Page 45 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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1760.-BattJe of SLe. Foy, where the French under Lévis win IL vickJry. ArrivaI of an Englisb
fleet. Lévis falls back on Montreal Capitulation of Montreal. The leading officers,
soldiers and citizens sent back to France, the clcrgy alone reroaining in the country
with about 65,000 Canadillus.
1. Ali the French posts to be delivered to the English.
2. The ClLnadillns to retain their religion, Illws Ilnd property.
3. The French troops, civil and military officers and the nobility to be conveyed to France
nt the expense of the English.
lst Govemor: Lord Amherst (1760 (.0 17(3)
1760.-Establishment of the Military Regime. Civil and criminai mattera judged by officcrs.
1763.-Signing of the treaty of Paris. Canada dismembered: Lllbrador Ilnd Anticosti a.nnexed to
Newfoundland; Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island to Novu Scotia; the region
south of the Great Lakes joined to the American Colonies o.nd Louisiana ceded to
Spain. The French IAws abolished. Imposition of the Test Oath. Pontiac, an
Ottllwa chief, incites the Indians und uttempts to destroy the English.
f?nd Gavernor: Jam.e8 Murray (1763 to 1766)
1764.-Murmy Ilssisted bya Council of 13 members, onJy one of wbom is French, administera
the colony. The "Quebec Gazette", published in English o.nd French, founded,
1765.-First book printed Ilt Quebec. South-west part of Montreal destroyed by IÏre.
1766.-Mgr. Brio.nd, 7th bishop of Quebec. Murray recalled.
Adm.mütratoT: MT. 1TlfinO
3Td Govemor: Sir Guy Ca·,.leton (1766 to 1778)
1770.-The grievances of the Canadians heard in England, where Carleton pleads in their favor.
1773.-Suppression of the Order of the Jesuits and confiscation of their estate. College of Mont-
real founded.
1774.-The Quebec Act:
1. Establishes a Legislative Council of 17 to 23 members;
2. Extends the boundaries of Canada;
3. Abolishes the Test Oath;
4, Restores the French civil IIlWSi
6. Assures to Cutholics the free exercise of their religion.
1775.-Americo.n invusion of Canada. General Montgomery defeated and slain before Quebec.
1776.-Independence of the United States proclaimed. The Jesuits' College at Quebec turned
in to a military barracks.
4ih Governor: GenlJral Haklim.and (1778 (.0 1786)
1778.-First number of the "Gazette Littéraire de Montréul" published by Fleury Mesplets.
1783.-Treaty of Versailles. Recognition by England of the Independence of the Unites States.
Cession of the country situated south of the Greut Lakes. Illmigmtion of 25,000
U. E. Loyaliste to Canada and their settlemout in Ontario, t.he Ea.~tern Townships,
the Bay des Chuleurs and the Maritime Provinces. Fouudation of the North-West
Company ta carry on the fur trade.
1784.-Population of Canada: 113,012 souls.