Page 139 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 139

              8 - Elèves inscrits dans les écoles primaires par districts électoraux.
                 8-Pupils Enrolled ln Primary Schools by Electoral Districts.
         DIElTBICTB f:LECTOllA1:'X
                          1926-27  1927-28  1928-29  1929-30  1930-31  1931-32  1932-33  1933-34
         ELl!:CTORAL DHITRIcrra
       Abitibi  .           3,981  4,089  4,235  4,411  4,441  4,715  4,718  5.635
       k(!:6nteuil  .       4,208  4,247  4,387  4,447  4,519  4,516  4,667  4,6134
       AJothllbMka          0,802  6,683  6,761  6,fl79  0.836  7,038  6,893  6,735
       Bagat  .             3,938  3,851  3,860  3,896  3.845  3,938  4,000  3,878
       Beauce  .            10,439  10,399  10,595  10.567  10,733  10,186  10,272  10,287
       Bea.uharnoÎ;;.       4.267  4,442  4,45."i  4,541  4,568  4,954  4.964  4,879
       Bellecho.sse..       5,173  5.068  5,203  5,209  5,326  5,492  5.449  5,335
       Bert.hier.           5,080  5,121  5.032  5.033  5,234  5,224  4,991  5,005
       Bonaventure.      1  6,296  0,254  6.294  6,243  6.382  6,828  e,Sfl4  6,886
       Brome.               2,361  2,339  2,2\)4  2,257  2,283  2,357  2,397  2,357
       Chambly;'            6,16~  6,286  (j,33U  6,210  6,317  6,598  ~,512  0,445
       Champ !un ....  ..... ..  13,859  14,079  14,343  14,539  14,739  (1) 7,023  ',212  7.350
       Cha,rlevoix........ · , .. ..  00  4,659  4.fi71  4,702  4,762  4,841  4,939  5,048  5,177
       Châteauguay..... .....  ••  0  .0  2,833  2,920  2,858  2,945  2,814  3,039  3,108  3,037
       Chicoutimi.................  11,295  12,448  12,424  12,611  13,316  i  13,115  13,285  14.226
       Compton...................  4,950  4,353  4,958  4,893  4,910  4,987  4,949  4,9DD
       Deux-Montagnes-Two-Mu....  2,977  2,965  2,913  2,857  3,010  3,006  3,084  3,171
       Dorchester... .... .... ....  6,296  6,329  6,384  6.36g  6,514  7.237  7,229  7,159
       Drurnmond..  00 .....  5,032  5,410  5,432  .1,626  5,778  6.12,')  6,340  6,401
       Frontenac.... .....  .'i,733  6,042  6,061  6,0'17  6.229  6.214  6,202  6,323
       Gaspi\ ..... _..............  7,236  7,484  7,675  7,576  7,919  (2) ,  (2)  (2)
       Gasp~·Nord-GaspeNorth.  ........ .... .. .. . ........ .. ...  .......  2.884  2,884  2,858
       Gailpé-Su.-I-Gailpe South. .... ......... .....  .. ...  •  o •  .. ....  ·0·  ·0  .'i,190  5,137  5,015
       Gatineau..  .......... ..      0                       5.422  5,446  5.610
       Hull, .......  .....  11.239  11.374  .. ii3ii' .. Ù',429' ' 'lG~20' (1) 7,219  7,270  6,973
       Huntingdon.   .....  2,209  2,319  2,287  2.396  1  2.380  2,353  2,333  2,.'l81
       Iberville..... _.............  2.280 1 1  2,319  2.334  2,291  2,402  2,339  2,326  2,237
       Iles-de-Ia-Madel.-Madg. Isl'8.  1  1,736  1.729  1.713  1,704  1  1,745  1,737  1,775  1,765
       Jacques-Cartier. .......  16,723  18.388  19.276  20.512  20,788  20,731  21,490  21.574
       Joliette.......      6,667  0,693  6,732  6,460  7,213  7,185  7,318  7.143
       Kamouraska.   ......  5,359  5,297  5,456  5,550  5,750  5,807  1  5,669  5,726
       Labelle ............  4,208  3,178  3.871  4,046  4,126  4,457  3,\12~  4,291
       Lac-StrJean--Lake St.  j~h~';::  9,935  10.329  10,971  11,352  11.744 ,(1) 4,932  4,889  5.097
       Laprairie, .....  ....  2,586  2,578  2,625  2,653  2,831  ,  2,661  2,792  (31
       L'As8owption.. o· .......  ·0  3,102  3,023  2,904  2,947  3,030  3,093  3,211  3,183
       LavaL ....... ... ' .........  6,075  6,173  6,266  5,725  5,780.  5.878  5,909  6.120
       Laviolette..  •  .0 .....  .0.  00·                    7.841  8,060  8,039
       Li\vîs.     ·... ....  7,485  '1,774'  1",806. ... ·8'.éno' . .• '8',072  8,222  8.197 ,  7,927
       L'Islet ..... ....   4,047  4,023  4,011  4,H15  4,274  4.227  4,186 1  4,262
       Lotbinière, ....     4,849  4,929  4,829  4,9.'i2  5.079  5,285  5.534  5,698
       Maskinongé.  .0·     4,020  4,007  4,027  4,033  3,834  4,129  4,236  4,183
       Matane .. , ,        5,189  5,908  6,016  6,274  6,463  6,577  6,412  6,516
       Matapédia  .....     5,080  4,928  5,251  5,322  5.356  5,489  5,458  5,470
       Mégantic ..          7,697  7,875  7,944  8,073  8,094  7,981  7,924  7,932
       1-lissiilQuoi  .....  4,011  4,105  4,106  4,227  4.355  4,291  4,336  4,252
       Montcalm ......  .0.  3.337  3,275  3,342  3,400  3,367  3,431  3,469  3,372
       Montmagny.. ..... ....  4,532  4,403  4,442  4,514  4,524  4,624  4,479  4.703
       :'>-fontmorency ...... .....  ••  0  3,253  3,268  3,350  3,413  3,453  3,M6  3,628  3,620
       1fontréal, cité-city.  ••  0  141,388  143,259  147,86B  147,923  154,f'l36  157,226  161,932  164,627
                            1,989  1,903  1.945  1.900  1,891  1,921  1,921 (4) 4,692
       Napierville... ... .... o·
       Nioolet. .... ....  ·0·  7.001  7,009  7.085  7,135  7,198  1,204  7,326  7,319
       Papineau..           7.461  7.491  7,597  7,721  8,034  1,834  7,864  7,854
       Pontiao....  .0  •  .. ... .....  4,014  4,007  4.058  4,020  4,143  4,285  4,261  4.145
       Portneuf........     1,852  7,R25  7,830  7,731  1,874  8,069  8,157  8,232
       Qu~bec, cité~(''jty......  22,893  24.024  24.344  24,720  25,122  24,903  26,363  26,877
       ~u(,bec, comté-eounty. .....  7,125  7,250  7,462  1,515  1,698  i  8,084  8,012  8,586
        ·chelieu .............  o.·  4,153  4,lXII  4,099  4.229  4,430  4.428  4,358  4,309
       Richmond.  .00       5,400 ;  4.914  5.353  5,471  5,494  5,578  5,575  5,538
       Rimouski .......     5.817  5,7il3  5.809  5,773  5,il29  6,248  6,426  6,439
       Riviè:re-du-Loup. ...... .....  .0.  .....  . .......  ....  8,386  8,401  8,339
       RobervaL ...              ... 3'.204" ... 3',086' ... "g',iâi.  7,022  0,931  7,514
       Rouville...          3,408                      Ùgâ'   3,272  3,230  3,337
       Saguenay.            2,860  3.055  3,100  3,368  3,348  3,496  3.386  3,624
       Shefford.     ......  5,928  5.196  5,845  5.875  5,637  6,249  6,303  6,366
       Sherbrooke           6,813  6.995  7,223  7,549  7,529  7,702  7,754  7,710
       Soulanges...         2,130  2,112  2,106  2,015  l,99O  2.023  2,064  2,011
       Stanstead..     ••  0  5,375  5,511  .'i•.'il0  5-,501  5,565  .'i.660  5,812  5,83ft
       St-Hyacinthe.  .....  5,174  5.082  5,289  5,312  5,245  5,402  5,432  5,391
       St..Jean..  ......  .00  3,354  3,2n  3,388  3,5.'il  3,726  3.192  3,739  3,583
       St-Maurice.......    7,352  7,481  7,742  7,922  8.107  8,413  8,514  8,711
       Témiscamingue.       2,8S!  3,141  3,427  3,474  3,766  3,909  4,261  4,026
       Témiscouata.  .0    11,482  11.630  11,908  12,171  12.311  (l) 4,155  4,318  4,487
       Terrebonne.... , ...... _.....  8,154  7,954  8,023  8,459  8,620  8,942  9,22il  9.036
       Trois-Rivières-Three-Rivers..  6,465  6,824  1,201  7,582  7,(;96  8,323  8,a90  8,475
       Vaudreuil.           2,511  2,4r,5  2,471  2,472  2.410  2,401  2,414  2,405
       Verehêres.. , .      2,963  2,891  2,954  2,946  2,913  2.971  2,902  2,933
       WeAtmOUDt,    ......  1,605  8,125  8,504  8,994  9,362  Il,424  11,362  Il.469
       Wolfe ...... . ... .... .. ...  4,163  4.1I'i6  4,0..'i1  4,046  4,169  4.163
       Ya~ka.   .....       4,092  , ,  4.054  :i.022  3,96ü  i:~X~!  ::~l~  4,074 1  4,124
            TO'IAL.  .....  551,732  S6S,US  511,813 ,  583,684  - 59!'9UI-612,8G4  621,528  625,010
                                i                                        1
         (1)  DmunutlOn causée p!ir la (hV~~lOn de el" di~trl0t due to dlVlSlon of the eleot.oral dI8tncl.
         (2)  Maintenant Gl18pé--Nord et Gailpé·Sud.-Now Gaspe North and Gaspe South.
            Inclus a"~ :"1aplerviUe.-Included witb Napierville.
            Comprend Laprairie.-Includes Laprairie.
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