Page 336 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 336

298                           PRODUCTION

              53 - Bois utilisé (en cordes) par procédês, dans la province. en 1934 et 1935.
              53--Wood Used (in Cords) by Processes, in the ProvInce, ln 1934 and 1935.

                                        1935                       19..
                                                       1 -------;:c-:-~----
               ESSENCES             Procl'df-Procefj~          Procêdé-PrOCell9
               SPEClES       mécanique  au sulfite  1  A~res  i méc::::iqu~  lm ~fito  1  A~es
                             Mechanical  Sui~bite 1  Other  1 :\lech:1DÎcal  Sulphite  Other
                          .. Il
         Epinette  Spruœ..  l'  1,302,363  777,148,1  296,359  1,253,402  801,345  228,643
         Sapin baumier. Balsam. .
         Pruche....  . . Hemlock.. '::,., ..  2,452  782            3,079     120
         Pin gris  Jack pÎne.   21,992    2,173   53,995    8,783   4,154   81,765
                         . . ", ',I--:-:::~2~2~':+--=~::::-I--:~1 ,~I~'9:_1-::-:~_=4~2+'-"_=~, '~'='~'"1_-:~,.~'~O'=_
         Autre...  .Other.
              TOTAL.          1,324,571  1  781,773  352,315  1,.262,227  808,578  3U,BJ2
              54 - Bois utilisé (en cordes) par provinces et par procédés, en 1934 el: 1935,
              54-'Wood Used (in Cords) by Provinces and by Processes, in 1934 and 1935.
                                        1935           1           1934
                            '--~~~--- ---~c::----
                                                                   ~ rOClJiIS
                                    P  eédé-Pr                 P  céd' P
              PROVINCE S             '"    """"                 '"
                             mécanique  au sulfite  Autreil  mécanique  au sulfite  , ,  Autres
                                -        -        -       -        -        -
                           i Meelumical  8ulphlte  Other  Mechanical  Sulphitc  Othcr
         Québec..          1  1,324,578  781,773  352,315  1,202,227  808,578  311,()32
         g~~.~~~it  B·.·C       'i,999  1\4i,608  58,989  602,968  622,455  1  47,514
         K.-Brurlij ick.  .. ,  ) (1) 287,fj40  (1) 434,331  (1)  36,457  264,879  391,101  ,  26.003
         K.·Eco:3.'ie.  ·N...·S coti.a..
                                                                        1 ,
              CANAD_~.        2,4U,204  2,073,685  478,193  1  2,31J.,751  2,OU,273  410,m
                           ,                                            1
             55 ~ Bois uUlisé dans la fabrication de la pulpe, au Canada, par provinces.
                55~Wood Used in the Manufacture of Pulp in Canada, b}' Provinces,
              PROVINCES        1930     1931     1932    1933     1934     1\l3.1
                            QUANTITÉ (EX CORDE8)--QCANTITY (1:-< co~:os)
         Q-"-'-""-'-"-'-------~I--2-,'-8-'-,.-'-2~-,-,-97-'-,08-9~---I.-7-'"-.,-OO-7~1--I,- ..-0-'-,-79~1--2-,~;-,'-37-i-2-,'-58-,'-';;-
         g~t~~~t·.:  :B'.·c:  :  l,~~~:~~~  l'j~~:~~~  }'~:ng  1'1~k~~~  1,~~:~~~  1'~1J~g
                        , , ' '1 __1_):-='~04~,~56~8:_1--(-I~)~7~()(l=,5=1='+-(,~)~"~.58=,0=5~1-1----;-~6=5~7,~9=09=_1 _ _:_:'=B2::_:'94=-:-'+_(1~)~'=58::_:,'1=2=8-
         r..'.·EcüS..Q(l     (
         N .-Brunswick :'l. Seotia
              CANADA.   • ...  4,741,349  4,148,279  1  3.647,754  4,044,876  4,76~604  5,005,083
                               •         •       •        •        •        •
        Québec..             28,683,106  22,334,89}  10.096,748  13,9'16,782  15,859,878  16,571,782
        Ontario...            16,611,244  11,787,428  9,446,780  8,520,475  9,244,562  1  10,610,031
        Col.~Brit ..... B·.C·-  .. ,  3,242,284  2,923,449  2,426,210  2,368,363  2,683,707  2,707,412
        N.-Brunswick.      }(l) 0,252,090 (1) 6,074,972 (1) 4,222,328  3,i73,I3Z7  3,887,178  (1) 4,376,104
        K.-Ecœ8e.. ... N:SGotia.
              CANADA. . ..... .. ,  54,788,730  013,120,740  32,192,066  28,609,247 1 31,675,325  3.,265,.J29
           (1) Y compris le ~[:Hli(.obll.-Including:\faoitoba.
   331   332   333   334   335   336   337   338   339   340   341