Page 30 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 30


                      :f~NC:MÉRATION             1R71   1881    I81n   1901   HlIl

       tfS B~{r~~t<;~'?;   Ll8be~~~~·~. ~~~~~~.~~  NOs.l. l.007'SO~'--~-S9'8~: -:,:: - Ô;}~,OO:3 --6.17.088

                                               .. ,...  '             2,376,471  2,710,285
       49  ValeuT tot:.\lc du bétail.. .  Total value of live ijtock .. ,S;  : : : 1  :  .  57,070,940, <]4-,926,194
         Industrie laitière:  Dair,., Industry:
       50  Fabriqueôl.......  Factorie~  "  ::-.Jo. .      162    nsi    1.992  2,142
       51  BeulTe fabriqué.  Creamery bllt.tcr.  . . Lbs ..          24,fi2.j,OOO  -!1,782,67~
                                             Si.        ·(·S)·  (8)   4,91ll,Î(i6  9,901,7.12
       52  Fromage fabriqué ...  FactoQ' cheese.  .."' Lbs..         1')0,6:30,199 5S.17I,091
         ,                                   Si .     (9) '8'64",000 gii,9'19',OOO  7.9.17,621  5,69,"i,254
         '1 Industrie forestière:  Fote8uy:
       :13  Bois coupé~..... '".......  Wood cul..  .P.m.p..  1
                                                                     .iS:9'6'9'jW .ia.ù'i,287
       54  Autres produit., fOf'('jjtienl.  Other fore:;t products  : .  .. ..... 1·
       !>5  Revel\IUl du gouvernement  GoveJ'nmenl revenues  S  406,481  fHa,519!  .(14'6',237 .. i,2'Ù,072 . 1,126,008
       ij6  PuLpe fabriquée.  Pulp made    Ton  .                             :U2,522
       57  Papier îahriqué.  Paper made.   .Ton ..
         Pêcheries:        FJsbel'"Ie8:      $ .
           Revenus du gouvernement  Government revenues..... $
           Valeur des ppeherieo.....  V.e.llle of fisheri~.  ..S . "i.Og·:Ù>Î:i . '2,75Ï,WI2 .'2:0ÔS',678 .'2,Ù4',459  1,8M,lan
          Industrie minérale:  Mlneml industry:
       60  Valeur de la. production  Ve.lue of PIOdUCf.I011  ~  1,781,1001  4,003,197  2,997.i31  8,679,786
       61  Amillnt,e.        Àshestoo.  .    $ .         35,100  99fi,878  1,274,31!j  ;l,026,306
                                           Ton.            MO    ~,279  33,46(;  102,224
       02  Claim;, enrBl!:istrt;il.  Claims regiHered.  .. No.                   520
                                                                            1 ,
         Manufactures:     Manufactures:
       03  Etabfusements reeen'!.{-" ..  F-'<'JtablishmentsreportingNo.  13,818  15,754  23.034  4,845  1  6,584
       641  Ce.pitaux engag{i.....  Capital invested  ,  11  28,07] ,868 59,216,992 116,914,615 142.403,4071326,94(],92,')
       65  Employés... .. . .  Employees...... .. .  ~o.  66,714  85,673  116753  110,:329  158,207
       â~  Sl\la~refl et I!o"al!o"~s. . . . . .  Halaries and wage"  1  12,389,673 18.333,162 30.461;315 36,550.655 69.432,967
           Ml\t.lêres prenuêres.....  Rr.w material~  5  44,555,025 62.563.9f\7 80,712,496 86,679,771) 184,374,053
       6!'  Valeur brute de la pwd.  Gross value ot' prodllcts.  .•  77,205,182104,662,2581147,4.";9.583 1.58,287,994350,901,656
          Pelleteries:     Raw Furs:
       "   Valeur..........  Value ....      .S .           .., 1
                                             .S .
           Droite régaliens.
          Forces bydmuliques:  Water Power:
       71  Turbine:'! installées C.V..  Turbinf'.~ installed H.P.. ).lo.  ... !  4G8,977
         iUsines éIectrlq. ceotm es: Central EfectriL' Stations:
       72  1  Usines  ,..    Power hom:es   Xo.
       73  Capitaux engagés.  Capltallllve"'tOO  $ :.
       i4  EIectricité vendue.  Eleetricic energy "otd  $ .  1
          CommulùcatiOllS et  Communlcation~and       1
               transports:        Transportation:     1
       7.  Route" améliorée!>.  . . ..  lrnprov~d roads  2\'li.  1             404,~78
           Payé par le gonverncmell&.
       77  Ponts oonstruits  Paid by the Government.. _$ .  : :                   2S
                             Bridgl'l> buHt
                                         •••• No..
       78  Payé par le gouvernement  Paid by tbe Go\'ernment..$ .              79,88fo
       i9  Payé pat· muniC'ipalités.  Paid by municll"?alities  '0$ ..         73,450
       SO  COlH total des ponts,..  Total eost of bTldgcs  5 .  '1             153,:$05
       SI  Voies Jerrées.    RailWJl)'E.. . . .  .  Mi.  .' 1"          ·:i.48i  4,243
       82  TéJé]:Ihones ..... _  .....  Telephones.......  .No.  .  .  i.
       S3  AutomobiJe~ enregistrb.  Àuto. registratiOlL'l.  . .. No.  :  .     '1$78
          Activité économique:  Economie Activity:  1  i             1
       S4  Importation"...  .  Imports...........  . .. $ 43,094,412:  51.071,013 52,22IJ,5281  76,716,920 141,370,494
       85  Exportations......  EJtports      '$1' 39,ü2I.706 j  43,965,087 43,21G,O:'ltll  93,540,f\rm 123,725,û20
       86  Cies il. fonds social...  Joint stock eumpu.llie~  Xo.  141  15  14'1  75  277
       87  Capital soci:'lt.....  Cap'itaI stock...  $  1711000  1,112,000 ..~,3?2.'~~1  7,534,7IJIJ 24,100,200
       88  Grèyes et différends"  Strlkes and lockollts  ~'"a... .'....'...  28   19
       89  Bureaux de placement.  EmpLoyment bureau~.. Xo....  . ..                2
       i~ ca:::::~~::~:~::;'~"Ü;;;p::;:,:;:::~::"i.;.o.·n.·•.N~:.·ll':':' . ... .1
       ~~  Caisses fail,aIlt rapport.  Banks l'eporting.  ...
           Dépôts. . . . . . . . . . .  Deposits. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. $ ..  ..  '1'
       94  PrMs COllsentis...  Loans gl'antl!d...  .  $ .'  .
       9~)  Béné.fices réaliBés..  Profits l'eali~ed.  . .• .  . . .. .
         (il Les fa1.lriquet! f:J.iilUllt exc1usivemIOIlt l'(':cpédit.ion sont exeluC'i5.-Faet.ories exelusivl?ly llhipp'ing milk and eream ure
       uot induded!
         (8) CompriB dan~ -..-nleur dn fromllge.-Tncludcd in \'"alue of ehee'le.
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