Page 119 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 119
24-Population de la province de Québec classifiée selon les religions principales, en 1941.
24-Population of the Province of Quebec c1aasified according to Principal Religions, in
Population CMboli- Anglicans Ègli.e Juifa Presby. Autrea
totale que. UDl(~ t~lien. teligioWl
TotnJ Roma-n Aogljcan. Unitecl JeWB Preaby- Ol.ber
PopuLat.ion Catbolies Cbureh terillOll Religions
Abitibi . 67,689 62,329 2,195 1,126 93 620 1,426
Argenteuil .....•....•......... 22,670 14,660 2,460 2,933 14 1,396 1,219
Arthabaska , . 30,030 29,823 108 47 17 4 40
Bagot . 17,642 17,587 12 2 6 2 33
Beauce ..................•.... 48,073 47,962 64 4 31 12
B.auharnois..........•........ 30,269 28,115 697 476 24 549 507
Bellecbasse , . 23,676 23,667 6 1 . 3
Bartbier .............•••...... 21,233 21.170 24 6 6 4 24
BODlIoveut..ure ... .......•....... 39,H15 33,361 2.016 2,480 l 679 763
Bram•........................ 12,485 5,915 3,417 2,507 79 657
Chambly ...................•. 32,454 22,778 5,298 2,312 1,231 7B3
Champlain . 68,057 GG,850 645 221 103 230
Chnrlevoix-E.t.-East . 13,077 13,011 22 1 13 30
Charl.voix·Ouest-West . 12.585 12,502 27 9 36 3 8
Châteauguay . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 14,443 11,590 441 1.108 2J 1,162 116
Chicoul,mi . 78,881 77,495 414 403 32 139 39B
Compton . 22,967 16,799 2,827 2,448 ....... 505 378
O.ux·Mo Dtagn..-Two-M t•.... Hl.H6 15,613 318 543 10 121 141
Dorchester . 29,869 29.680 179 7 3~ .... · ..72 2
Drummond . 30,683 34,771 \l00 7S4 119
F,'root-enao . 28,096 28,010 180 6û 8 298 34
Oasp6-Est.-East . 33,871 30,020 3,317 340 14 46 125
Oaspé·Ouest-W""t. . 12,397 12,359 19 3 10 6
GaLineau .....•............... 29,754 24,511 1,881 2,565 11 478 308
BulJ. .....................•... 41,434 39,003 672 532 16 424 287
Huntingdon . 12,394 7,981 716 2,031 59 1,477 130
lberville ..............•....... 10,273 10,088 106 41 .. 7 31
Il,,,,-de-ln-Madeleine IB], . 8,940 8,279 644 4 . 8 6
Joli.tte . 31,713 31,345 08 60 74 38 108
Knmouraska ..........•....... 25,535 25,502 19 2 ...... 'iil· 4 8
Labell•....................... 22,974 22,807 17 15 16 100
Lae-St·Jean.E.-L. St.. John E ... 25,245 24,913 165 58 64 55
LlL<>-Sr.-Jean-O.-L. St. Jobn W .. 39,061 3!l,795 ilS 36 13 36 69
t~X::o~~·t;o~.·:::::::::::::::: 13,730 12,910 237 281 17 80 205
Lévi•........................• 38,119 37,835 137 6 1 94 46
VIolet. . 20,589 20,533 2 1 .. 21 32
Lotbini<lre ..........•......... 26.664 2ô,699 17 1 47
Maskinongé , . 18.206 18,137 60 1 2 4 12
Mataoe...................•... 25,438 25.151 2D 163 5 134 10
Mat.apédie ................•... 29,920 29,873 15 33 1 1 3
Mégantio . 40,357 38.405 979 641 14 290 68
MissisQuoi . 21,442 16.0ilo 3,086 1,762 66 187 276
MontcelO! .....•.............. 15.208 14,712 323 III 6 26 60
Montmagny . 22,049 22,012 17 ...... '27 8 1 11
Mont·moroncy, No 1. . 14,aon 14.219 42 15 ô
Mont.moreur.y, No 2 . 4,293 4,252 35 4 1 1
Montréal & Jésus, Ilœ-I.l'•..... 1,138,431 S44,192 99,782 54,963 ... 03,54i' 40,.~93 35,360
Napicrville . 8,329 8,292 4 8 20 5
Nieolet · . 30,085 30.077 3 2 .. a
Papio u . 27,551 24,621 n.' 004 .. 278 813
Ponli . 19,852 12,715 2,226 3,113 20 4.39 1,339
l'ortneul . 38,n06 38,507 286 77 13 27 2f1
Quéucc ..•.....•........... '" 20Z,!l82 196,923 3,035 925 373 641 IlBS
Richelieu . 23,601 23,464 92 31 21 46 37
Richmond . 27.493 23,227 1,563 1,933 J5 604. 251
Rimoueki . 44,233 44,104 39 18 8 12 li2
llivi!.rc·du-Loup . 34,493 34,3S4 51 19 8 8 23
Rouville ....................•. 15,842 14,915 493 175 7 130 122
S8.guenay· , , ....•. 29,419 24,820 4,\58 275 1 n9 57
ShctTord ...............•.... ,. 33,387 29,854 1,634 1,188 34 7n li98
Sh.ruroo"•.........•.......... 46,574 37.562 4,224 2.437 212 1,336 803 . 9.328 9,075 108 6.1 1 52 31
Stansle !. . 27.972 19,914 3,250 3,547 27 108 1,126
St-HYl\CiTlthe .. .. . . 31,M5 31,406 40 62 12 22 101
St-.Jcao-St. Jobn'. .. .. . .•.. 20.,584 19,332 M4 478 61 28 161
St.-~laurice...............•.... 80,352 77,718 1 1,053 744 90 348 390
T6mj~e"miIl,gue . 40,471 35,652 1,454 1,617 134 4181 J,136
T6mi..coual . 23,182 23,090 1 2 6 3~~ 71
TerTcbonne . 46,864 44,08., , 903 615 328 1 160
Vaudrellil , , . 13,170 1.1,833 730 380 14 135 1 18
V.rcbèrlOl . 14,214 13.726 131 118 12 104 67
Wolle . 17,492 J6,799 318 3!3 25 37
Yll.D1ll8ka ..•.••...•..•.....•.. 16,516 16,.477 28 4 3 3
TO'UL 3;331,882 2,894,621 162,058 .100,196 65,683 ",016 t SJ.UO
.(1) Comprondll... peroonnea Qui n'ont ,pa. déclaré leur religion. (1) Inoludee persane wilb reUgion not etJ>ted.