Page 301 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 301

tv  0:>  o                     'tl  ~  l::l  c:::  Q  '-3  <3  :<::

                       1937  16.60  21.80  21.30  16.00  13.20  17.00  20.70  '2:Ù\Ô'  !J.30  87.00  166.00  1. 33  Il.87  2.20  1.094  22,023  2,R75  .lO2  559  2711  2,,';83  2.350  51  8,032  2.73:1  36,756  1,885  307  81,&29
                                     ...             li

                       1930  16.50  27.90  20.40  17.30  14.00  17.80  22.80  .. "28:30'  9.80  94.00  211.50  !.f)0  8.80  2.80  1,069  S  23,329  2,88,1  91  ~22  193  2,330  "idzo'  55  13,278  3.525  30,734  1,634  303  91,276

           Québec.     1935  18.10  27.00  2·1.80  15.00  15.50  1/1.20  21.70  'zUÔ'  10.10  88.60  193.00  1. 45  8.76  2.32  DOLT..'KS)  01<  l,lIB  $  19,397  1  2,008  69  62  164  121  1,866  ..........  1.795  49  34  8.902  3,087  42.337  2.HlI  242  83,616

           de  Quebec.  1934  19.50  28.70  25.00  16.50  16.00  15.60  22.80  .... ZS:~O·  9.30  99.30  263.00  1.37  8.91  2.38  THOU8ANn8  1,214  $  20.757  2,023  521  120  2,011  .... 1,'790'  6.798  3..171  57,433  1,83/1  236  98,309
           province  of  1933  1G.80  26.10  23.80  16.10  16.30  14.90  23.00  "Z6:00'  8.40  101.00  216.00  0.97  10.62  2.68  (IN  762  16,379  1,625  59  471  93  1,.743  '1,443'  2·1  9,551  3.073  30.760  1.357  172  67,512.

           la  Province  ACRE        ..          CROPS  $     ....               Ottawa.
           dans  the  PER  1932  18.30  29.40  25.70  15.80  16.60  16.50  23.90  30.40  9.00  S7.OO  264.00  1.40  9.75  2.50  FJELD  695  18,3/19  1,557  67  458  56  1,3·U  '1',384'  25  7,229  3,21R  34,343  1,325  28~-  70,382.  Slali.tiu.

           cultures  in  Crops  YIELD  1931  20.30  28.50  25.30  15.50  16.40  20.10  24.60  27.30  24.60  13.20  11;;.60  257.70  1.65  10.62  3.61  OF  $  614  17.945  1,371  60  . ' 412  213  1,368  168  ....  1,397  32  8,617  2.85,';  40.284  1,G42  207  (1)77,2U  Aoricultu.rai

           grandes  Field   18.00  26.60  23.50  17.70  11.60  17.30  23.20  21.60  26.10  ORO  81.40  1.50  8.47  "  2.18  VALUE  $  998  2,391  232  1,168  1,040  2,6&4  677  2,439  110  5,420  3.600  388  1  of

           des  of  L',\CRF..-AVERAGE  1030  182.80  DOLLA"S)-TOTAT,  S  23,791>  12,810  62.63.5  120,366  Bullelin
           totale  Value  A  1929  17.10  26.00  22.80  15.80  15.50  17.10  21.90  22.90  2G.40  12.10  95.00  20/1.10  1.46  10.07  1. 91  1,622  36,081  3,758  255  1,500  1,058  3,635  1,019  3.374  02  19,749  5,333  71,258  1.30l  539  153,664  Mo"tlùll

           valeur  Total  MOYlèN          1.45   DE  S  272  813  S7ll  43  535  l,  from

           et  and     1928  16.30  23.50  21.90  15.10  14.50  15.30  22.60  21.60  24.30  7.90  79.70  Ill3.20  7.99  2.18  MILLIER8  1.561  30,'773  3,111  1,453  4,271  2,892  13,594  4,106  62,092  3,96,5  130,363
           l'acre  Acre                          (EN  $        66                O~ta...a.-Erlr..ct

           à  per  R.ENDEMl!:NT  1927  17.20  28.40  24.70  17.50  15.80  16.10  23.50  21. 70  27.10  11.40  87.50  152.00  1.60  8.00  2.32  1,846  35,932  3,304  338  1..474  513  3,849  900  2,949  18.569  3,359  67,509  3,2·H  415  144,2.n
           moyen  Yield       0"       ..  (0"'1;.) ..•  .•• .. (tons) ...  R1l:COLTES  $  figures.  Dgreole,

           Rendement  6-Average  ::  ..  ..  ..  "  U ..  ...  ..  :: h.uskÏng.  ••  .. grr.uns..  ..  beet..  clover. . and corn..  ..  DEB TOTALE  whcat.............  :~~~~::~:::::::::: ::::;  husking.......... ::::  ..  beets .....•..•... clover........... corn..............  statistique  la  de

                       CULTUREs-cnoPS  ;:  ..  ..  "  ..  ::  ..  ..  . ..  ::  .... m6.1tu'.g~.. . (qtx) .. terre.. ..  .  ..  (tonnes)  . . , i.  ..  •  printemps.........Spring Avoine..•............... Oat•.................... Orge.................... Barley................... Fèves...................Bean•..............•.... SarrW!in......

           -                  ::~:~~Y::::::'.'.::  rye.  ::h:·s·:::::::.:::  ..Buokwhellt.  .. C~TnJor  ..Fll,,'.eed..  ..PotlltOes  ..Turnips.  Foddcr ..•....•  Alfalia  for terNI.......... Potatoe..................  and  TOTAL............•...................... /  recerusemeut.-CeDSU8  ",."suel
           6                ~u printemps .. (b?,Ï9.) .. Spring wheat ..... (b~h.)..  ".Spnng  o. MIxc....  Hay  VALEUR


                            Blé  ~~:~~~:::::::::::  ·.'::.'::::  ~~~és·  ..  .. Sllrrosiu.  grains.  ù  Mal~  G.rmns  .. Lm .... " de Pomme. betteraves. Nllvets, tréOe.  et  Foin  fourrager. . Mars  . .. Luzerne.  du  Blé  ~~~l.~..:::::::::::::::::  li  Mals r{:i~ .,,:~J.a.~~é:'.. ::::::::  de  et  Foin  Mals  (1)  Extrait
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