Page 41 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 41

CHRONOWGY                                11

       1137.-Hocquart sends producb~ of Canada ta he exhibited in France. Fort Rouge in Manitobâ.
       1738.-Fort La Reine in Manitoba erected. Foundation of Order of Sisters of Charity in Mont-
                real by Madame d'Yauville.
       1739.-~lgr. de l'Auberivière appointed ta succE"ed l\:Igr. Dosquet, but his death oecun! on arrivai
                at Quebec on the 20th August, 1740.
       1741.-Mgr, de Pontbriand, 6th bishop of Quebec.
       1743.-La. Verendrye's eldest son discovers the Rocky ~Iountainsand the source of the Missouri.
       1744.-HiBtory of New France, by Father Charlevoix published.
       1745.-Louisbmg taken by the English.
       1746.-Loss of d'Anville's f1eet) intended ta re-capture Louisburg.
       1747.-The defeated st Grand-Pré. The {ollo1,\'Ïng forts erected by La Verendrye's son:
                Bourhou l Dauphin, Postroyac and La Corne. ~l. de la Jonquiere, appointed governor,
                iB lll.!I.d.e a prisoner by the English near Cape Finisterre, in Spain, and held captive
                for two years in England.

                        A.dministra(Q'T: ~lf. de lrl GatissonnièTe (1747 to 1749)

       1748.-Treatyof Aix la Chapelle. Loui::lburg and Cape Breton rl?stored ta France. Forts Gas-
                pareaux and Beauséjour built in Acadia; La Presentation (Ogdensburg), Rouille
                (Toronto), on the Great Lakes. Bigot appointed intendant.
       1749.-Halifax founded, Lord Halifax, founder of the town that bears his name, brings there
                600 Engli6h families.

                         16th Governor: M. de la Jonq/J.ière (1749 to 175;2)

       1752.-Deuth of la Jonquière, at Quebec.

                      Administral.or: Charle.~ Le.\l'oyne, 2nd Baron de Longueuil
                      llth GOL'emOl': M. Duquesne de J.\tIennclJille (1752 to 1755)

       1753.-CoIlBtruction of forts presqu'ne, River aux Bœufs (Macha.ult), below Niagara.
       1754.-:M. de C"'.ontreeœur erects Fort Duquesne at the junction of the Monongahela and Allegh-
                any rivers.-Jumonville assassinated by Washington's soldiera near Fort Nece!:lBity.
                Sieur de Villiers avenges the death of his brother Jumonville by a striking victory
                in taking Fort Necessity.
       1755.-The English admiraI, Boscawen captures two vessels of Dieskau's fleet in the Gulf of St.
                Lawrence. Braddock defeated by Dumas ut Monongahela. Forta Gaspareaux and
                Beauséjour taken by the English. Acadians dispersed by order of genera! Monckton.
                Ba.ron Dieskau, French general wounded and made prisoner with his troops at Fort
                 Edward by the EngLish general, Johnson.

                          lSth G(ffJeT1Wr: J1. de Vaudreu'il (l75S (0 1760)

                             SEVEN YEARS WAR (1756 to 1763)

       1756.-Arrival of ~Iontcalm, Levis, Bourlamaque and BougainviHe.
       1757.--Capture of Fort George or William Henry by :Montcalm.
       1758.-Louisburg taken by the English, Victory of Carillon. :Montcalm's gallantry gains him
                immortal fame. The English take Fort Frontenac (Kingston). French forced to aban~
                don Fort Duquesne.
       1759.-Forts St. Frederick and Niagara captured by the Engli6h. The English defellted st Mont-
                morency. Battle of the Plains of Abraham. l\:Iontealm and Wolfe both meet death
                in the battle. Quebec capitulates on 18th September.
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