Page 349 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 349

F -  PECHERIES                        F-FISHERIES
           Les pêch{:ries de la province comptent parmi  The fisheries of the Province are numbered
         les plus étendues de J'univers. Depuis 1922, le  o.mongst the most extensive in the world.
         gouvernement provincial a pris le contrôle de  Since 1922, the Government of the Province
         l'a.dministration des pêcheries maritimes qui  has taken charge of the sea fisheries which
         relevaient autrefois deI" autorités fédérales. Ce  \\"ere formerly coutrolled by the Dominion
         règlement a mis fin à la dualité de juridiction  Government. This action put a.n end to the
         qui existait dans le passé; les pennis dt;'J pêche  dual jurisdiction which existed in the pasto
         sur les côtes émanent maintenant d'une seule  PermitB for coastal fiahïng  IlOW rest with a
         autorité. Cependant, le gouvernement de la  single authority; nevertheless, the Dominion
         Puissance a· conservé certaines prérogatives  Government h3.s retained certain prerogatives
         concernant la conservation et la rtlproduction  concerning  eonservation  and  reproduction
         du poisson et il continue de légiférer en cette  of fiBh and continues ta legislate in theee
         matière. Le gouvernement de la province retire  matters. That the Government of the Province
         un revenu substantiel de cette industrie, comme  derives substantilll revenue from this industry
         le démontre le tableau suivant:       may be seen by the following table:
            73 -  Revenus annuels dérivés des pêcheries par le gouvernement de la province.
            73--Annual Revenue Derived from Flsheries by the Government of the Province.

         Loyers de:      Lea~es of:
          Lac:!....      Lakes....        15-S.50i:i.25  $57,112.75  350,082.50  $54,322.80
          Rivières..     Rivers ..        80,410.00  78,710.00     77,645.00  76,825.00
         Permis de pêcbe:  Fi.~hing licenoe~:
          Sr.0rtive, $25.... _. _..  Sl:rt, 325 ..........  10,050_00  11,000.00  7,350.00  7,550.00  :'l,300.00
          1\ embre de club, $20..  ~ ember ni club, $20..            200.00  2,420.00
          De $10.. _........  Of $10.............  ·2(),O20:00' . 24',270.00 .'Üi,425:00'  16,270.00  9,310.00
          Membtl! de club, 15.... MeoJber of clnb, 35.....  7,805.00  8,555.00  7,240.00  6,555.00  6,875.00
          Famille et dame Invitée. Family a.nd la.dy guest.  273.00  2ll2.00 .. .......
          ~cial (Anticœti) ...  ~ecial (Antioosti).                  358.00  1,4.1.'j.OO
           ouriste, $5........  ourist, 15... ,. ..                 ....00  7,320.00
          Avee nets.. " ...  Witb net....  · "zÏ,Û2:25  . '13",530:00'  12,060.62  11,444.29  11,915.51
         Permisdemi8eeoco~·~e.CanningliœD~.·.· .....                 68.00   178.2.5-
         Vente d'alevins.. "..  .Sal~ of fry ......  · 'Ù,66:8i'  "2",iSi:27'  1,109:13  719.61  1,.008.61
         Royauté6 SUl' poÎ.l;liIOD.  . Royalties on fisb.  74..08  506.02  474.81  397.64
               TOTAL.                 .::::I·~~·~~~~~~· 195.413.33  183,710.52 1 178 ,014.21  177,287.81
            Rapport du mlDL6tre des travaux pubhCll, de la ehall!fe et des pêchefl~.-Reportof the Mnuster of Public Worlœ
         Game and F~herie8.
                    74 - Principaux: poiS8ons dont on f~lt cODlD1erce dans la province.
                          7.-Chlef Commercial Fishes in the Province.

            VARIltTÉS-KI:'fDB   1930    1931     1932     1933     1934     19a.5
                           QUANTIT,Ij': E:'f QUINTAUX-QUANTITY I:'f CWT.
         " Olnard. · ..... Lnbster.. , ..  392.642  1  421,060  460.131  514,062  518,638  402,769
                   Mackarel. .
         " fLl'eng.•. ." .Berring ..  227,173  258,M5  262.735  219,858  352,323  295,650
         S  lI.umoIl .. ."  .Salmon.  17,205  16,909  11,101  13,697  11,287  11,599
         A  nguille..  .Bels....  13,154  17,322  19,063   24,581   22,643   22,628
         E perlan.. ...... Smelts. __  10,586  10,320  234  8,710    7,009    5,828
         D  oré...  ..... Pickerel.  3,565  4.377  7' 3,625  1  4,100  4,705  4.,675
         C  rupe ....  .. Carp..... . ....  783  S.216  6,171  5,920  6,118   6,222
         E Ilturgeon.. · .Stnl'J;rE'on.  4' 3,162  1  2,942  4.472  5,220  5.113  5,194
                            1                                            1
                             1 1,073,836 1.
         Moru  .....Cod .. " ." ."       730,410  1  648,722  863,913  909,300  609.423
         Homar                  267,336  180,609  • 242,056  • 217.476  • 29:5,900  • 222,064
            '"d. ...... Lob-':ltfll·.....
         M:aqu  ereau .. · . ::I-!ackerel. .  100,689  86,147 1  62,942  46,359  53,956  59,300
         Haron ,.  · . Herring..  249,708  234,923 '  226,826  201,415  251,733  244.339
         Saum on. ........ .Salmon.  197,854  144,243  94,070  154,159  110,058  96,884
         AngUl lIe · ..... Eel.'l.....  118,583  106,424  94,879  131,440  145,015  149,216
         Eperla. fi.  .... Sme\ts ..  82.438  58,138  37,785  62,633  48,533  ~1,021
         Do"      PiekereL  "   49,150   58,159   38,336   42,710   53,387   53,584
         Carpe  ........ .CllI"p .....  38,900  37,223  38,421  34,054  37,20B  37,955
         Estur geon.  .Sturgeon... ....  49,837  38.834  42,766  46,315  55.929  54,907
   de Statnl.tQUf!<J dea pü.her~ea, Ottawa.  Extraet from Fu<h.~Med Stah8lu8, Uttawa.
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