Page 33 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 33



                                  FREKCH REGIME
                          DISCOVERY PERIOD (1492 TO 1608l

      14.92.-Christophcr Columbus discovers America a.nd explores the islands San Salvador, Cuba,
      1497.-Scbastian Cabot discovers Labrador.
      1500.-Gaspard Cortereal discovers Newfonndland.
      I524.-Verazzano explores the coast of America.
      1534.-First voyage of Jacques Cartier. Takes possession of the country in the name oC France
               and of Christ, by erecting a cross sunnounted by the arme of France at the head of
               Gaspe Bay.
      1535.---eartier's second voyage. Ascends the St. Lawrence ta Hochelaga.
      1541.-Cartier's third voyage. Brings several hundred volunteers.
      1598.-First attempt at colonization, in Acadia. The Marquis de lu Roc.he lands 60 conviets on
               Sable Island, where they remain prisoners for 5 years.
      1603.-DcChastes sends Champlain and Pontgravé on an exploring expedition in New France.
               They drnft a map of the Saint Lawrence up to Sault St. Louis.
      1604.-M. de Monts' Company sendB settlers to Acadia under the command of Champlain and
      Ib05.-Port Royal founded by de l\.lonts.
                          CO~PANY PERIOD (1608 TO 1663)

                        1sl Gopernor: Samuel Champlain (1608 '0 1635) (l)
      160R.-Quebec foundcd by Champlain.
      1609.-Champlain's expedition to the lake wmch bears his uame; in a first eneounter with the
               Iroquois, Champlain puts thcm ta flight.
      1610.-Champlain's second pxpedition against the Iroquois, on the river Richelieu. They are
               again repulsed.
      1611.-Two Jesuits, Rev. Fathers Massé and Bmrt, evangelize the Micmacs.
      1615.-In a third battle with the Iroquois, near the Great Lakes, Champlain is wounded and
               spends the winter in that region. Arrivai at Quebec of the Recollet Fathers Jamay,
               Dolbeau, LeCaron and Brother Duplessis.
      16I6.-Establishment of the first schools tI.t Three Rivers and Tadoussac, under the Recollets.
      1617.-Louis Hebert, the first settler, arrives at Quebee with his family.
      16lO.-Construction of Fort St. Louis at Quebec. The Recollet convent is erected on the site of
               the General HospitaJ oear the rivpr St. Chnrles.
      Ib21.-First civil registers opened nt. Quebee. First code of laws published at Quebec. Mont..
               morency Company fonned.
      1623.-First attempts of the Englîsh to eoionize Aca.dia under Sir William Alexander.
      16:l5.-Arrival of the Jesuit Futhers L::ùlemant, :\lassé and Brébeuf. establishes a farm near Cape Tourmente.
      lb27.-The Company of New France called that of the Hundred AssociHtes is founded.
      1619.---Quebec taken by the Kirke hrothers. Champlain lS brought to Engfand and latcr proceeds
               ta France.
      1632.-Quebec restored to France by t.he tretlty of St. Germain en Laye. Champlain resumeB
               the office of Governor and has the chapel of Kotre Dame de la Recouvrance built.
         II) From 1629 to 1632. Champlain rempined in France after the taking oi Quebec by the Rirke brothers,
      HUliluenots in the Ben'Îee of England.
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