Page 45 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 45

CHRONOWGY                               15
                     4th Go/)ernor: Lord Dorche81er (Sir Guy Carleton) (1786/01796)

       1786.-Garleton returns ta Canada with the tit1c of Lord Dorchester.
       1788.--Mgr. Hubert~ 9th bishop of Quebec.

                       CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERN:\IE"lT PERIOD

       1791.-Canada divided jnta two parts: Lower Canada and Upper Canada. The House of Assem-
                bly of Lower Canada. comprises 50 members and the Legislative Council, 12 memhers.
                The use of the two languages ie recognized in the parIinmentary debRtes and the
                reports of the votes and proceedings of Lower Canada. &tablishment of a semi~
                monthly postal service between Canada and the United States.

                          5th Govemor: Sir Robert PreseoU (1796 ta 1807)

       1797.-Eatablishment of a weekly postal service between Canada and the United States. Mgr.
                Denault, lOth bishop ~f Quebec. ArrivaI of 26 French priest/:!.
       1798.-Reeollet convent and ehurch at Quebee deBtroyed by fire. The ÜQvernor opposed to
                the erection of new Catholie parishes. Execution of 2\feLane, aeeused of high treason.

                       Ad-ministral(Jl': Sir Robert Shore .M-ilnes (1799 to 180..5)

       1800.-The Government ta.kes possession of the Jesuite' estates on the death of Fl1ther Cl1zot.
       1801.-Sehool founded to anglieize the French Canadians, wlder the name of the Royal Institu-
       1803.-SIa.very deelared illegal in Lower Canada. The Nieolet Seminary founded by IvIgl'. Plessis.
                     Administral(Jl': Honourable Thomas D1J.nn (1805 to 1807)

       1805.-The '()'fereury", founded by the English.
       180b.-Mgr. Plessis, llth bishop of Quebec. The "Canadien" founded by the French Canadians.
                Population of Canada: 250,000 souis.
       1807.-Publie schools established in Upper Canada..

                       6/.h GtliJerno-r: Sir James Henry Craig (1807 to 1811)
       1808.-House dœsolved by the Goveroor. The same member8 retumed by the people.
       1809.-The fust steamboat J the "Aecom.m.odation", deseends the river from )-fontrea1 to Quebee.
                The presses of the HCanadien" seized and Bédard J Papineau, Tasehereau and Blan-
                chet iInprisoned. ~Igr. Plessis opposed ta the Governor having the appointment of
                the parish priests made by the King.
       1811.-Foundation of a. semirull''Y at St. Hyacinthe and the r'Herald" newspaper at l\·fontreal.

                         7th Govenwr: Si:r George Prevos{ (1811 to 1815)
       1812.--The AmeriCI1IlB invade Canada, but are repulsed at Detroit, Queenstown and Buffalo.
                At the Governor's request, Mgr. Plessis lM offieially recognized as bishop of Quebec
                by the King. Legal existence of the Catholic religion recognized.
       1813.-SaIaberrYl et the head of 300 C&lIadians, repulsea Hampton, in comma.nd of 7,000 Ameri~
                can troops, at Chate8uguay 6 The Amerieans again defeated at Frenchtown and
                ChrysIer's Fann. McGiH College founded.
       1814.-The AD:1e:deans defeated at Lacolle and Lundy1s Lane. The treaty of Ghent puts an end
                to the wU. There is a. reciprocal re8toration of the conquests made during the wa.l'.
                with the exeeption of the froutiers of Maine, which were reetified by the Ashburton
                trea.ty in 1842.
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