Page 298 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 298
2-Superficie, rendemenl el valeur des grandes cultures dans la province.
2-Area, Xield and Value of Field Cr9PS in the Province.
Superficies Qllanti\~. Rendement 1
ensenlencées ré(.oltéc~ i\ l'~,cTe Valeur PTJX moyeo
(en acres) (en boisseaux) (en bo~ca=) tola.!e du boi:='~eau
Area To~,al Yield 1'01.•.1 Average
Seerled Yield per Aore Value Priee per
(in "crca) (in bu.hela) (in bushel.) 1 Bn.bel
HI34 .................•....•............. 63,800 1,245,000 l!l.60 SI,214,OOO $ 0.98
1933 " 58,200 979,000 16.80 762,000 0.78
1932............ . .........•.......... 52.000 952,000 18.30 695,000 0.73
1931 ................•....•............. 39,220 798,000 20.30 614,000 0.77
1930........... . . 58,700 1,050,000 18 00 998,000 o 95
1929 ............................•.... 58,266 995,000 17.10 1,622,000 1.63
1928 ...........................•.....•. 57,000 929,000 16.30 1,561,000 1. 68
1927 . 61,000 1,049,000 17.20 i,S46,OOO 1. 76
1926 . 64,000 1,091,000 17.10 1,915,000 1. 76
1925.. .. . . 68,000 I,HIO,OnO 17.60 2·,094.000 1. 76
1924 . 611,000 1,132,000 16.40 1,879,000 1.66
1923 ...............•.................... 74,478 1,194,000 16.00 1,758,000 1.47
1922............ .. .. 145,04.7 2,286,000 15.75 3,491,000 1. 63
1934................. . . 1,679,800 48,262,000 28.70 $20,757,000 $ 0 43
1933 . 1,718,000 ·14,880,000 26. JO 16,379,000 0.36
1932 .................•................ 1,7"5.,~0 51,024,000 29.40 18,369,000 0.36
1931. ......................•............ 1,657,452 ·17,223,000 28.60 17,M5,OOO 0.38
1930.. . . 1,890,800 i50,6~ij,OOO 26.60 23.798,000 0.47
1929 . 1,820.,0-12 47,47.'\,000 26.00 36,081,000 o 76
102S...............•...............•.... 1,740,000 41,031,000 23.50 30,773,000 0.7,5
1027 .......•............................ 1,782,000 50,609,000 28.40 35,932,000 0.71
1926 ' .........................•... l,856,OO() 49,741,000 26.80 31,834,000 0.64
192,~................. . . 1,856,000 54,010,000 29.10 32,946,000 0.61
1924 .......................•............ 1,838,000 5O,lIl3,IlOO 27.70 32,584,000 0.64
1923 ....................•............... 1,BIO,U20 48,845,000 26 7f> 28,026,DOO 0.57
11122 ........•........................ 2,252,016 62.,281,000 27.75 38,614,000 0.62
1034 , .. , , . 132,600 3,3JO,OOO 25,00 $~,023,000 S 0.61
19~3 . 130,800 3,.117,000 23.80 1,625,000 0.52
1932 .......•......................... 111,300 2,938,000 25.70 1,057,000 0.53
1931 ....................•.......•....... 96,7lJ2 2,449,000 25.30 1,371,000 0.56
1930..... , ............................•. IM,700 ~,678,000 23.50 2,391,000 0.66
1929 .......................•.........•.. 104,016 3,512,000 22.80 3,7,~8,OOO 1.07
1928............•.......•............... 128,000 2,80~,000 21.90 3,11.1,000 1.11
1927......... . ...........•. 125,000 ~,088,000 21.70 3,304.,000 1.07
1926. . , . 124,000 2,014,000 23.50 2,972,000 1.02
1925 ............•..................•.... 124,ODO 2,976,000 :H.OO 3,006,000 1.01.
1924. " .••. , ....•........ " ... 124,000 2,939,000 2:1.70 2 \l39 000 1.00
1923. . ......•...... 134,771 2,895,000 23.25 Z;629:DOO 0.91
1922 , . 155,678 3,549.000 22.15 3,277,000 0.92
1934 .....•........................... 5,500 91,000 16.60 S 62,000 S 0.68
1933. . ,. 5,100 82,000 16.10 59,000 0.72
1932. . . n,200 98,000 15.80 67',000 0.68
1931. . . ,;j,56::S 86,000 15.50 60,000 0.70
19~0. . . 17,500 300,000 17.70 232.000 0.75
1920. . , .......•.. , , . JO \l54 173,000 15.80 25,~.ODO 1.47
1928 , .•...•....... , .. 12;000 lRl,OOO 15.10 272,000 1.50
1927 .....•.........................•.... 12,200 214,000 17.50 :338,000 1.58
19Z6 . ..........•.. , .•....•........•..•.• 12,500 199,llOO 15.110 316,000 1.59
1920 .. 1.1,000 238,000 18.30 .326,000 1.37
1924 .....•.............•..... 13,DOO 1!l5,OOO 15.00 275,000 1.41
1923 , , . 13,499 201,000 15.00 249,000 1.24
1922......•..•.......................... 18,736 288,000 15.50 364,000 1.26
1934. . .. 19,100 ~17,OOO 16.60 S 524,000 8 1.05
11133 . 18.1100 :lO3,000 16 30 47l,DOO 1.63
1932. .. .. 19,300 3~() 000 16.60 458,DOO lA3
1931 ....................•........... 17,270 28:1;000 16.40 412,000 1.46
11130 . 38,200 556,000 14 .60 1,168,000 2.10
1929 , . ~4,80tl m9,OOO 15.50 l,5DO,000 2.95
1928 . 35,000 508,000 14.50 1,4:>:1,000 2.86
1927.....•....................... 36,DOO 569,000 15.80 1,474,000 2.ô9
192G . 38,000 5!n,Ooo 15.60 1,194,000 2.52
1025 . 40,000 620,000 15.50 1,637,000 2.64
1924 , . 40,000 016,000 15.40 1,540,000 2.60
1923.. . . 40,~74 02;;'000 15.21i 1,646,000 2.74
1922 .. 64,096 014,000 14.26 2,606.000 2.50