Page 99 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 99
4-Superficie et densité de la populatio'n de la province de Québec, par comtés.
4--Area and Density of the Population of the Province of Quebec, by Counties.
Superficie Augm. ou diminution
en mill€ll PoplÙa~jon, l!)41 PoplÙation
c.Brré3 lccreasc or Decrease
Par mille
COUNTIES Totale carré
Aren in 1931 1921 1931-41 HJ21-31
Square Total Per Square
Miles Mile
Abitibi ........•.... , .. 76.725 67,689 0.88 23,692 (1) 14,807 43,997 8.885
Argenleuil. . 7R3 22,670 28.95 18,976 ~~:~~ 3,6(1·1 1,8H
Art habaska. .. . . 60ti 30,039 -t5.09 27.159 2.880 2,311
Bago1 · . 346 17,642 ,'iO 98 16.\114 .18,035 7;!8 -1,121
llet\uce . t.128 48,073 42.61 4~,7~~ ~g:~~~ 3,2;:,0 4,48'-, .. . . 147 30,269 205.91 2"',lu;i ~.1()6 6.276
Bellecbnsse . G53 23,51ü 36.2;; 2:1,Ol)(j 21,8J3 1,670 193
Berl hier . 1,816 21,233 J l.6\! 19,50li 20,509 J,727 -1,003
HOQn.venture . 3,46·1 :1!1.IOU 11. :,2 'i" 43" 29,092 6,7n·.\ 3.340
Brome ··· •.•.. 4!l8 12,485 25 &B 12:433 1:J,381 5~ -948
Chambly · .. ····· . 1:18 32·,<15'1 23r. .17 26,801 21,924 5,653 -t,il77
Cbamplain . 8.68~ 68,U."" 7 93 5~,93" 54.U34 8,122 6,901
Charlevoix-B.. . . . . . . . . 1 2,273 13,U77 12.89 11,751 lO.235 1,326 1,516
Chl>r1cvoi.-Ü.-W. . .. ! 12.580 lI.189 IU,47:3 1,396 71ô
Chlltcaugul\Y· .....•. 26!\ 14,443 54.50 .13,125 13,ô~7 1,318 -4'32
Chicout.imi. . 17./<00 7!!,881 4.43 55,724 37.578 23,157 JB,Hô
Compton . 933 22.957 2LG1 21,917 23.271 J,040 -1,354
Deu<-Montagnes-Two- 279 lG,746 00.02 14,284 14.309 2.462 -25
Doreh ter..····.· .IMts 842 29,M~ 3!l.47 27,\104 26,78S 1,875 1,200
Drummond . 6:J2 3G,H8:3 68.95 26,170 111,975 10,504 6.20-1.
Frontenac ' . 1.370 :!n,5<J6 20.87 25.681 24,090 2,915 1.591
G,,' E. ~ 33.871 28,433 2;;,891 M38 2,542
n...pé-O.-W. . . 4.551 12,397 12.13 0,242 7,337 3,15.j 1,&J5
Ilf., lsr•. 8,940 7,942 7,127 998 815
Ual..ineau. . . . . . . . . . . . }' 2,432 29,751 26,92;; 25,690 2,829 1,226
Rull.. . . ·U,434 29.27 36,94':; 28,983 4,489 7,962
Huntingdoo . 3111 )2.394 34 34 12,346 13.174 49 -329
IbcrviUe .........•... 198 10,273 51.88 0.402 0,299 871 1\)3
Joliette ,. 2,506 31713 12.05 27,586 26,1113 4.128 1.672
Kamouraska . t,038 2Ù35 24.60 23,9tH 22,014 1,.'i81 1,940
Labelle ., . 2,392 22.074 960 20,140 19,734 2,8:14 406
Lae-til-Jeno-E } 23,600 25.245 272 20.217 13,358 5.02~ 6.S,59 eon-O. -Vi' . 39,061 3O.0~16 22,181 9,0:15 7,B[):)
Lapcairic . 170 13,730 80 76 13..1,01 12,071 239 1,420
L'A1lsomption . , . 247 17,543 7l. 02 16,323 14.331 2,220 992
Lévio ···,······· . 272 3S,119 140.14 35,666 33.323 2,463 2,333
L'Islet. ...........•. , .. 773 20.589 26.64 19.404 17,859 1.J85 1,646
LotbioiéTe . 726 26,G04 3G.73 23.034 21.837 3.630 1,197
M kinongé . 2,378 18,2U6 7.66 16,039 16,203 2,lû7 -214
Mo.ta.n~ ., } 3,496 25.48B 1[•. 85 3f>,303
M ..tapédi .. 29,1120 45,272 10,142 8,069
M6ganlic; ......•..... 780 40.357 61.74 3.5,4D2 33.633 4.805 t,SS9
Mi&"1oi~quO\ " 375 21,442 57.18 10,636 17.709 J .806 1,027
Montcalm ·· . 3,894 15,208 3.1l1 13,866 13,987 J,343 -122
Monlmagoy . 630 22,U49 35.00 2U,239 21,997 1,810 -1,758
Montmorency, No 1 } 2.137 14,309 8.70 13,150 10,>160 1.159 2,600
MUlltlJlOrenc)·. No 2 . ·1.293 3,805 3,548 488 257
Montr(·..1 & JéOUB. 1. . 294 1.138,431 3.872.21 1,020,018 738.210 118,413 281,808
Ns.piervillo . 140 8,~29 55.90 7,6UO 7,994 729 -304
Nic4Jl~t . 626 30,085 48.06 28,673 29,695 1,4l2 -1,022
Papint!R.u ........•..... 1.081 27,551 17.43 20,246 26,658 -1.695 2,688
PoutlR.C........• ····•· . Il;000 19,852 2.08 21.241 20,27\ -1,389 970
Portll~Uf. ..... ·•·•··•· . 1.440 38,996 27.08 35.890 32,900 3,106 2.930
Quf:bco ..•............. 2.745 202,882 73.91 170,015 124,627 31,967 46,2~~
ItidlClieu , .•..... 22·1 23.091 J07.20 21.483 19,548 2.20R 1,935
Hiohmond " , .. ' ., .. 644 27,493 50.54 24.956 2-1.007 2,537 889
HimoUBki .....•.. , . 2,OSQ 44,233 21. 17 33,16J 27.520 Il.082 6,631
no~vme . 243 15,842 66.19 13,776 13,656 2,OG6 120
Su.guoJ)ff.Y .. ······•· ., •. 315.170 29,419 0.09 22,161 16,818 7.258 5,3l3
ElheO·ord .. ' ' . .'\07 33.31\7 ;'8.88 28,262 25,734 5,125 2,528
Sherbrooke . 238 40,u74 195.69 :37,386 30,786 9.188 6,tiOO
SOulange.5 . 130 1).328 68.59 9,090 10.06.5 229 -9ll(l
Stlloll.t.s.d . 432 27,972 6-1.7.'1 25,118 2;1,380 2.854 1.n8
f:lt.By..einthe . 278 31,045 113.83 20.8ô4 23,098 6.791 2,756
S~.,J.:lIl-;:;" Johu·s . 205 20.584 100.41 17.649 14.219 2,035 3.4311
St-Mllurice.. . . 1,820 80,352 44.15 69,095 50.845 Il.257 18,2,;()
Témiilcamingue........ } 8,971 40,471 4 ..51 20,609 11,764 19,862 8,1145
Riviùre-<.lu-Loup . 1,806 34,493 .31. 94 6O,29<l 44,310
Tt:miscoun.ta . 23,182 7,381 0,984
Terrebonne .•.......... 782 46.864 69.93 38.611 33,908 8.2!}3 ~,70a
Vl1udreuil. , . 201 13.170 65.52 12,015 11,555 1.lô5 4GO
VerClhèrc3........•..... I~II 14,214 71. 43 12,603 12.71ll 1,611 -116
Wolfe . 680 17..1112 25.72 H;.!Jll 1ll,181 581 -1,270
YlUDsska . 366 16,516 4,s.25 lU;S20 18,066 -304 -1,236
TOT.\L, ...•.... 523,534 .1,S11,882 6.36 2,174,662 (1)2..160,685 457,220 613,997
(Il Ln population ~e River Arm P.l Rigulet eUT HlLtnil- \0 River ATm and Rigolet on n..milton lnlet popu-
ton Iolcl l\ été déduIte parce Que eœ terlltolr€'a ont' é'l6 lat.IOn.,r; have becn dcducted, as th(',Se parls Wete aw<.uded
~"".d(" à TeTreneuve. \0 Kewfouudland.