Page 61 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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1920.-Foundation of the Catholic Farmers' Union. The LegiBlature votes $1,000,000 for
Montreal University. Congress of Canadian universities held at"Laval University.
unveiling of DoUard monument in Lafontaine Park. Resignation of Sir Lomer
Gouin as Prime Minister; he is succeeded by Hon. Alexandre Taschereau. Unveiling
of the monument to Sir Etienne Cartier at Quehec.
1921.-Government assumes control of the sale of liquor (lst May). Gift of $1,000,000 by the
Legislature to Laval and :YleGill Universities. Hon, L. A. Taschereau given the
degree of Doctor of Laws at Toronto University. Viait of the French Mission under
Field Marshall Fayolle to several cities in the Province. Federal Elections (6th
December); 65 LiberaIs elected in Quebec. Reception ro Marshall Ferdinand Foch.
IHh GOV(J7"T1()T' General: Lord Byn(J (1921 /.0 1926).
1922.-Appointment of a commission for the preservation of historic monuments. Institution
of a prize for literature. Grant of $10,000 to each c1assical college. Inauguration of
Laurier monument at Arthabaska. The number of government scholarships is increaaed
to fifteen. Official inauguration of the school of Fine Arts of Quebec. The Royal
sanction is given to lift the embargo aga,inst Canadian cattle (London, 15th Decernber).
1923.-Provincial. elections: Liberal Governroent maintained in power. Inauguration of the
Radium Institute at the University of Montreal. Erection of a monument in memory
of Abraham Martin, first pilot of the St. Lawrence. Y10nument erected to Cardin1l.1
Taschereau, first Canadian Cardinal. Death of the eminent Canadian historian,
Benjamin Sulte. Eucharistic Congress in Quebec. School for paper-makîng inaugu-
rated at Threc Rivers.
1924.-Merger of the Hochelaga and National Banks, the Provincial Governroent granting
them a Loan of $15,000,000. The park of Mount Tremblant and Laurentides NatiOn1l.1
Park erected inro forest reserves. Appointment of three accountants to audit the books
of municipalities. Offieial reception to B. R. H. the Prince of Wales on arrivaI in
Canada (19th October).
1925.-Visit of delegates of "Bonne Entente". Serious seismic disturbance feLt throughout the
Province. Dr. L. J. Lemieu.'I:, appointed Agent General of the Province, at London.
Beatification of eight Jesuits Martyrs of New Franee. Death of H. E. Cardinal L.
N. Bégin, lïth bisLtop and 7th archbishop of Quebec. Honourable P. C. Larkin,
High Commissioner for Canada, at London, returns to the City of Quebec the shield
bearing the Arms of the King of Francc which General Murray had taken from the
gates of Quebec, in 1759. The City of Hastings, England, custodian of this trophy
since the conquest, consents to return it in recognition of services rendered by Canlldian
soldiers during tbe great war. Judgment of tbe Privy Council defining tbe rights and
privileges of Fcderal and Provincial governments to the beds of rivers. The Province
of Quebec retains ownership of beds of rivers and beach lots.
1926.-A new system of registering births, marriages and deathB is put into force. Sanction of
the act prohibiting the export of electric power developed in the Province of Quebec.
ConAagratiou at Riviere du Loup, 57 buildings destroyed entailing [oss of $1,000,000.
Unveiling of an historica! tablet to the memory of the patriots of 1837, at "La place
des Patriotes", Montreal. Mgr Raymond Marie Rouleau, Bishop of Valleyfield,
appointed Archbishop of Quebee. Death of Hon. L. O. David, seuator and bisterÎ1l.n.
ImperiaL Conferencc in London. Inauguration of the Canadilln Students' Home,
in Paris, by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.