Page 35 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 35

CHRONOLOGY                                5

       1634.-Three Hivers founded by de la. Violette. Robert Giffard obtain8 the first seigniory, where
                the municipality of Beauport js now located (near Qllebec),
       1635.-First col1ege founded at Quebec by the :Marquis de Garnache. Den,th of Champlain on
                25th December.
                         2nd Governor: M. de .Montmagny (1636 la 161,8)
       1636.-Island of }Iontreal granted ta M. de Lauzon,
       1637.-::\1. de Sillery founds an industria.l Behaol for the Indians j three miles above Quebec.
       1639.-Arrivai of the Ursuline and Hospital nUlls. Foundation of the convent of the former by
                Madame de la Pe1trie and of the Hotel Dieu by the latter through the generosity of
                the Duche&:ie d'Aiguillon.
       IMO.-Foundation of the Montreal Company, which purchases the island of that name.
       1642.-Foundnti.on of Montreal, then Ville Marie, by ':\L de Maisonneuve. Fort Richelieu built
                near Sorel by ::\1. de Montmagny.
       1644.-The Ratel Dieu of Montreal founded by Jeanne Mance.
       1645.-The Company of the Hundred Assoeiates transfers its rights to the Compagnie des Habi~
                tan ts. Montmagny concludes a treaty of peace with the Iroquois, the Algonquins
                and the Hurons.
       1646.-The Saguenay explored by Father Dablon. Martyrdom of Father Jogues, Jesuit, by the
                Iroquois. Fa.ther Druillette discovers the Kennebec and Chaudiere rivers.
       1647.-Lake St. John diseovered by Father DeQuen. Fort Richelieu burned by the Iroquois.
                "The Couneil of Quebec" established.

                         S'rd G01Jernor: jl1. d'Ailleboust (1648 to 1651)
       1648.-Massacre of Father Daniel and 700 noophytes by the Iroquois at the Indian Village of
                St. Joseph.
       1649.-Destruetion by the Iroquois of the Indian villages of St. Ignace, St. Louis and St. Jean.
                Massacre of Fathers Lalemant, Brebeui and Garnier and nearly a11 the Eurons.
       1650.-Martin Boutet opens a schooI at Quebee for the children of the French. The Ursuline
                convent bUrDt.
                           4th Governor: M. de Lauzan (1651 ta 1657)
       1651.-Duplessis de Kerbodot, governor of the place, murdered 0.1. Three Rivers.
       1653.-Arrival at Ville Marie of Marguerite Bourgeoys, fOlUldress of the Congregation de Notre
       1654.-The English seize Acadia.
       1657.-Arrival of the Sulpicians at Ville Marie.
       1658.-Canada erected into an Apostolic Viearia.te: Mgr. de Laval, titular bishop.

                          5th Governor: Al. d'Argenson (1657 W 1661)
       1659.-Arrival of Mgr. de Luval, first bishop of Quebec.
       1660.-Dollard and 16 eompanions sacrifice their lives to save Ville Marie from destruction by
                the Iroquois.
                          6th Goo"",or: M. a'Aoo"llour (1661 W 1663)
       1662.-The Governor having favored the trade in brandy with the Indiana, Mgr. de Laval com-
                pla.ins to the King of France and set'ures bis recall.

                      VICEREGAL GOVERNMENT PERIOD (1663 to 1670)
                            7th GouemoT: M. de Alésy (1668 to 1665)

       1663.--Sovereign Couneil estublished. Return of the charter of the Hundred A.ssoeiates ta the
                King of France. The Higher Seminary of Quebce fOWldcd by Mgr. de Laval. Great
                earthquake which lasts intermittently for six months. M. Gaudais-Dufort sent by
                the King to take possession of the country and the first censllB.
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