Page 35 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 35
1634.-Three Rivers founded by de la Violette. Robert Giffard obtajns the tirst seigniory, where
the munieipality of Beauport is now located (near Quebec).
1635.-First college founded at Quebee by the Marquis de Garnache. Death of Champlain on
25th Deeember.
2nd GOVfJTncr: M. de Montmagny (1636 to 1648)
1636.-Island of Montreal granted to M. de Lauzon.
1637.-M. de Sillery founds an industrial school for the Indians, three miles above Quebec.
1639.-ArrivI11 of the Ursuline and Hospital nuns. Foundation of the convent of the former by
Madame de la Peltrie and of the Botel Dieu by the latter through the generosity of
the Duchesse d'Aiguillon.
1640.-Foundatioo of the Montreal Company, which purchases the island of that name.
1642.-Foundation of Montreal, then Ville Marie, by M. de Maisonneuve. Fort RicheJ..ieu built
near Sorel by M. de Montmagny.
1644.-The Hotel Dieu of Montreal founded by Jeanne Mance.
1645.-The Company of the Hundred Associates tranafers its rights to the Compagnie des Habi·
tants. Montmagny concludes a treaty of peace with the Iroquois, the Algonquins
and the Hurons.
1646.,The Saguenay explored by Father Dablon. Martyrdom of Father Jogues, Jesuit, by the
Iroquois. Father Druillette discovere the Kennebec and Chaudiere rivers.
1647.-Lake St. John discovered by Father DeQuen. Fort Richelieu burned by the Iroquois.
"The COUDCiJ of Quebec" established.
3rd Governor: M. d'AWebO"Ltst (1648 to 1661)
1648.-Massacre of Father Daniel and 700 neophytes by the Iroquois at the Indiao of
St. Joseph.
1649.-Destruction by the Iroquois of the Indian villages of St. Ignace, St. Louis and St. Jean.
i'das611.cre of Fl1thers lAleD111nt, BrebeuI and Garnier and oearly aIl the Hurons.
1650.-Martin Boutet opens a sehool at Quebec for the childrcn of the French. The Ursuline
convent burnt.
4th Gove:rnor: M. de Lauzon (1651 to 1657)
1651.-Duplessis de Kerbodot, governor of the place, murdered at Three Rivers.
1653.-Anival at Ville Marie of Marguerite Bourgeoys, foundress of the Congregation de Notre
1654.-The Eoglish seize Acadia.
1657.-Arrival of the Sulpicians at Ville Marie.
1658.-Canada erected into an Apostolie Vicarin,te: Mgr. de Laval, titular bishop.
6th Govemor: M. d'Argenson (1657 to 1661)
1659.-Arrival of :Mgr. de Laval, first bishop of Quebec.
1660.-Dollard aud lB companions sacrifice their lives to save Ville Marie from des~ruction by
the Iroquois.
6th Governor: M. d'Avaugour (1661 to 1663)
1662.-The Governor haTIng favored the trade iu brll,ody with the Indians, Mgr. de Laval com-
plains to ~he King of France and ser'ures his recal!.
7th GovfJTnor: iltf. de M ésy (1663 lo 1665)
1663.-Sovereign Council established. RetUTO of the charter of the Hundred Associates to the
King of France. The Higller Seminary of Quebee founded by Mgr. de Laval. Great
carthquake whicll lasts intermittently for six months. M. Gaudais-Dufort sent by
the King to take pos~e8~ion of the country and malee the tirst census.