Page 51 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 51

CHRONOLOGY                               21
                           17th Governqr: Lord Afetcalfe (1848 10 184-5)

       1844.-Erection of the eccleaiastica.l province of Queber..
       1845.-Retum of the politicai exiles of 1837-38. Two great conflagrations at Quebec; 25,000
                persons left home1ess. The right ta vote given ta the clergy. Bishop'a CoUege founded
                at Lennoxville.

                           18th Governar: Lr.rrd Cathcarl (181;.5 /0 18·47)

       184b.-Joliette College founded. The Hause obtains control of the Supplies. Education Act
                amended and separate schools establîshed.
       1847.-Telegraph Hne built between Quebec, Montreal, Toronto and Buffalo, aisa between Mont·
                real and )Jew York. Irish immigra.tion, typhus epidemic; 1.'3,800 victims, including
                several priests-. Hundreds of Irish orphans taken inw French Canadian families.
                Agricultural societies created. Terrebonne or Ma.sson College founded. Foundation of
                St. La.urent College. ArrivaI from France of the Frères de Ste. Croix and the Clercs
                de St. Viateur.
       1848.--8t. Lawrence canals opened ta navigation.

                           19th Governor: Lord Elgin (184-7 10 1851,.)

       1849.-Rioting at Montreal and bUl'lling of the Parliament House and Library of the Legislature.
       1850.-Mgr. Turgoon, 14th bishop of Quebec. ConstlUction of the l'Northern" Railway begun.
                Rigaud College founded.
       1851.--8t. Mary:", College at Montreal founded by the Jesuits. First Council of Quebec. Intl'o~
                ductlOn of postage staDlps. Population of Lower Canada. 890,26l.
       1852.-Dioceses of St. Hyacinthe and Three Rivers erected. Queen Victoria signe the charter 01
                Laval University. Construction of Grand Trunk an.ilway begun. Great fue in Mont-
                real (10,000 persons homeless). Creation of the Department of Agrieulture. The
                Clercs de St. Viateur found a school at Joliette for Catholic deaf mutes. In the
                following year, this school is transferred to Coteau St. Louis, near Montreal.

                           Adminùlra/or: lVûlia1n Rowan (1858101854-)

       1853.-Colleges of Ste. Marie de Monnoir and Levis founded. Mgr. Bedini, Apostolic Viear, visits
                Quebec. .A1TivaJ at Quebec of first transatIantlc steamship. Opening of raiIway be·
                tween Montreal and Portland. The number of members for Lower and Upper Canada
                fixed at 65 for each province.

                          80fh Gaoernor: SÙ Ertmuh,d Head UB5i, ta 1861)

       1854.-Abolition of the Seigneurial Tenure in Lowcr Canada. Ere<:tion of Munlcipalities in Lower
                Canada. Inauguration of Laval University'. Second Council of Quebec. .1Igr. Baillar-
                geon, coadjutor and aclministrator of the diocese of Quebec. Reciprocity treaty
                between Canada and the United Sta.tes. Great Western Railway in operation. Secular-
                ization of Clergy rcserve!:l.
       J855.-Laying of the corner stone of the j~Monum.entdes Braves" at Ste. Foy. The "Ca.pricieuse",
                French frigate, ascends the St. Lawrence. Formation of Liberal and Conserva.tive
                parties. Establishment of system of money orders and registered letters in the post
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