Page 121 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 121

ftTAT CIVIL-CONJUGAL CONDITION                      89

                      tTAT CIVIL                       CONJUGAL CONDITION
          Les différents termes usités sous cette rubri-  The terms \lsed refer ta the matrimonial
         que désignent l'état matrimonial de Ill. popula-  status of persans nt the time of the censu.s.  In
         tion à la date du recensement. DaMia province  the Province of Quebec, on the 1st of June,
         de Québec, au 1er juin 194:1, les céliba.taires  1941, the unmarried numbered 2,009,052 or
         étaient au nombre de 2,009,052 ou 60.30% des
         personnes recensées; il convient de remarquer  60.30 % of the persons enumerated but jt must
         cependa.nt que Ill. population de moins de 15 ans  be noted that the population under 15 years of
         s'élevait à. 1,062,813, soit 31.90% de la popu- was 1,062,813 or 31.90% of the total popu-
         lation totale et 52.90% des personnes non  lation and 52.90% of the unmarried.  This
         mariées.  Ce groupe se composait de 536,085  group consisted of 536,085 boys and 526,728
         garçoOB et 526,728 filles.           girls.
                26-État civil de la population du Cllnllda, pllr provinces, en 1941-
            26-Conjugal Condition of the Population of Cllnada, by Province., in 1941.

                                       Mariés  En v~vage 1 Div~céa
                             CéJib~aites 1                       Séparés  1
              PROVINCES                                                    Tol~1
                               Single  Marriod  Widowed  Divorced  8eparated  (1)
                            1                 1
                            POPULATION TOTALE -  TOTAL POPlif,ATTON
        Ile-du-P .-It.... P. E. 1.. .... ..  64,576  36,008  ~,050  41  380  05,0~7
        NoUv.-J1:cOO8e.. Nova Scotia.  "  321,980  220,045  30,003  610  3,886  577,902
        N.-Brunaw;ck..............  204,492  100.368  20,735  380   2,303   457,~01
        Québec ........... ...........  2,009,052  1,173,102  131,811  1,140  16,623  3,331,882
        Ontario............•.......  1,869,480  1,677,621  202,941  5,106  32,144  3,787,655
        Manitoba .......... .........  386,397  306,262  30,893  1,127  5,036  n9,744
        SaskatobewBn ..... ...........  504,854  355,108  30,348  849  4,70J  895,992
        Alberta .....................  429,881  330,422  28,557  1,518  5.741  7D6.IGO
        Colombie-Brit.. Brit. Columbia.  380,269  381.959  43,214  3,265  9,091  817,801
        Yukon .........  ... _.  2,862    1,767    204       20       61     4,914
        Torr. du N.-O...N.:W.' T~: .....  6,725  4.654  505   6       18     12,028
                 CAN"ADA .•.. ....  6,230,568  4,656,006  525,121  14,032  80,137  U,506,655
                             POPULATION RURALE -  RURAL POPULATION

                                40,835   26,003   3,534      24      210     70,707
                               174,845  116,095   17.345    217     1.010   310,422
                               180,188  11:3,030  13,267    215     1,263   313,078
                               790.807  389.871   38,949    193     2,292  1,222,198
                               745,539  628,002   66,989    902     7,~64  1,449,022
                               231,490  160,205   14,260    257     1,573   407,871
                               353,143  227,474   I7,J02    357     2.294   000,846
                               280,044  191,387   14,780    625     2,731   ~89.683
                               183,320  170,244   16,537    \193    3,349   374,467
                                 1,806    1,034    132       14       41     3,117
                                 0,725   4,654     665        6       18     12,028
                              2,994,~2  2,028,089  204,lllO  3,863  23,135  5,254,239
                            POPULATION URBAINE -  URBAN POPULATION
        Ile-du-P.-It  P. E. 1.  .  13,741  9.095  1.316              170    24,340
        Nouv.-Ê Nova Scooia  .  147,135  104,550  13,558  298  1,975  267,540
        N.-Brunswick.           78,304   56,338   7,468             1,130   14;).,423
        Québec   .            1,218,245  783,231  92,802    953  1  14,331  2,1O<J,684'o. "  .        J ,123,941  1,049,619  135,952  4,194  24,090  2,338,633
        Manitoba  .            154,907  145.967  10,043     870     3,463   321,873
        Saskatche",,,n    .    151 ,7 Il  127,634  12,786   492    2,471  1  2115,146
        Alberta            .   149,837  139,035  13,777     893     ;1,010  300,586
        Colombie-Bril.. Brit. Columbia.  196,949  211,715  20,077  2,272  5,7012  443,394
        yukon              .      966     733       72       o       20      1,797
        Terr.du N.-O  N.-W. T  .
                 CANADA ..•...•.  3,235,73&  2,627,917  321,U1  10,169  57,002  6,252,416
          (1) y compris le. peraonne" dont l'é.''. civil n'est  (1) Inc1uding peœons with cnojug,,[ condition not
        l'''' déclaré.                       .t"ted.
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