Page 55 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 55

CHRONOLOGl'                             25
              3rd LIEUTENAN'r-GOVERNOR: HON. Luc LEl'ELLIER DE ST. JUST (1876 TO 1879)
        1871.--8ixth Council of Quebec.
        1878.-Erection oi the diocese of Chicoutimi.
                        .'3rd GCJI)W'MT General: A!arqnis of Lorne (1878 to 188.'iJ)
             4th L[EUTE:fA.....T-GovERNoa: HONOURABLE TREonoRE ROBITAILLE (1879 TO 1884)

        1879.-Adoption of the protective tariff called "The National Poliey".
        1880.-Annexation to Canada of aIl the British North Amel'ican possessions, except Newfound-
                 land. Signing of the contract for the construction of the Canadian Pacifie Railway.
                 CathoHc Congres8 at Quebec. IlO Canada"· Vi"ritten bl' Sir A. B. Routhier, music
                 by C. Lavallée, adopted as national anthem.
        1882.-Roynl Society of Canada founded. Sale of the North Shore Railway. Dairy Industry
                 Society founded at St. Hyacinthe.

                      4th GOlJernor General: Marquis of !..o,nsdoum.e (188.'3 to 1888)
        1885.-Half Breed rebellion in the NOl'th-'~.rt'st. Execution at Regina of their leader, Louis Riel.
                 Diocese of Nicolet erected.
        1886.-First C. P. R. train ]eaves Montrenl for Vancouver. Seventh Council of Quebec. Montreal
                 a.nd Ottal\T3, erected into archbishoprics.
                6tb LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR: HON. AUGUSTE REAL ANGERS (1887 TO 1892)

        1888.-Final settlement Dl the Jesuits' F..stllte question. (The Government paying the bishoP8
                      5th GOlJernar General: Lord Sw'nley of Prest01I (1888 to l8DS)

        1888.-Creation of the Provincia.l Board of Hell.lth. Fisheries trel1ty signed at Washington.
        1889.--Forml1tion of "The Equal Rights" party. Ereetion of the Cartier-Bl'eheuf monument
                 at Quebec. Rock slide from the Quebec Citadel cliff (45 killed).
        1890.-Abolition of Catholic schools in l\.'fanitoba.
        1891.-Dismis~a1 of the Mercier Provincial Gvvernment. Death of Sir John A. Macdonald

        1892.-Diacese af Valleyfield erected. Construction of the dairy schaol at St. Hya.cinthe.
                        6th Got'unor General: Lord Aberderu f18.9i'j to 18/J8)
        1894.-0pening of a Colonial Conference at Ottawa. Death of Hon. Honoré Mercier.
        1895.-Commercial treat;r with France put into force. J'lrst Council of Montreal.
        1896.-Petition of the bishops of Canadfi., relative to the .re-establishment of Catholic schools
                 in Manitoba. Federal Act fixing tbe limitB of the Province of Quebec nt Hudson
                 Bay and adding a territory of 118,450 square miles.
        1897.-Mgr. Merry deI Val, Apostolic DeIegate, arrives in Canada. Geants to elementary schools
                 ,,'oted by the Provincial Government, Rush to the Yukon on discovery of gold
                    8th LIEUTENANT-GavERNOR: SIR LOUIS A. JETTE (1898 TO 1908)
        1898.-Thc preferential tariff of 1897 cornes into force. Cha~plain monument umreiled at Quebee.
                 Meeting at Quebee of the Anglo-American commission to determinethe boundary of
                 Alaska. Death of Sîr Adolphe Chapleau. Inter-imperiaI postal rato reduced to two
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