Page 49 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 49
12th. GO/lernrYr: Lord Gooford (1885 ta 1838)
183S.-A report unfavourable to the Canadiens sent to England by the Glvernor. Papular feeling
exeited. The association of the Sons of Liberty founded at Montreal.
1836.-The firat railway in Canada inaugurated from St. Johns te Laprairie. J\'Iontreal erected
iuta iL biBhopric. Mgr. Lartigue fil'st bishop.
1837.-Arrival ~f the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Outbreak of civil waT owing to England'a
refusaI to recognize the juat daims of the Canadians. Fighting takes place at Chambly
and St. Denia, where the English troops are defeated, but they are victarious at St.
Charles and St. Eustache. In Upper Canada. Lyon Mackenzie is at the head of the
revoIt. Goffiord returns to England.
A.dminislra/'or: Sir John ColooTne (1838)
1838.-Colborne suspends the constitution of 1791 and a CQuncil of 22 members, of whom Il
are French Canadians, is formed.
13th OO1Jernor: Lord Durham (1838)
1838.-Most of the political prisoners liberated, exeept 24, who are exiled to the Bermudas. This
act disapproved by London and the Governor resigna his office. Cardinal and Duquet
executed at Montreal. Oouernur: Sir John Colbarne (183810 1839)
1838.-Freah rioting in Lower Canada. Colborne suppresses the troubles with great aeverity. No
less than 89 politieal prisoners sentenced 10 death, 47 exiled and 12 executed between
March and December, 1838. In Upper Canada, the irumrgents are defeated at Preseott,
Detroit and Niagara. From 20 to 30 prisoners shot or hung in Upper Canada, between
December 1838 and February 1839. These severe IDf'..aaures blamed by England.
15th Governar: Lord Sydenham (1839 to 184-ij
1839.-Lord Durham submits il report to London, suggesting the union of the two Canadas ahd
the abolition of the French language in civil acts.
CNIOX PEIUOD (1842 to 1867)
lSW.-Act of Union between Lower a.nd Upper Canada sanctioned by Queen Victoria. ArrivaI
of the stearnship "Britannia" of the Cunard Line.
1841.-Arrival of the Oblate Fatbers at Montreal. Population of Canada: 1,150,000, of which
700,000 French Conadians. LIDon Act inaugurated and Kingston ehosen as the seat
of government. Death of Lord Sydenham.. Rockslide at Quebec; 32 pereons killed.
Adoption by Lower Canada of an Education Act.
AArninùJtmtor: Sir Richard D. Jackson
16th GQverrwr: Sir Charles Bagat (1842 /0 1848)
1842.-Responsible Government established. Lafontaine and Baldwin become Ministers. Return
of the Jesuits to Canada. Ashburton treaty. Organîzation of the Council of Public
Instruction of Lower Canada: J. B. Meilleur, lat Superintendent.
1843.-Launching at ~lontrealof the first iron steam veBse[ built in Canada.