Page 49 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 49

CHRONOLOGY                              17

                            Administrators: Drummond a-nd Wilson

      IBI5.-L. J. Papineau, Il,t the age of 29 years, Il,ppointed Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
                      9th Gavernor: Sir John Coape Sherb-rooke (1818 to 1818)
      1817.-Mgr. Plessis appointed member of the Legislative OJuncii.  Foundation of the first bank
              in the country, the Bank of Montreal.
      IBIB.-The question of the supplies begins to excite the public mind.  The Quebee Bank founded.
              Treaty between Canada and the United States re;jpecting nn.val forces on Great Lakes,
                       10th Governor: The Duke of Richmond (1818 ro 1819)

      IBIB.-The Governor prorogues Parliament, the members refusing to vote a one fiCth inerease of
              the civillist.
      1819.-Erection of Quebee into an archbishopric.  Death of the Governor.

                   Administrawrs: Monk, Dalhousie and Mait/and (1819 to 1830)
                         11/h GoverlWT: Earl Dallwu8ie ()820 to 1828)
      IB21.-Excavation of the Lachine Can.o..J, on the Island of Montreal, begun.
      1&22.-A proiect ror the union of the two Ca.nadas presented elandestinely to the Imperia.! GoverD-
              ment and, as it is hostile to the French Canadia.ns, NeilBon and Papineau go to London,
              oarrying a protest bearing 60,000 signatures. 'Montreal General Hospital founded.
      1&24.-Foundation of the Ste. Therese College.  Foundation of a Iibrary by the Literary a.nd
              Historical Society of Quebec.  Act of the "Fabriques du Bas-Canada" passed.
      1&25.-Foundation of Chambly College.  Death of Mgr. Plessis.  Mgr. Panet, 12th bishop of
              Quebee.  Opening of traffic in Lachine canaI.
                         Administratar: Sir Francis Nathaniel Burton

      1825.-In the Governor's absence, Sir Francis N. Burton causes the supplies to be voted by
              headings without details and is subsequently blamed by the King.
      IB26.-Dalhousie refuses to sanction the supply bill voted under Burton and dissolves the House.
              Foundation of Bytown, now Ottawa.
      IB27.-The French Ca.nadiaIlll victoriOll3 in the elections ohooso Papineau as Speaker of the
              House. The Governor disapproves this ehoice and dissolves the House.  Fresh
              protest sent to England. Papineau maintained 118 Speaker and Dalhousie recaJled.
      IB2B.-Exploration of the Saguenay region.
                        Adminislrator: Sir James Kemp!, (1828lo 1830)

      1&29.-OJllege of Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere founded.  Kempt continues his predec6Ssor's polioy,
              recegnizes Papineau as Speaker, but refuses the modifications de.roanded by the
              Executive and Legislative Councils, the rnajority of whose memhars are eres.tures
              of the Government.

                          12th Governor: Lord Av/mer (1830 to 1835)
      IB31.-Population oC Lower Canada, 553,331 souls.
      18.'l2.-Cholera decimates the population.  QUll,rantine station established at Grosse Isle.  L'As-
              somption College founded.  Riot at Montreal over the election oC a member: three
              French Canacllans killed a.nd two wounded by the troops.
      IB33.-The steamer "Royal William" sails From Quebec on the 5th August, arrives at Gravesend
              in England. This is the first vessel to cross the Atlantic under steam alone.
      IB34.-An other eholera epidemic. The Canadians e1l1body their grievunC6S against Engla.nd
              in 92 resolutions. The St. Jean Baptiste Society of Montreal founded by Ludger
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