
                            (l) Débcn~UrCS é.m.ises il la Banque d'I!oehdnga.  (1) Deben~ure. ie.u.d to tbe Bank of Hocbelaga.
                            (2)' Sont r.omprieee 1.0 rubrique. lra""féré•• du pllS,.u  (2) Item. ~ran.lerTed Irom iadircc~ to direct liabili~i..
                          icd irect aU pussif direot.           are included.
                            (3) I.• 31 décembre 1943, la nanQue a versé $1,467,-  (3) On Deeember 31, 1043,-the B.nk prepaid $1,467,
                          086.87, représentant tous leo vcro.emnnt8 lutu",.  OMI.H7 repreoeuting ..n lulure ;nstolmenl•.
   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290   291   292   293