Page 93 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 93
7 - Superficie et densité de lu popula tion des cités de la provInce de Québec.
7-Area and Denslty of Population of Citles in the Province of Quebec.
Augm. ou diminutïoo
SuperJicie Population, 1931 Populat.ion Increase or
eu milles
CITÉS carrés
CITIES Aren in J!l2 L 1911 1921-31 1911-21
square Total
Ë~~~~ia~~f~d~i~i~~·.::: "IÙ,i;' g~~" 'j:3o<i:3,i;' 6",738' à:b~g iùss'
Ch,coutimi.. .. .. . 2. G6 11,877 4,4';5.04 S.937" "5',880' 2,940 3,057
Gtaobr.. J. f>(l 10,.187 7,058.00 6:785 4,750 3,802 2,035
Grand Mère......... 3.04 6,461 2,125.33 7,~31 4,783 -1,170 2,848
Hull.......... 6.25 29,433 4,709.28 24,117 18,222 5,310 5,895
.JoUette ,........... 2.01 10,7115 5,355.72 9,030 6,346 1,720 2.693
Lachioe 4.68 18,630 3,980.77 15,404 11,688 3,226 3,716
L~vi..... 3.47 11,724 3.378.67 10,470 8.703 1.254 1,767
Longuenil '............ 1. 30 5,407 4.159.23 1.682 3,972 725 710
Mollt.réal.. .. 16.75 818,577 17.509.67 6L8,506 490,504 200,071 128,002
Outrerooni. .. . .. 1.52 28,6-11 18.842.76 13.249 4.820 15,392 8,429
Quéh.,'.. 8.99 130,504 14,52ll. r,!) 95.193 78,710 :J5,401 16,483
llivil,Te-du-Loup...... .. 6.25 8,499 1,359. S·[ 7,703 6,174 796 929
St-Hyaciuthe...... .... 1. 70 13.1·18 7,9l0. Ml 10-,859 9,797 2,580 1,062
St-Jean-St. John........ 2.0/\ Il,25f\ 5,411.54 7,731 5,903 3,522 1,831
St-Lambert.... ........ 1. ~6 6,07;' 3,261i.l3 3,890 3,341, 2,185 546
ShawinigllO FalL•... ,... 2.00 11'>,3,1." 7.672.50 10,625 4,265 4,720 6,360
SheTbrooke.... 4.':) 2S,93:1 .1,965.57 23,.5l5 16.405 5,418 7,llO
Sore!.................. 3.13 10,320 3,297.12 8,174 8,420 2,146 -246
Thetford ~fines"..... 3.2.:; 10,701 3,292.62 7,880 7,261 2,810 626
Tro"'-Rh~~TeB.......... 4.UO 3;;,4501 S.8!l2.50 22,367 13,601 13,08a 8,676
Valleyfield. SaJabeTry de. O.."Ü Il,.111 ; 20,376.79 9,215 9,449 2,196 -234
Vo,rd"n................ 2.23 60,74'; 12?'230'01 25,001 11,629 35.744 13,372
I 4
Westmo'~~~~~ ~ . "._._._._._.1_.._5_:~_.1--l'-3-;-;-:~_3_~- 1il'~~: 87.1--9-;-:-::-~_3_1--7-;-:-:8-5:-:-I'--3-54y_6_':-:-:-I'--2-25--::U_-
8 - Population des villes de la province de Québec, en Inl et 1931.
8-Populatlon of Towns of the Province of Quebec, in 1921 and 1931.
VILI,ES-TOWNS '1931 1021 VILLES-TOWN8 1931 1921
J\<'lon Vale... . 1.753 1,549 Lennorville... 1,027 1.564
Amos.... 2,153 1,488 Loui.eville. " . 2,365 1,772
Arll",I>...,kR. 1.(;08 1,234 Jlbgog, , . 6.302 5,159
AylmeT. .. 2,835 2,970 Mnple Grove . 395 286
llaie-<!·Urfé , 211 172 Marieville.. . . ......•... 1,985 1,748
Bngotville. . . . 2,468 2,204 Még.OLic... . .... , .... 3,911 3,140
&~m~.................... H 1\·[~t'cier.... 247
Ben.ou.field . . . . . . . . 641 578 3,n27 4,145
Beauceville. . 707 1.448 ~1~~~~.~f.'i[.t:'E~~t".: . 2,242 1.776
Beaueeville-Est-Ea.ll.. 975 MouLré-al-Nord-North 4,519 1,360
Beallharnoi.. . .... ,. . . . 3,729 2.250 M olltrl'al-Oue.t-We.t . 3,190 1.882
Beauport. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,242 3.2·10 MOlltri'nl-S"d-South . ],164 1,Q30
Bedrorel ... 1,570 J,OUI! Mont-Ro)'al 2,174 160
Belœil.. .. .. .. .. . .. 1,434 1,418 :,\ieolel .... . .........•.. 2,868 2,342
BeTLhôer .. . , 2,431 2.193 J:.:oranda.............•....•.. 2,246
BLack Lnke , 2,167 2,656 Pointe-ault"-Trembles . 2,970 .... i.350
BTomptoo"ille. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,527 2.603 PoinLe-CI.ire. .. . ,.. .,. 4,058 2,617
Bllcl,iogham. 4,638 3.835 PorH\lITed ...........•...... , 2,B42 1,213
Ch/lte",u-d'Eau. 160 Qllébee-O"eot-We.t ....•....... 1,813 130
CMt~a\lIl:\Iay. 1,067 881 r~l1(!iue. . . . . ...•....... 105
Conti('ook. 4,044 3,':>54 Ricbmond. . ...•....... 2.596 ."2>iiio'
Coohbire. ~)16 950 Rigaud... . . 1,099 939
Courville. . 1,678 J ,203 Rimoll~ki . 5,589 3,612
De L<~TY... fiG 1 540 Riverbend. ]88 . . . . . . . . . .
Dolhenn. 2,032 RobeTvnl .. 2,770 2,068
Donrmeona. . .. 2,G3l 1,2-25 Rouyn . 3,225
DOTion... 1,155 833 RoxboTO. . . 25 "'23'
Dorval' .. 2,052 1,466 Ste-Agathe-e1eB-M00 tB .. 2,049 2,812
Drummondville... 6,009 2.852 St.e-A nne-d.,-Dellevue , . 2.417 2,212
East AnllUl!..... . 3.566 :J,802 St.-Jérôme , . 8,967 5,491
Faroham. " . . . . . . . . . . . 4,205 3,343 St.-JoAeph-d'Alrna . 3,970 850
GreenAeld Park. . . . . . . [,610 1.112 St.-L.uTent. . .. . . 5,348 3,232
Ha.mpst.ead. . . . . . . . 594 53 St.-T,éonaTd-de-Port-Maurioe 453 462
Huntiogdon , ,. . 1,6Hl 1,401 1'lt-Michel. .. 1.528 493
Iberville 2,778 2,454 St.-Ou"" .. . . 615 622
I1e-Cadie\lx 17 St-Pierre. . .......•. 4,185 3,536
I1e-Dorva1. , . . . . .. . . . . 10 5g Ste-Rose...........•........ ,. 1,661 1,811
Isle-Maligne. . 440 St.e-Thérèi>e. 3,2il2 3,043
Jonq\li{JTe _. . . . . .. 9,'l48 1,8,;[ St-Tite. 1,969 1,783
Kénogl1ml. . .. ....•........•. .1.,500 2,551 Saguenay . 26
Lnchute. .. 3,906 2.!192 8cot,'1town . 1.189 987
Lac-Sergent. . .. . . . . . . . 9 r.o Tp.rrebenne ...............•.... 1,955 2,066
LaprniTie. 2,774 2,1.j8 Téllli~on.lIlingue............•.... 1,865
La Salle.. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... 2,3fl2 726 Tr"ü... Pi.tole•............ " • ' ... 1.837 1,4f>4
L' A8~oraption. 1,576 1,320 VictoTiavHle ...............•.... !l,213 3.769
La Tuque. . . . . . . 7,871 5,603 Waterloo. .. . 2,192 2.0tl3
Laureo Lide.. .. . .. . . . . . . 1.2!l4 1.150 Wind.or. . . 2,720 2,330
T..auzon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,084 6.428
~~~l~~:=l~~l~~e.: :::: ::: 1 2,7~ 1.0S0 TOTAL. 2.11,115 167,591
Edrait de Sephèmt recen.semM~t du CanadH, Volume Il. 8xtraoL Irorn Soren'h Censu.s of Canada, Vol. II.