Page 37 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 37
1664.-The West Indies Company obt-ains the privileges of the Comp!lny of the Hundred Asso-
ciates. The Island of Montreal becomes the property of the Sulpicians. Misunder-
standing between G1:lvernor de Mésy and Mgr. de Laval.
1665.-Arrival of M. de Tracy, Intendant Talon and the Carignan regiment. First horses brought
into New France. Forts Sorel, Chambly and Ste. Thérèse, erected on the Richelieu
8th Governor: ,1'[. de Courcelle (1665 to 1672)
1666.-The first census shows 0. population of 3,215 in the colony.
1667.-Second census: 3,918 inhnbitants.
1668.-The Minor Seminary of Quebec and the Agricultural School of St. Joachim, founded by
Mgr. de Laval. Navigation established between Quebec and the West Indies by
Intendant Talon. Tithes established for the support of the Catholic clergy.
1669.-M. Perrot is appointed governor of Montreal. Lachine, near Montreal, founded by La
1676.-Hudson Bay CompllJly foundcd.
1671.-The Sieur de St. Lusson takes solemn possession of Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding
country in the name of Louis XIV. Fathers AlbllJlel and Denys ascend the Saguenay
to Lake St. John.
9th G()I)e:rnor: M. de Frontenac (167'2 to 168'2)
1672.-Fort Cataraeoui built on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Fathers Albanel and Denys
reach James Bay over land.
1673.-Jolliet and Father Marquette discover the Mississipi.
1674.-Quebec erected inta a bishopric.
1679.-La Salle has the ship Griffon built on Lake Ontario.
1680.-La Salle erects forts Niagara and Crèvecœur. Jolliet receives a grant of land on the island
of Anticosti. The King grants the fort and seigniory of Catara.coui to La Salle.
1681.-Reeollet monastery erected in the Upper Town of Quebec.
1682.-Mouth of the Mississipi discovered by La Salle. He takes possession of the adjacent land
by planting a cross with the arms of France and giving the country the name of
Louisiana in honor of Louis XIV.
10lh Gouerner: M. de la Barre (1682 to 1685)
1684.-La Barre's expedition aga.inst the Iroquois with 1,200 troops. The Governor, ha,ving
signed a disadvantageous peace treaty, is dismissed by Louis XIV. Erection of the
tirst Clul.pter of Quehec.
1lth G()I)eTMr: kI. de Denonl!Î.lle (1685 to 1689)
1686-D'IbervilIe captures forts Monsipi, Rupert and Quitchichouane. Fort erected at Niagara.
1687-Denonville ca.rries the war into the country of the Tsonnontouans. ArrivaI at Quebec
of 12 companics of French troops. La Salle assassinated.
1688.-Mgr. de St. Vallier, second bishop of Quebec.
1689-Massaere of the inhabitants of Ll'lChine by the Iroquois. The Sisters of the Congrégation
de Notre Dame open a schoQl at Quebee. The Abenaquis destroy 15 English forts.
12th Gouernor: M. de Frontenac, 2nd terrn (1689 (0 1698)
1696.-Three war parties defeat the English at Corial' (Schenectady), Salmon Falls (New Hamp-
sbire) and Casco. Siege of Quebee by Phipps. Exploit of Madeleine de Vercheres,
at Fort Vercheres.