Page 33 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 33



                                 FRENCH REGIME
                        DISCOVERY PERIOD (1492 1'0 1608)

     1492.-Christopher Columbus discovers America and explores the isJands S3.n Salvador, Cuba,
     1497.-Sebastian Cabot discovers Labrn-dor.
     1500.-Gaspard Cortereal discovers Newfoundland.
     1524.-Verazzano explores the coast of America.
     1534.-First voyage of Jacques Cartier. Takes possession of the country in the name of France
              and of Christ, by erectiog a cross surmounted by the arms of France at the head of
              Gtlspe Bay.
     1535.-Ctl,rtier's second voyage. Asceods the St. Lawrence to Hochelaga.
     1541.-eartier's third voyage. Brings several hundred volunteers.
     1598.-First attempt at colonizatioo, in Acadia.. The Marquis de la Roche lands 50 convicts on
              Sable Island, where they rem3in priBoners for 5 years.
     1603.-De Chl\.6tes scnds Champlain and Pantgravé on an exploring expedition in New France.
              They dmft 0. map of the Saint Lawrence up to Sault St. Louis.
     1604.-M. de Monts' Company sends settlers ta Acadia under the command of Champlain and
     1605.-Port Royal founded by de Monts.

                         COMPANY PERIOD (16081'0 1663)
                      Is1 GClvernor: Samuel Champlain (1608 {Cl 1636) (1)
     1608.--Quebec founded by Champlain.
     1609.-ehamplain's expeditlon to the lake which bears his name; in a first encounter with the
              Iroquois, Champlain puts them to fiight.
     1610.-ehamplain's second expedition against the Ira()u0is, on the river Richelieu. They are
              again repulsed.     .
     1611.-Two Jesuits, Rev. Fathers Massé Rnd Biart, e\·angelir.e the Micmacs.
     1615.-ln a third battle with the Iroquois, netl,r the Great Lakes, Champlain is wounded and
              spends the win ter in that region. AlTival at Quebec of the Recollet Fathers Jamay,
              Dolbeau, LeCaron and Brother Duplessis.
     1616.-Establishment of the first schools at Tbree Rivera and Tadoussac, under the Recollets.
     1617.-Louis Hebert, the tirst aettler, arrives at Quebec with his family.
     1620.-Construction of Fort St. Louis at Quebee. The Recollet convent is erected on the site of
              the General Hospital near the river St. Chn.rles.
     1621.-First civil registers apencd at Quebcc. First code of laws publiBhed at Quebec. Mont-
              morency Company formed.
     1623.-First attempts of the English ta co!on.ize Acadia uoder Sir William AleXànder.
     1625.-Arrival of the Jesuit Fathers Lal1emant, Massé and Brébeuf.
     1626.-Champlain establishes a farm near Cape Tourmente.
     1627.-The Company of New France, called that of the Hundred Associates is founded.
     1629.-Quebec taken by the I{irke brothers. Champlain is brought to England n.nd later proceed3
              to France.                                                    .
     1632.-Quebcc restored ta France by the treaty of St. Germain en Laye. Champlain resumes
              the office of Gavernor and has the chape!' af Notre Dame de la Recouvrance built.
       {Il From 1629 to 1632. Cl,amp'ain remained in France arter tbe taking of Quebec by tbe Kirke brotbel1l,
     Huguenota in the 8ervice of En~land.
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