Page 136 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 136
En 1934, les écoles primaires représentaient En 1934, the primary schools constituted
96% du nombre total des maisons d'enseigne- 96% of the educatioD!\l institutions in the
ment de la province; il Yavait dans ces écoles Province; there were in these schoole 116,429
116,429 élèves de plus qu'en 1921. Le nombre more pupils than in 1921. The total number of
total des instituteurs et des institutrices de teachers, whieh was 17,201 in 1921, had
17,201 en 1921 est devenu 22,712. Les trois
tableaux des pages suivantes indiquent le nom- reached 22,712. The three tables of the follow-
bre des écoles, des élèves et des professeurs des ing pages show the nuntber of schools, pupils
institutions d'enseignement primaire dans and teachers of primary educational institu-
ehaque comté de la province de Québec. tions in each county of the Province of Quebee.
6 - Statistiques de l'ensemble des écoles primaj~es.
6--Statlstlcs of AU Prlmary Schools.
Nombre des ÉI~ves inscrits 1 Présence_moyenne
- -
Number of PupilR Enrolled Averllge Attendanoe
- Institu· Inatitu~ Po~
YEARS tcolea teurs trice,~ Gar"ons FillBl'l ::-lombre centage
- - - - - Totu.l - -
Scbools Male FelDale Boys Gir~ Number Per·
Te&ehem Teachers centage
1933-34.. .. 7,762 3,952 16,020 272,780 275,750 548,530 473,771 86.4
1932-33 ... 7,548 3,813 15,841 268,921 272,068 540,989 457,513 84.6
1931·32. .. . 7,543 3,754 15,725 263,487 270,224 533,711 449,570 84.2
193(}.31. . 7,449 3,681 15,329 257,887 265,082 522,969 436,489 83.5
1929-30 . 7,308 3,426 14,892 248,659 258,825 507,484 414,511 81.6
1928-29. 7,239 3,318 14,584 245,879 256,347 502,226 406,396 80.9
1927~28 7,175 3,188 14,532 240,522 251,703 492,225 400,020 81.2
1926-27. 7,133 3,104 14,275 237,43fj 248,137 485,573 392,832 80.9
1925-26. . ... 7,127 3,066 14,097 235,804 , 245,601 481,405 388,566 80.7
1924~25. 7,090 2,918 13,807 232,669 244,271 476,940 383,848 30.4
1923·24. 7,031 2,776 13,554 229,165 241,239 470,404 376,514 80.0
1922-23.. 6,965 2,691 13,162 227,981 238,429 466,410 369,070 79.1
1921-22 .. 6,913 2,578 1 12,892 224,955 235,791 460,746 368,513 79.9
1920-21.. 6,761 2,453 12,549 215,213 1 231,100 446,313 347,833 77.9
1933-34... ... .... 680 413 2,327 41,219 39,331 80,550 65,854 81. 7
1932·33. ... 674 381 2,361 41,212 39,322 80,534 65,607 81.5
1931-32.. .... ... 688 353 2,400 40,432 38,721 79,153 64,048 80.9
1930-31. 713 335 2,356 39,210 37,763 76,973 61,584 80.0
1929-.30. . ... 718 325 2,328 38,600 37,504 76,200 59,596 78.2
1928-29.. 732 321 2,290 31,900 37,247 75,147 51,828 76.9
1927-28. , ..... ... 73' 312 2,214 37,516 36,104 73,620 51,019 77.4
1926-27.. .. ... 753 301 2,223 36,572 35,587 72,159 55,186 76.4
1925-26.. 705 253 2,107 36,020 35,401 71,427 54,i.i80 76.5
1924-25.. 707 257 2,140 36,187 35,392 71,579 54,140 75.6
1923-24 .. ... 766 24 2,127 35,951 35.130 71,081 53,670 75.5
1922-23. ,. 781 222 2,132 35,688 35,308 70,996 53,OS9 74.7
1921-22 .. 782 182 1 2,075 35,494- 34,465 69,959 53,191 76.0
1920-21 .. .... 782 178 2,021 33,331 33,007 66,338 49,339 14.3
1933-34... .. 8,442 4,365 18,347 313,999 315,081 629,080 539,625 85.8
1932-33... . .... 8,222 4,194 18,202 310,133 311,390 621,523 523,120 .84.2
1931~32. . .... 8,231 4,122 18,125 303,919 308,945 612,8M 513,618 83.8
1930-31. .. .. .... .. 8,162 4,016 17,685 297,097 302,845 599,942 41)8,013 83.0
1929--30.. . '" .. 8,026 3,751 17,220 287,355 296,329 683,684- 474,107 81.2
1928-29. ..... ... 7,971 3,639 16.874 283,779 293,594 517,373 464,224 80.'
1927 R 28. ..... . 7,914 3,500 16,1016 278,038 287,801 565,845 457,039 80.7
1921>-27 ... ..... .. 7,886 3,405 16,498 274,008 283,724 557,732 448,018 80.'
192&-20.... .. .. .. 7,8Q2 ',324 10,264 271,830 281,002 552,832 443,255 80.1
1924-25.. 7,857 3,175 15,947 268,856 279,663 548,519 437,988 79.8
1923-24.. .. .... 7,797 3,018 15,681 265,116 276,369 541,485 430,1&4 79.'
1922-23... ....... .. 7,746 2,913 15,294 263,669 273,737 537,406 42"2,159 78.5
1921-22.... ... .. 7,695 2,7eo 14,967 260,449 270,256 530,705 421,104 79.4
1920-21. . ...... .. 7,543 2,631 14,570 248,544 264,107 512,651 3{l7,172 77.4
(1) 1tlé.D:1.eDtairee, oompl.émentaires et euprlrieures.-Elementary, oomplementary and supenoZ'.
(2) tlémentaires, intermédiaires et "Higb Bohools".-Elementary, intermediate and Hlgh &boolil.