Page 300 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 300

282                           PRODUCTION
               2-Superficie rendement el "aleur des grandes cultures dans la pro"ince.-(Fin).
                    2-Area, Yield and Value of Field Crops in the Province.-(Concl.).
                                      8upcrficiCR                        Prix moyeo
                                      en.'i-emeocéea  QUBnt.ités  Reodement.  Valeur  l'uoité de
                                       (eo Bcre.)  récoltœ.  il. l'acTe  tot."le  mesure
                ANNl!:ES -  YEAIŒ        -        (1)     (1)      -        -
                                        AreR.    Total   Yield    To,,,1  Average
                                        Seedcd   Yield   per acre  VallIe  Priee, per
                                       (iD acres)                          UoÎt 01
                                                       1                  MelLBure
                                POMMES DE TElHŒ -  POTATOES
         1931   " .    .    .       .   143,400  14,244,000  1Xl.30  $'3,798,000  Il 0.48
         1933                       ..  1:13,100  13,444,000  101.00  9,.%1,000  0.71
         19:1'2.  . ..............•..•...  132,500  11,476,000  87.00  7,229,000  0.63
         1931.....        .         ..  116,190  16,897,000  116.60  8,617,000  0.61
         1930     ....................•....  166,800  13,491,000  81.40  12,816,000  0.96
         10~9..................•... , .....•.......  162,411  15,429,000  115.00  19,749,000  1. 28
         1928                       ..  164,000  13,071,000  79.70  13.694,000  1.04
         (1)27.      .   ,        ..    162,000  14,176,000  87.60  18,56\1,000  1.31
         1926                    .      159,000  14,676,000  92.30  20,618,000  1.40
         1926                       .   166,000  10,982,000  70.40  35.69~,000  3.26
         1924 ..........•......................  169,000  16,743,000  106.30  16,07:1,000  0.96
         1923                ..         157,817  18,761,000  118.75  19,177,000  1.02
         1922... ..•..........  .   .   206,'234  16,983,000  82.36  18,342,000  1.08
                         NAVETS, BETTERAVES, ETC. -  TURNIPS, BEETS, ETC.
         1034......                     38,800  10,204,000 Il  :.'l63.oo  S3,H1,000  80.34
         1933. .. .   .                 36,400  7,84.7,000  216.00  3,073,000  0.39
         1932.                          33,300  8,778,000  264.00  3,248,000  0.37
         1931... .  ..       .•..       25,762  6,640,000  267 70  2,856,000  0.43
         1930.      ..                  Ml,300  10.840,000  182.80  6,420,000  0.50
         1929..     . .  .........•...... .  40,437  8,333,000  206.10  6,333,000  0.64
         1928................           34,000  5,6111,000  163.20  4,106,000  0.74
         1927. . . . .     . . • . . . . . . . . .  34,000'  5,168,000  152.00  3,359,000  0.65
         1\l'26...................      34,000  4,940,000  145.30  2,816,000  0.57
         1925....................................  34,000  3,682,000  108.30  3,68:.'l,000  1.00
         1924................           33,1.00  6,413,000  161. 10  3,789,000  0.70
         1923. .. .. ... ..•.........   33,Ili8  6,563,000  193.26  6,425,000  0.83
         1922....................       48,812  7,719,000  158.16  6,638,000  0.86
                              FOIN ET Tn~FUJ -  .tIAY AND CLOVER.
         1934.          .. . .. .. . .  .. ..  3,.~35,800  4,848,000  1.37  $57,433,000  $11.84
         1933....................      3,381,000  3,279,000  0.97  1 30,760,000  9.38
         1932. . ... .... ...      . ..  3,455.100  4,837,000  1. 40  34,343,000'  7.10
         ~~~ô:::::::::::: :: ~  ,.::::::::::::: ~:~88:8~g  ::~~I:g~g  ~ :~g  1 40,28{,000  6.50
         1929.. . ....................•......  4,306,727  6,306,000  1.40  1 71,258,000  Il.30
         IlI28.. . ..  . .. . ....•..  .. ..  .. .. .  4,278,000  6,203,000  1.45  62,092,000  10.01
         1927...                 .  . .  4,236,000  6,778,000  1.00  1 07,609,000  9.96
         1926   ,.........................  4,163,000  6,607,000  1.35  65,714,000  11. 72
         1926   ,..............................  4,llZ,000  6,703,000  1.63  58,517,000  8.73
         1924.......                   4,0.11,000  6,087,000  LilI  66,957,000  11.00
         1923. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . .  3,9,,2,301  5,666,000  1.45  62,297,000  11.00
         1922....................................  3,998,036  5,391,000  1.35  75,558,000  14.00
                              MAIS FOURRAGER ---;FODDER CORN
         1934 ........................  62,400   467,000   8.91  81,~36,000  S 3.93
         U33 . ................................ ...  44,200  470,000  10.62  1,357,000  2.89
         1932. ............ ................  51.000  0197,OflO  9.75  1,325,000  2.67
         1931. ....................     44,146   469,000   10.62  1,642,000  3.50
         1930. ...................................  70,800  600,01l0  8.47  3,600,000  6.00
         Hl'29  ................................  87,379  885,000  10.07  4,301,000  4.86
         1928..... ............. ..................  83,000  6~,000  7.99  3,965,000  5.98
         1927 ..... ...............................  85,000  680,000  8.00  3,244,000  4.77
         19'26 ....................................  88,000  700,000  7.96  3,150,000  4.50
         1925............. ...... ................  90,000  828,000  9.20  3,726,000  4.50
         1924 ..       ..................  92,000  860,000  9.35  4,360,000  6.07
         1\l'23 ..     ..........       91,283  7~2,OOO    8.55  3,708,000   1.75
         11122 ..    ....................  120,592  874,000  7.25  5,681,000  6.50
                                     LUZERNE -  ALFALFA
         1934 .................. , ..............  7,600  IR,OOO  2.38  8236,000  813.11
         1933 .............•....•.................  6,700  16,300  2.68  172,000  11.21
         1932 .....•..•...............•.. , ........  13,400  33,500  2.60  :.'l1l5,Ooo  8.61
         1931 ............. ........... ............  8,864  32,000  3.61  267.000  8.35
         1930 ............... .....................  14,200  31,000  2.18  388,000  12.60
         1Il29....................................  24,078  46,000  1. 91  M9,COO  11.72
         Hl28...................•...............  23,000  57,000  2.48  536,000  9.33
         HI27 ....................................  23,000  53,000  2.32  416,000  7.1l3
         1926 ..... ...............................  22,200  43,000  1.95  323,000  7.50
         1921l .......... , ............. , ........  22,000  46,000  2.10  ,122,000  7.00
         1924 .............................  21,500  41,000  1. 90  349,000  8.50
         1923 ..... ...........................  21,9iO  47,000  2.15  31>4,000  7.50
         H122 . ................................  30,200  45,000  1.60  521,000  11.50
              (1) Pommetl de terre, navets, bet.teraves, etc., en. qUintaux: roin et trAile, male èl..luzerne, eD tonnea.-Pot.B.te>e8,
         turnipe. boots. etc., in cwt.; hay and elovcr. CQrÏl a.nd alfalfs, in tous.
   295   296   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305