Page 43 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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1760.-Battle of Ste. Foy, where the French under Lévis win a victory. .A.rrivalof an English
fleet. Lévis f&lIs back on Montreal. Capitulation of Montreal. The leading officers,
aoldiera and citizens sent back ta Fra.nce, the clergy a.lone rema.ining in the country
with about 6,1),000 CanadiallB.
1. Ali the French posts ta be delivered ta the English.
2. The CanadîanB ta retain their religion, mws and property.
3. The French troops, civil and military officers and the nobility ta he conveyed ta France
at the expense of the English.
lst Gm:errwr: Lord AmherHt (1760 lu 1763)
1760.-Establishment of the Military Regime. Civil and criIllinal mattera jud.ged by officers.
1763.--8igning of the treaty of Paris. Canada. dism.embered; Labrador and Anticosti annexed to
Newfoundland; Cape Breton a.nd Prince Edward Ialand to Nova Scotia; the region
south of the Great La.kes joined to the American Colonies and I.ouisiana ceded ta
Spain. The French laws abolished. Imposition of the Test Oath. Pontiac, an Ottawa
chief, incites the Indians and attempts to destroy the Eng1ish.
2nd Gooerrwr: JamB8 Murray (176.'j lo 1766)
1764.-Murray assisted by a Counci! of 13 members. ouly one of whom is French, administera
the eolony. The "Quebec Gazette", published in English a.nd French, founded.
1765.-First book printed a.t Quebec. South~west part of Montreal destroyed by fire.
1766.-Mgr. Briand, 7th bishop of Quebec. Murray recalled.
AdminiatratO'r: Mr. lning
3rd Goverru:rr: Sir Guy Carlelon (1766 lo 1778)
1770.-The grievances of the Canndians hea.rd in England, where Carleton pleads~in their favor.
1773.-Suppression of the Order of the .Jesuits and confiscation of their estate. College of Mont,...
real founded.
1774.-The Quebec A.ct:
1. Establishes a Legislative Councîl of 17 to 23 membera;
2. E.~·:tends the boundaries of Canada.;
3. Abolishes the Test Onth;
4:. Restores the French cîvilla\','8;
5. Assures ta Catholics the free exercise of their relîgion.
1775.-American invnsion of Canada. General Montgomery defeated and slain· before Quebec.
1776.-Independence of the United States proclaimed. The .Jesuit.'1' College at Quebec turned
into a military harracks.
3rd GOt'ernO'r: General Haù1imand (1778 10 1Î86)
1778.-FÎl'St number of the l'Gazette l..ittéraire de Montrénl" published by Fleury MespletB..
1783.-Treaty of Versailles. Recognition by England of the independence of the United States.
Cession of the country situated south of the Grent Lakes. Immigra.tion of 25,000
U. E. Loyalists to Canada and their settlement in Ontario, the Eastern Townahips,
the Bay des Chaleurs and the Maritimes Proyince.s. Foundation of the North-West
Company to carry on the fur trade.
1784.--Population of Canada: 113,012 souls.