Page 53 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                              23

         1856.-Legislative CouDcil made elective. Establishment of the AUan steamship line between
                  Canada. and Englanrl, rllnning twice a month. Opening of a railwaybetween Montreal
                  and Toronto.
         1857.-Lower Canada dividerl into 19 îudicial districts. Laval, Jacques Cartier and McGiIl Nor-
                  IllJtI 8chools {ounded. Desjardins Canal accident (70 kilJed). Loss cf steamer HMont_
                  roal", with 253 livel;:!. Ottawa ehosen as the Federal Capital.
         1858.-Adoption of the decimal sytem for the currene)'. Foundation of the "Société Historique de
                  Montréal" by .Jn.eques Viger.
         1859.-Foundatîon of the Agricultural Sohool of Sainte Anne de la Pocatiere.
         1860.-Vieit of the PriMe of Wales. Inauguration of Victoria Bridge at Montreal. Three Rivers
                  College founded. Unveiling of the ".:\'!onument des Braves", Ste. Foy road, Quebcc.
                  La Banque Nationale and Mouin College founded at Quebec.
                            1Ust Govemor: Vùcou-rd Monck (1861 to 1867)
         1861.-Lower Canada's population: 1,111,566 soula.
         1861.-Foundation of the ArcheologiC'.J11 a,nd l\umismatic Society of Montreal, the COnBervator of
                  Chateau de Ramezay.
         1863.-Rimouski Collcge founded. Third Couneil of Quebec. Royal Btl.Dction given ta the Sepa-
                  rate Schools Act.
         18c.4.-Project of Coniederation of the provinces elaborated at Quebec a,t an interprovinciaL
                  conference under the chairmansmp of Sir Étienne Pasca.l Taché. First cheese (fI,cLQry
                  opcncd nt Dunbam.
         1866.-Fenian invasion of Ca.nBdll.. La}ing of the tïllusatlantie cable. Great confùlgraiion at
                  Quebœ, (2,129 houses burned).l\IontreaJ Veterina.ry Sehool founded. Civil Code and
                  Code of Civil Procedure come into force.
         1867.-Confcdoration of the provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, N~w Brunswick and Nova.
                  Scotia. "Moniteur Acadien" founded. Diocese of Rimouski erected.

                          CONFEDERATION PERIOD (1867 TO ... j
                      lat LIEUTE~ANT-GoVER~oR:SIR N. BELLE.-\'U (1867 Ta 1873)
         1868.-Departure of 350 young French Canadians to defend the States of the Churoh at Rome in
                  the regiment of Papal Zouaves. Aesasaination of Hon. Thomas d'Arcy fifcGee. Fourth
                  CouneU of QUf'!bec. Adoption of Il. uniform 3 cent Ietter postage rate. Postal B&VÎngB
                  banks founded,

                    t8t Governor General: Sir John Young, Br;s,rO'n Lisgar (1868 to 1872)
         1869.-Entry of the North-West Territories into Confederation.
        1870.-Pro'\inee of Manitoba. organized. Mgr. Elzea.r Ta.schereau, 16th bishop of Quebec.
        187L-Entry of British Columbia înto Confederation. The .Alaba,ma claims settled by the tre&ty
                 of Washington. Codification of municipal lawB. Imperial troops garriBoned at Quebec
                 and difforent points in Cqnada are withdrawn lvith the exception of those stationed at
                  Halifax and EsquiIllltult.
                       Znd Govenwr Gmeral.: Lord Dll!!erin (1872 la 1878)
        1872.~Abolitioll of the legisiativo double mandate. Act concerning the keeping of regisf.em of
                 civil status.
        1873.-Prince Edward. Island entera Confed~ration. Dcath of Sir George Etienne Cartier. Fifth
                 CaunciJ of Quebec.

                    2nd LIEUTENANT·GoVERNOR: HON. R. E. CARO~ (1873 Ta 1876)
        1874.-&ootion of the dioœse of Sherbrooke. 200th annivArsary of the erectîon of the diocese of
        1875.-Principal Iaws respt:cLing vita1.statiBtics passed. Sherbrooke CoUe~e founded. Inaugura-
                 tion of the Seminary of Chicoutimi.
        1876.-lnnuguration of the Intercolouinl Railwny, Bl'anch of Lava.l UniveI'8ity founded at
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