Page 43 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 43

CHRONOLOGY                              11

         1737.-Hocquart sends Call1l.dian produots to be exhibited in Fmnee. Fort Rouge in Manitoba
         1738.-Fort La Reine in Mo.nitoba erected. Foundation of arder of Sisters of Charity in Mont-
                  real by d'Youville.
         1739.-Mgr. de l'Auberi\'ière appointed to succeed Mgr. Dosquet, but death Oceurs on arrivaI
                 at Quebeo on the 20th of August, 1740.
         1741.-Mgr. de Pontbriand, 6th bishop of Quebec.
         1743.-La Verendrye's eldest son discovers the Rocky Mountain.q and the source of the Missouri.
         1744.-History of New France, by Father Charlevoix, published.
         1745.-Louisburg taken by the English.
         1746.-Loss of d'AnviJle's Reet, intended to re-capture Louisburg.
         1747.-The English defeo.ted o.t Grand-Pré. The Following forts ereded b)' La Verendrye's son:
                  Bourbon, Dauphin, Postroyac and La Corne. M. de la Jonquière, il,ppointed govemor,
                  is made a prisoner by the English neM Finisterre, in Spain, and held co.ptive
                  for two in England.

                          Administra/or: M. de la Galissonnière (1747101749)

         1748.-Treo.ty oF Aix ill. Chapelle. Louisburg o.nd Breton restored 1.0 France. Forts Gas-
                  pareaux and Beo.uséjour built in Acadia; Lo. Presentation (Ogdensburg), Rouille
                  (Toronto), on the Great Lukes. Bigot appointed Int.endant.
         1749.-Halifo.x founded. Lord Halifax, founder of the town that bears his name, hrings there
                  600 English fo.milies.

                            161h Govemor: M. de la Jonquière (1749 W 175'2)
         175.2.-Death oF la Jonquière, 0.1. Quebec.

                        A.dmini8/ralor: Charles LeMoyne, 2nd Baron de Long'ueuil

                        17lh Govemor: M. Duquesne de Menneville (1752 /0 1755)
         1753.-Construction of forts Presqu'Ile, River aux Bœufs (Maclmult), below Niagara.
         1754.-M. de Contrecœur erects Fort Duquesne al. the junction of the Monongahela and AUegh'a-
                  ny rivers.-Jumonville assassino.ted by Washington's soldiers near Fort Necessity.
                  Sieur de Villiers avenges the death of his brother Jumonville by a striking vietory
                  in taking Fort Necessity.
         1755.-The English admirai, Boscawen captures two vessels of Dieskau's Beet in the Gulf of St.
                  Lawrence. Braddock defeated by Duroo.s al. Monougahela. Forts Gaspo.reaux and
                  Beauséjour taken by the English. Acadians dispersed by order of general Monckton.
                  Baron Dieskau, French general, wounded and made prisoner with his troops at Fort
                  Edward by the English genernJ, Johnson.

                            18th Gover1Ulr: M. de Vaudreutl (1755 /0 1760)

                              SEVEN YEARS WAR (175G Ta 1763)

         1756.-Arrival of Montcalm, Lévis, Bourlarnaque and Bougainville.
         1757.-Capture of Fort George or William Henry by Montcalm.
         1758.-Louisburg taken by the Engtish. Victory of Carillon. Montcalm's galill.ntry ga.ina him
          .       immortll.l fame. The English take Fort Frontenac (Kingston). French iorced 1;0 abo.n-
                  don Fort Duquesne.
         1759.-Forts St. Frederick [lnd Niagnra. eaptured by the English. The English defeated al. Mont-
                  morency. BattIe of the PlaiIlB of Abmnll.m. Montcalm and Wolfe· bath meet death
                  in the battle. Quebec capitulates on lSth September.
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