Page 141 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 141

110                    INSTRUCTION EDUCATION

            L'école primaire élémentaire comprend trois  The elementary primary school is composed
          cours réguliers de deux ann6es chacuu: infé-  of three reglllur courses of two years cuch, viz:
          rieur, moyen, supérieur. Une sectioo pri'parBr-  lawer, intermedil1t.e and superior. A prepar-
          taire prépare au pro~mmme élémentaire les  at.ory section for children who have not yet
          enfaJlts qui n'ont pu.~ encore fréquenté l'école.  II.tLcnded school prepares ~hem for the elemen-
          Dans la sec~ion prépamlaire et dans le caurs  tary course. In the proparatary section and in
          inférieur, l'enseignement est purem<'llt oral.  the lawer grade, teaching ls purely oral. In
          En l(J35-36, il Yavait 7,522 6coles él6nwntaires  1935-36, there were 7,522 elcmentary schools
          avec un personnel enseignant de 11,792 insti-  with Il male and female teaching staff of 11,792.
          tuteurs et institutri.ccs. On comptait alors un  The number of pupils enrolled nt that date was
          total de 335,186 élèves inscrits.    335,186.

                        3 - Statistiques des écoles rlmalres élémêntaires.
                          3-Statlstics of Elementrry Prlmary Schools.

                              Nombre des            ~Ièvc. inscrits  Présence  moyenne
                                 -                     -                  -
                               Number of           PupiJ. Enrollcd  Average Att.endanoe
               -                       In.titll-  1                          Pour-
              YEARS      11:001e.  1 InstitU-1  trices  Filles      Nombre  CeJ1tagB
                          -              -    r~o'"    -      Total   -       -
                        Sehool.  Male  Femnle  Doy.    Girb         Number   Per-
                               Teachers  Tenehers   1       1             1 centage
                             ~COLEB CATHOLIQUES.t--eATHOLIC SCHOOLS
          1\13~3(l.......... ,.  6.907  483  9,724  i 142,540  143.512  052  232.242  81 19
          1\134-35.......•....  6,050  563  9,676  146,695  145.710  286.  1  23~.932  111.71
          193~34 .......•....  6,W5  548  9,640  145,421  149,781  295,202  212,490  82.14
          1932-3:1....... , .. '.  6,661  525  9.685  148,073  149,44 1  297,514  243.183  !lI. 74
          1031·32............  6,836  774  10,381  1110,998  163,283  324.2!l1  266.340  82.14
          193().31. ...   6,774    741  10.266  1 158 ,372  161,604  319,076  200,37,~  81. 37
          1929-30.......•....  6,680  745  10.148  155,088  160.689  315,777  240,256  78.93
          1928-29.......... ,.  6,624  762  !l.959  155,193  158,227  313,420  247,042  78.82
          1927-28............  6,596  807  10,020  156,174  \60,089  316,M3  21;0,279  79.06
          1026-27......   6,571    728   9,889  155,331  159,408  314,739  248,549  78.97
          192:>-2ü....... :: :::  6,5fi!l  760  9,792  155,299  \'~7.482  312,781  245,374  78.46
          1924-25...........•  6,553  714  9,lI69  154,907  157,898  312,805  244,230  78.08
          1923-24 (1) .........  6,530  643  9,692  154,243  159,498  313.741  242.71)5  77.38
          1922-23 ......... ...  5,1l46  2.'19  7,294  112,918  119,138  232,051>  174,780  75.32
          193~36...... , .....  525  Il!)  1,466  1  250468  23.6Ni  49.134  39.033  7!J.44
          1934-35............  535  129  1,530  21\,641  25.121  51.7r.2  4],341  79.87
          1933-34 ...........  539  126  1,552  27.325  25.827  53,152  42,ü33  80.21
          Hl:J2-33. .... ... ....  532  110  1,S:l9  20,721  25.372  52.093  41,890  80 41
          !D31-32. .. . . . . .....  547  110  1.572  2(\,800  25.207  52,007  41.091  79.01
          1930-31. ... . ........  s73  US  1.f>71  2/1,28.1  2·1.·~57  5L,140  31).\124  78.07
          1929-30.... .... , ...  57U  114  1.040  25,937  24,755  50.742  3~.785  76 44
          1028-29 ...........  599  96   l.56.~  2/1.142  25,050  1il,192  38.f178  75.66
          1927-28 .... ........  1>13  97  1,5S6  26,111  24.917  51.028  38.858  76.15
          i02()·27.... ........  639  101  1,628  26.275  25.14-9  51,421  3Ül4  74.89
          1925-26 .......... , .  656  80  1,60G  26,151  2,;,4-82  51.G33  38,762  75.07
          1924-25 .......... , .  (l59  7ii  1.(l09  26.512  2:'.S22  52,33-i  38,G95  ,  73.94
          1923-24 ........ ....  662  76  1,58B  26,llS6  25.508  51,594  38.000  73 65
          1922-23... .........  683  70  1,621  26,283  25,936  52,219  38,262  i  '13.27
              ,              ,  ,           ,
          193~3(1.. ..........  7,522  1>02  11,190  1168.008  167,178  33.~.186  271.275  80 03
          l!J3-1-3J............  7.485  1>92  1!,206  173,3311  170.8.11  344.167  280.273  81.44
          1933-3·\. ....... ....  7,344  674-  11.192  172,7411  175.IIOS  348,354  2S.~,123  81.85
          1932-33............  7,193  635  Il,224  1H,79-i  174,813  3411.607  280.073  8I.6i
         1931-32........... ~  7,3S3  884  II.U53  187,798  188.400  376,288  307,440  81.70
         1930-31 ............  7,347  839  11.837  184,ô55  1811.461  371,116  300.299  110.92
         1929·30............  7.256  839  11,1\88  181.075  185.444  3M.!l)!l  2S8.041  78.59
         1928-2()............  7,223  858  11.524  181.335  183.277  364,li12  285,720  78.36
          1927-2R.... ..•..•..  7.209  !lO4  11.586  182,58,';  IB.5.000  367,501  2&9,137  78.66
          1926-27............  7,210  829  11,517  181,ù06  184,557  366.163  287.063  78.40
          192~26.......... "  7.225  846  Il,398  'll11,'I50  182.9<\4  364,414  284,130  77.97
          1924-25.        7.212   789   Il,278  181.410  183.720  3M,139  282,925  77.48
          1923-24 <il.·.·.:: ::::  7,192  TlO  11,278  180,329  18.'i,OOO  365.335  280.765  76.85
          1922-23............  s,529  309  8,915  139,201  145,074  284,275  213,042  74.94
            (1) Voir la note (1) :\. la pngo 108.-8•• foot-note (1) od page 108.
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