Page 47 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 47

CHIiONOLOGY                             17

                             Administf'ators: Drummond and lVilimn
       1815.-L. J. Papineau, at the age of 29 years, appointed Speaker of the Legisla.tive Assembly.

                      8th Goverrwr: Sir John Coape Sherbrooke (1816 to 1818)
       1817.-:Mgr. Plessis appointed member of the Legislative Conneil. Foundation of the first hunk
                in the country, t,he Bank of Montreal.
       1818.-The question of the supplies begins ta excite the public mind. The Quebec Bank founded.
                Treaty between Canada and the United States naval foree on Great Lakes,
                       9th Goverrwr: The Duke of Richmond (1818 ta 1819)

       18J8.-The Governor pl'orogues Parliament, the mernbers refusing ta vote a Olle fifth increase of
                the civillist.
       1819.-Erection of Quebec iuto an archbishopric. Death of the Governor.

                   Administrators: ~""J01ik, DalMusie and Maitland (1819 to 1820)
                          JOtA GovernOT: Earl Dalhousie (1820 (·o 1828)
       1821.-Excavation of the LachinE' Canal, on the Island of :Montreal, begun.
       18.n.-A prnject for the union of the two Canadas presented clande~tinelyto the Imperial Govern-
                ment and, asit is hostile to the FTench Canadians, NeiJson and Papineau go to London,
                carrying a protest bE'aring 60 1 000 signatures. Montreal General Hospita.l founded.
       1814.-Foundation of the Ste. Therese ColLege. Foundation of a libra.ry by the Literary and
                Historica1 Society of Quebec. Act of the "Fabriques du Bas Canada" passed.
       1825.-Foundation of Chambly College. Death of ::\fgr. Plessis. Mgr. Panet, 12th bishop of
                Quebec. Opening of trame in Lachine canal.
                          AdminÙJtrator: Sir Franci8 Nalhan-iel. Burton
       1825.-1n the Governor's absence, Sir Francis N. Burton caus&'! the supplies to be voted by
                headings without detnils and is subsequently blamed by the King.
       1826.-Dalhousie refuses to sanction the supply bill vote<! under Burton and dissolves the HoUBe.
                Foundation of Bytown, DOW Ottawa.
       1827.-The French Canadians victorious in the electlons choose Papineau as Speaker of the
                House. The Govemor disappl'Oves this choice and dissolves the Hou.~. Fresh protest
                sent to England. Papineau maintained a.<; Speaker and Dalhousie recalled.
       1828.-Exploration of the Saguenay region.

                         A..drninistrat.or: Sir James Kempt (1828 ta 1830)
       1829.-College of Ste. Anne de la Poca.tiere founded. Kempt continues his predecessor's policy,
                recognizes Pa,pineau as Speaker, but refuses the modifications demanded by the
                Executive and Legis1&tive Council5, the majority of whose members are creatures
                of the Government.
                          11th Gmxrnor: Lord A.ylmcr (1830 to 1835)
       1831.-Population of Lower Canada, 5.53,331 fiOUls.
       1832.-Cholern decimateB the population. Quara.ntine station established at Grosse Isle. L'As-
                somption College founded. Riot at Montreal over the election of a member: three
                French Canadians killed and two wounded by the troops.
      1833.-The st,eamer l'Royal William" sails from Quebec on the 5th August, arrives at Graveaend
                in England. This îs the fust vesseL to cross the Atlantic under steam aJone.
       1834.-Another cholera epidemic. The CanadianEi embody their grievanceB against England
               in 92 resolutions. The St. Jean Baptiste Society of Montreal founded by Ludger
                Duvemay.                                       -
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