Page 47 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 47
5th Gove:r'TlJJ'Î': Lard Dorchester (Sir Guy Carleton) (1786 UJ 1796)
1786.-Carleton returns to Canada with the title of Lord Dorchester.
1788.-Mgr. Hubert, 9th bishop of Quebec.
1791.-Canada divided into two parts: Lower Canada and Upper Canada. The House of Assem-
bly of Lower Canada comprises 50 members and the Legislative Council, 12 mernhers.
The use of the two languages is recognized in the parliamentary debates and the
reports of the votes and proceedings of Lower Canada. Establishment of 0. semi-
monthly postal service hetween Canada Il.nd the United States.
6th GavertUJr: Sir Robert PrescoU (1796101807)
1797.-Establishment of Il weekly postal service between Canada and the United States. Mgr.
DenauJt, 10th bishop of Quebec. ArrivaI of 26 French priests.
1798.-Recollet convent and church Ilt Quebec destroyed by fire. The Governor opposed to
the erection of new Catholic parishes. Execution of McLane, accused of 11igh trenson.
Administralor: Sir' Robert Shore Mil'~ (1799 to 1805)
1800.-The Government takes possession of the Jesuits' estates on the dcath of Father Cazot.
1801.-School (ounded to nnglicize the French CanadianB, under the Dame of the Royal Institu-
IS03.-SJavery declared i1leg3.l in Lower Canadn. The Nicolet Seminary founded by Mgr. Plessis.
Administrator: Ho-nourable Thomas Dunn (1805 to 1801)
IS0S.-The "Mercury", founded by the English.
1806.-Mgr. Plessis, llth bishop of Quebec. The "Canll.dien" founded by the French Canadiaoa.
Poplùation of Canada: 250,000 souls.
lS07.-Public schools established in Upper Canada.
7th Governor: Sir James Henry Craig (1807 to 1811)
1808.-House dissolved hy the Goveroor. The saffie members returned by the people.
IS09.-The tirst steamboat, the "Accommodation", descends the river (rom Montrenl to Quebec.
The presses of the "Canlldien" seized and Bédard, Papineau, Taschereau and Blan-
chet imprisoned. Mgr. Plessis opposed ta the Governor hRving the appointment of
the parish priests made by the King.
ISI1.-Foundation of 0. seminary at St. Hyacinthe and the "Herald" newspaper nt Montreal.
8th Governor: Sir George Prevost (1811 10 1815)
1812.-The Americans invade Canada, but are repulsed at Detroit, Queenstowo and Buffalo.
At the Goveroor's request, Mgr. Plessis is officially"recognjzed as bîshop of Quebec
by the King. Legal existence of the Catholic religion recognized.
1813.-Salaherry, at the head of 300 CanadiaDB, repulses Hampton, in command of 7,000 Ameri-
can troops, at Chateauguay. The Americnns agnîn defeated at Frenchtown and
Chrys[er's Farm. McGilJ College founded.
1814.-The America.ns defeated ut La.colle and Lundy's Lane. The treaty of Ghent puts an end
to the war. There i.s a reciproca[ restoration of the conquests mnde duriDg the war,
with the exception of the frontiers of Maine, which were only rectified by the Ash-
burton treuty in 1842.